Zi Yan let out a silver bell-like laughter, twisting her body, as if it was itchy, and finally got into Zhang Tian's arms, put her arms around his neck, and said softly: "Dad, don't touch it. , Zi Yan ate a lot of fruit just now, but she hasn't digested it yet. This fruit is very powerful, and it's not easy to digest. Zi Yan slept for a while before."

"Any changes other than sleeping?"

Zhang Tian continued to touch, ignoring the little girl's protest, because it was a fun feeling, and the waist was too slender to be grasped, and every time he went deeper, Zi Yan begged for mercy.

Zi Yan was completely tired of Zhang Tian's arms, exhaling like Lan said: "After sleeping and waking up, Zi Yan feels that her strength has increased, it has become very large, countless times larger than before, it seems that it can be pushed down with just one palm. A mountain, I really want to fight that Xiaopeng Wang again, this time I will definitely knock him down with one punch!"

The little girl waved her hand vigorously, looking like a violent woman.

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "That's right, that Hunyuan Xiaopeng King is in the tower."


Zi Yan's eyes lit up first, and then she waved her hand indifferently and said: "It's no fun to beat him, I should be someone who challenges more."

In the words, there is a touch of desolation, as if Dugu is seeking defeat.

In fact, this girl has really become very powerful. Her strength is that her bloodline is strong, her qi and blood power is invincible, and she has ten round seas. Long Yuan is very majestic, and she can mobilize the Qinglong halberd for a long time, which is almost comparable to The imperial soldiers of the imperial army, and the battles beyond the ranks are common.

And after comprehending the law of life this time, her strengths have been magnified by nearly ten times. The strength of her vitality is almost comparable to that of ordinary demon emperors. Release, of course, no longer put Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang in his eyes.

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "That's right. Dad made a bet with someone else. Now there is a little problem, and I need your strength."

"What bet? What does Dad want me to do, Zi Yan promises to complete the task!"

The little girl loves to play nonsense the most, and she immediately became motivated when she heard the 'bet', and directly patted her little chest and assured Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian recounted his bet with Venerable Ananda, Palace Master Yaochi, and Emperor Qingxuan, and finally said, "Because your eldest sister is comprehending new laws, her speed is slower than these arrogances. Climb to the top first, guard the chaotic area, and don't let anyone in until your big sister comes."

Zi Yan listened very seriously, her big black and shining eyes were bright, and when Zhang Tian finished speaking, she immediately said loudly: "Dad, don't worry, leave this to me, no matter what Wubei or Xingtian he is. , dare to steal the eldest sister's exercises, I will knock them down with one punch!" ,, .

Chapter 612 The Emperor Wants You To Serve One Night

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. After it's done, I'll be rewarded!"

Zhang Tian also patted Zi Yan's shoulder in a funny way, looking like he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tian didn't stay on this floor for much longer, and just turned into a little bit of aura and disappeared.

Although it is said that a person who has traveled a hundred miles is half-ninety, the difficulty factor of the laws in the following layers will increase linearly, but Zi Yan, as a noble Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, is naturally suitable for comprehending the laws of life, plus the help of ten round seas , it is not difficult to clear the next few layers in one breath.

Ten round seas is not just one more round sea, but [-]% more spiritual power. It represents a kind of detachment, a kind of limit, an all-round improvement of essence, qi, and spirit, and naturally also includes the aspect of understanding. enhancement.

call out--

Outside the Tongtian Tower, Zhang Tian's eyes flashed a flash of light. The time flow inside and outside the tower was different. Although he only stayed inside for a while, most of the day had passed outside.

At this time, those great emperors were still discussing excitedly, and being able to comprehend in the Tongtian Tower for a month is not something that everyone can encounter. It can even be said that such an opportunity makes many great emperors feel jealous.

Every time those Tianjiao advance to one level, they will arouse a lot of relish, because the understanding of the laws of this level may not be obtained in the outside world for more than ten years, or even decades.

There are many Tianjiao who enter the Tongtian Tower, but there are very few who aim to reach the top of the Tongtian Tower. Most of the Tianjiao's wishes are just to learn as much as possible in this month.

However, the most concerned are the top talents. In this world, the strong are respected, and everyone's eyes are still focused on the first place.

In the hundreds of millions of years, those people who can be remembered are probably the hegemons who overwhelmed a great world. Otherwise, even a quasi-immortal emperor will only be lost in the long history unless he establishes a sect.

Not to mention this Tianjiao trial, the significance of the first place is extremely important.

Entering the chaotic area, there is a chance to condense the ten round seas.

Get a roll of the top supernatural powers in the Netherworld.

The faction they belonged to obtained the fruits of the four ancient gods and a piece of immortal paper to bury the emperor.

Taking out any of these three benefits is enough to make the entire nine mountains and seas go crazy, and now, they are all tied to one person.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, eight full days have passed in the tower.

"The ninetieth floor, Wu Shi has climbed to the ninetieth floor!"

"It's terrifying. That Xingtian has just reached the eighty-second floor and has already been pulled away."

Seeing that the golden light spot on the top, representing the position of Wubei, jumped up another layer, all the great emperors outside the Tongtian Tower went crazy, exuding bursts of amazement.

After reaching the [-]th floor, the speed of several top geniuses slowed down significantly. Obviously, the insights they had accumulated before had been exhausted, and they must climb down to the ground with their understanding.

At this time, the level of talent was clearly revealed. After all, Xingtian was from the Wu clan. This powerful race was the darling of the gods and the outcasts of the gods. It gave them the top body, but deprived them of their souls.Nine Liuwei Novel Network www.96wei.com

Therefore, the Wu clan's lineage only cultivates the body, not the soul. In terms of comprehending the law, they are born to be superior to others.

Although Xing Tian was considered a stunning genius of the Wu Clan for millions of years, Wu Beginning was as strong as his feet. In this competition of comprehension, Wu Beginning was clearly superior.

"Look, Zhang Ruren is also catching up, to the seventy-fourth floor!"

Some eagle-eyed emperors noticed the movement of Ruthless Man's light spot and exclaimed loudly, attracting a lot of attention.

Although the Ruthless Man was still at the bottom of the five rivals, the speed of her ascent made Palace Master Yaochi and Venerable Ananda feel alarmed.

Especially after Wu Shi and the others slowed down, her momentum was even more astonishing, and she chased the gap of dozens of floors in one breath to the distance of only two floors away from Princess Qingxuan now.

"Lingyuan's talent is really amazing, but unfortunately she chose an unfamiliar law, and she was delayed for too long in front of her. Otherwise, she would also have the power to fight against the Beginning Emperor."

The Nine-Tailed Tianhu sighed softly, feeling very regretful, Wu Shi is now on his way, and there is nothing that can stop him, and the first climb to the top is already a sure thing.

Palace Master Yaochi pursed her lips, and her eyes always glanced at the tray inadvertently. This victory was too happy, and she couldn't help but feel a little excited. If it weren't for the two obvious comparisons between the Buddha Kingdom Pure Land and Buzhou Mountain. Yaochi Xianyu is overwhelmed by the powerful forces, and she has already shown this joy.

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