The ruthless man blushed and said, "I've been cultivating with all my strength for a few days, can't I just take a rest for a while?"

In fact, with her personality, she doesn't really want to enjoy it. At this time, it's just that there are too many rules for refining in the hell oven, and the Huangquan sword soul can't keep up with the speed of absorption, so she stopped for a while. But he was acting like a spoiled brat to Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian naturally wouldn't tell her about betting with others, he just shook his head and said, "If you want to rest, of course Dad won't stop you. I'm just here to tell you that Wu Shi and Xing Tian are both I have chosen the law that I am best at, and I have already climbed to more than sixty levels at this time, and the number of places that can enter the topmost chaotic area is limited. If you continue at this speed, I am afraid it will be too late."


The ruthless man thumped in the water and splashed a large amount of waves. This was a major event. She was bound to win the chaotic area on the top floor of the Tongtian Tower.

Because she has been in charge of teaching Zi Yan, no one knows better than her how terrifying Shi Lunhai is, which represents a kind of detached and perfect power.

From a ten-thousand-foot-high building on the ground, Lunhai, as the foundation of every martial artist's cultivation, can be said to be the most important. Ten Lunhai is more than nine Lunhai, the difference is not just one Lunhai, but almost double the heritage.

At the beginning, Zi Yan was only a half-step demon king. With ten rounds of sea, she could almost resist the ruthless man who had reached the middle-level king. The increase in combat power was terrifying, you can imagine.

So when the ruthless man learned that he might miss this opportunity, he immediately became a little anxious.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Zhang Tian smiled and comforted a few words, leaned down, pulled back the few strands of water-stained blue silk on Ruthless Man's cheek, looked at her beautiful face like a hibiscus, and said gently, "You can feel at ease step by step. The rules will do, and the rest, Dad will solve it for you."


The ruthless man leaned his cheek against Zhang Tian's palm, feeling the familiar temperature, and his mood became soothed.

Zhang Tian stood up and looked towards the upper floors, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Tongtian Tower, on the [-]rd floor, one of the palaces is like a peach forest, with flowers blooming everywhere, and the scenery is pleasant.

There are many strange trees up to several hundred meters tall, and the trees bear fruits like peaches, with different colors and sizes, but all of them exude a strong life force, which is the passage of the law of life.

The laws of life, in terms of the mysterious degree, are enough to rank in the top ten of the three thousand heavenly laws.

But if you want to rank according to the laws that warriors most want to master, the laws of life can be firmly ranked in the top three.

The reason is very simple, what is the purpose of martial artist cultivation?Long live!

But even if he is fully sublimated and becomes the existence of the ancient emperor, it will be difficult to live for [-] years. Even if he is nourished with countless life-saving medicines, living for [-] years can be called a miracle.

However, to prove the existence of the emperor with the law of life, he can have an astonishing [-] years of life!

This is the real life essence, the life is long and endless, equivalent to ten times the life essence of ordinary great emperors, how can we not make people crazy.

It's just that this rule is too difficult, too difficult.

This road is too rugged, and it has stopped countless arrogances.

Just like the Tongtian Tower in the Life of the Dead, although there are also life-law routes to choose from, since the day it was refined, for [-] million years, the talents who have climbed from the life-law route to the top of the tower together are no more than one hand. number.

At this time, Zi Yan's little girl was sitting on a high-forked tree, holding a red fairy fruit and eating it, her black and beautiful big eyes were fascinated by a gap.

He didn't even know that he was accomplishing an amazing achievement that was enough to shake the nine great mountains and seas. , , .

Chapter 611 Touch Zi Yan's belly


With a slight tremor in the void, Zhang Tian's figure appeared behind Zi Yan out of thin air.

Looking at the girl's foodie look, Zhang Tian flicked her head angrily.


Zi Yan cried out in pain, so frightened that the fruit of life almost fell, she quickly held it carefully, and turned around, her face was full of suffocation.


In the next moment, the little girl's face changed again, showing a very surprised expression, she jumped directly on Zhang Tian, ​​and said coquettishly: "Dad, why did you come to me, I've been sleepy here for several days, but it's boring. already."

After speaking, the little girl brought the half-eaten fairy fruit to Zhang Tian's mouth again, and said very vigorously: "Dad, I invite you to eat fairy fruit, this fruit is delicious, even better than Zhu Guo, and As many as you want."

Zhang Tian glanced at her speechlessly. This fruit is formed by the condensed law of life. It can be said that the law has been embodied to the extreme. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairy fruit. As long as you eat this fruit, you can comprehend part of the law of life. .

It sounds simple, but it is actually more difficult. The more the power of the law is compressed, the more domineering it is. Even if ordinary Tianjiao wants to refine all the fruits of life on the first floor, it will take ten days and a half months. Even if the ancient emperor dared to swallow the fruit of life on the [-]nd floor, he would have to explode and die.

Only Zi Yan, the ultimate foodie physique, can resist the power of such a violent law. Thinking that when this girl was still in Wuliu Village, she ate hundreds of thousands of years of Zhuguo. For her, it is There is nothing that cannot be eaten.

"Just know how to eat, how did you get here?"

Zhang Tian tapped on the little girl's head again and said angrily.


Zi Yan hurriedly protested and took a bite of the fruit of life as if to vent her anger, and then said vaguely: "I don't know, it was suddenly sucked in, and then a group of wicked people used the realm to catch me. , I tore through the void and escaped, ran and ran into this place, and then saw a fairy fruit tree."

Zhang Tian shook his head and smiled, thinking that those who caught Zi Yan should be the demons, but wanting to use the domain seal to capture the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor is tantamount to a dream.

The little girl swallowed all the pulp with all her strength, and the two bulging cheeks returned to normal, and continued, "I was hungry when I saw those fairy fruits, and I thought about eating the fruits before going out. But I didn't expect that. , just after eating the last fruit, it suddenly sent me to another fruit forest, and then I kept eating..."

Zi Yan scratched her fingers and seemed to want to count how many fruits she had eaten, but she finally gave up, making a big circle with her hands in the air, "Anyway, I ate a lot of fruits, so I got here, and then I saw Dad."

"You don't feel anything after eating so many fruits of life?"

With a speechless expression, Zhang Tian couldn't help raising his hand to lift Zi Yan's skirt away, and touched her belly. She didn't know how many rare fairy fruit medicines were hidden in her belly, but the little girl looked like she was being The shape is average, and she doesn't grow taller, she still looks like a little loli.

And there was no fat on this little belly, it was tight and smooth like silk, it felt very comfortable to touch, like stroking a piece of cool jasper.


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