"Sure enough, it's not an illusion. It grew so fast overnight, and the fourth petal is about to bloom. Big sister has worked hard for more than a year, plus Dad's help several times, to barely reach the sixth level of Transcendent Realm, I But it is about to be promoted to the legendary realm, how can there be such an easy thing in the world. This flower is strange, so it is necessary to guard against it.”

Yuxin analyzed it calmly like a tight machine. When she turned her palm over, a lot of bottles and jars and some brochures immediately appeared in front of her.

These are all things that the young director of the Blood Demon Sect had named. As a descendant of the Blood Demon Sect, he is extremely wealthy, and he also carries all kinds of advanced inheritance exercises from the Blood Demon Sect, but now they are all cheap. Xin.

"Blood Nerve! It is rumored that this exercise is a half-scroll sutra obtained by the ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect. It is inherited from the ancient Blood God. This Blood God was so powerful in ancient times. I don't know if he can let me learn his exercises."

Yu Xin murmured, raised her hand and opened the secret booklet that recorded "Blood Nerve", and read it carefully.It turned out that her Jiuyin Extinction Vessel could not only contain Pill Fire, but also could not refine True Qi. Ordinary Qigong techniques were useless to her.

"...Everyone in the world cultivates the Immortal Vessel of the Lunhai, using themselves as a boat to cross the boundless sea of ​​Dao. Only I am different. I want to melt blood, melt the sea with blood. Blood-robbing finger, blood-robbing palm, blood-robbing body, refining the sky with blood!"

This "Blood Nerve" is not a complete version, it's just a fragment, but after rectification by the great monks of the Blood Demon Sect, the mental methods of the first few realms have been basically penetrated, and it is enough to cultivate to the realm of the rank nine great saints.

Yu Xin finished reading it, closed her eyes for a while, and murmured softly: "This blood god has taken a different approach, instead of refining true qi in the meridians, not condensing the sea of ​​​​in the dantian, but storing all the spiritual qi in the blood, Every drop of blood is as powerful as the blood of the ancient beasts, no wonder I can dye the sixth sea world red with a drop of blood. In this way, I can also practice this technique."

Ren Shaoming practiced "Blood Nerve", and there were many blood pills in the storage ring to assist cultivation, all of which were refined from the blood essence of fierce monsters, and were extremely precious.

Yu Xin tried to take a blood pill, and then practiced according to the method of "Blood Nerve", and she made rapid progress, but in one morning, she cultivated the first-level mental method to the realm of small success, and mastered a martial skill: blood robbery refer to!

According to the description of the blood demon sect seniors in the scriptures, the blood robbery finger is so powerful that it can capture the blood energy of the enemy in the air. In terms of rank alone, it is never under the martial arts of the imperial rank. With the "Blood Nerve" mental method, its power is even more powerful. Can be multiplied.Android Novel www.anzhuowang.net

Although Yu Xin was cultivating for the first time, she also knew the reason not to rush for success, so she did not continue to practice, but looked at other items.

Ren Shaoming is rich, but besides "Blood Nerve", the most valuable are "Three Thousand Thunder Movement" and a volume of "Blood Refining Magic Book".

Needless to say, "Three Thousand Thunders", "Blood Refining Magic Book" is the secret tome of the blood demon sect. It records the refining methods of blood demon puppets, blood spirit swords, blood spirit pills and other strange objects. The work of countless generations of ancestors of Yaozong.

After figuring out the purpose of all the items, Yu Xin swept away her sleeves, put them all away, and flew towards the outside of the forest. The goal this time was the branch hall of the Soul Palace in Wuyudongtian. .

"Look, Ruthless is back."

"Fuck, this guy actually killed Ren Shaoming, that's the king of the legendary realm, and the young sect master of the Blood Demon Sect."

"No wonder Inspector Li values ​​her so much. She joined the Soul Palace a few days ago, and she has already completed more than a dozen tasks. This month's points have reached the third place. The assassination of Ren Shaoming is a four-star task, and the reward points are very high. , maybe she can directly surpass the number one golden killer Ran Feng."

"Ran Feng is the son of the second peak master. I heard that he plans to be promoted to the Dark Gold Killer this month, but he is disturbed by the Ruthless Bronze Killer. I'm afraid there is no hope."

The surrounding soul hall killers were talking a lot, and many good people followed Yu Xin into the mission hall of the third peak.

"I'm here to hand in a mission, a four-star mission: assassinate Ren Shaoming." Yu Xin handed over a mission token and said in a flat tone.In this token, there is a remnant of Ren Shaoming's life.

The disciple in charge of the reception did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly went through the formalities for Yu Xin, respectfully saying: "The verification is correct, the reward points for this task are 3000, and they have been issued."

"Look, the ruthless points surpassed and reached the first place!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone looked at the five prison list hanging in the air in the mission hall.

I saw that the word 'ruthless' rose directly from the third place to the first place, and with the brilliance of bronze, it overwhelmed the nineteen golden killers below!

Chapter 75 The first golden killer of the bloody battle!

At this time, Yu Xin also looked up at the five prison lists, and saw that her total points were 6600 points, which was a full [-] points more than Ran Feng, who was in second place.This is also because her strength was low when she first refined the other side of the flower, and she could only take some low-level tasks, otherwise she would have more points now.

"6600 points, it will cost 15000 points to exchange information about Yihuo, and it seems that we will continue to work hard." Yu Xin murmured in her heart, and said to the deacon disciple behind the counter: "Take out the three-star and four-star task list, I'm taking another mission."

"Oh...Okay." The deacon disciple couldn't help but feel a little reverence in his heart. The three-star task corresponds to the supernatural powerhouse, and the four-star task is to deal with the legendary king. Even the golden killer and the dark gold killer dare not take it at will. taken.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the door: "Wait!"

The Soul Palace killers who surrounded the door immediately opened a passage, and saw a cold man in a golden brocade clothes walked in, followed by several gold-level killers, majestic.

"What a powerful force."

"Tear the wind gluttonous, this is Ran Feng's arrival!"

"Ran Feng really can't sit still. It's a shame to be surpassed by a bronze killer."

When the killers saw the gluttonous beast on the black-robed man, they recognized the man's identity. Although the soul palace killers would wear masks that could isolate spiritual exploration in the five prison caves in order to ensure privacy, the body The colors and logos of the clothes can still identify them very well.

For example, Yuxin's bronze robe is tattooed with a delicate and beautiful other side flower, while Ran Feng's golden robe is tattooed with a gluttonous glutton that seems to tear the sky. Taotie's blood can be transformed into Taotie, which is extremely fierce.

This Ran Feng was very powerful, strode to Yu Xin, looked down at her coldly, and said proudly: "You are a little bronze killer, how dare you take the task of three-star and four-star boldly, and regard the Soul Palace as a Where is it, give me an honest start with a one-star mission!"

Yuxin said calmly: "There is no such rule in Soul Palace."

"Bold, do you know who I am?" Ran Fengfeng said angrily: "I am the first golden killer Ran Feng, even the legendary king has assassinated two, my father is the second peak master, how dare you follow I talk about rules? In these five hells, I am the rules!"

Yuxin is ruthless and lustless, and it is even less likely that she has a heart of reverence, and she still said calmly: "The rules of the Five Hells Caves are established by the hall master of the branch hall. If you want to say this, you must first become the hall master. "

"You're looking for death, how dare you use the hall master to press me!" Ran Feng felt that his lungs were about to explode, and the strong people in the soul hall were respected. As the number one golden killer, if he couldn't suppress even a bronze killer Live, I am afraid that it will immediately sweep the floor with majesty.

"I have no respect, I will kill you now, let's see who is here to help you!" Ran Feng's eyes flashed a cruel color, and he strode forward suddenly, taking a huge black palm print, a gust of wind and waves Like pressure swept over.


Yu Xin immediately took action and drew a finger, as if with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth. Behind her, a vague blood-colored ghost appeared faintly. Return from the world of the dead.

"Ah..." Bibi eBook www.bibitxtxs.com

Ran Feng, who hadn't rushed to the front, suddenly let out a shrill roar, and the bright red blood energy burst out of his body, as if being pulled by a powerful force, tearing it apart.

But in an instant, Ran Feng had turned into a bloody man, covered in blood, and the blood was sprinkled all over the mission hall.


A more terrifying thing happened. The blood that was poured everywhere was absorbed by the bloody ghost, which made his body a little more solid, and it was faintly visible that he was deep in hell, but he was about to break free. At that time, the color of heaven and earth will change, and the floods will collapse.


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