However, this situation will not last forever. As long as she gets the Immortal Order Paper, even if she faces the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, she doesn't have to worry so much anymore.

After all, this is the Immortal Order Paper for the Emperor Burying!

In the whole world, there are very few treasures that can make the few Buddhas in the Pure Land of Buddha feel fear.

Venerable Ananda and Emperor Qingxuan both looked a little gloomy, and they were very sorry to have missed such a treasure as Xianlingzhi, but they were not ordinary people after all, and they quickly adjusted their mentality.

Emperor Qingxuan clenched his fists slightly and said, "Wu Beginning lives up to the name of the emperor. In this game, Guixianyu won."

Venerable Ananda also nodded with a gloomy face, and said slowly, "Congratulations to Palace Master Yaochi, this old man is convinced."

The statement of these two people immediately caused an uproar. Many people knew that Wu Shi was ahead too much, which had already caused the two major forces to lose the confidence to continue their struggle.

The Yaochi Palace Master knew that Wudi had a fiery temper, so he didn't bother him. He just said softly to Zhang Tian, ​​"Friend Zhang Dao, this time I'll accept it."

Zhang Tian glanced at her and said with a chuckle: "This emperor said that this emperor has never lost a bet in his life. It is better for the Yaochi Palace Master to not worry about it."

The Yaochi Palace Master was annoyed for a while, but Zhang Tian didn't think that the facts were in front of her, and her plan to see Zhang Tian's desolate demeanor failed. Make the concubine look up with admiration, and I hope that after a few days, fellow Daoists can maintain such a mentality."

Zhang Tian calmly said: "Since the Yaochi Palace Master is so confident, he dares to wager another game with this emperor alone, and he will bet on the soul of the emperor in your spiritual body."

"Really?" Palace Master Yaochi immediately asked back, this was her heart problem.

"The emperor's words are of course true, but—"

Zhang Tian took a long tone, and under the gazes of all the great emperors, he chuckled lightly: "If this emperor wins you, and you have to serve this emperor for one night, do you dare to answer?"

In an instant, all the great emperors widened their eyes, . . .

Chapter 613 Are You Wu Beginning?stand aside

"If this emperor wins you, and you have to serve this emperor for one night, do you dare to agree?"

This sentence lingered in the air, causing the audience to fall into an ice cave, and the silence was terrifying.

The first thought of many people was that they heard it wrong, but then they realized that Zhang Tian really said this and asked the dignified Yaochi Immortal Domain Lord to sleep with him.

This, this is simply earth-shattering words!

The Wu Emperor's eyes were round and his mouth was wide open. Even if he was as arrogant as him, he was determined not to say it, and he would not even think about it.

" are presumptuous!"

Palace Master Yaochi bit his lower lip lightly, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire. This person has absolutely no taboos. Since the last time he made his spiritual body a maid, he obviously even paid attention to her deity, and it was a blatant molestation. .

The Yaochi Palace Master couldn't help but think of the days when he accompanied Zhang Tian in Tiangu County, those days and nights, those charming places, and when he thought about it, his face couldn't help showing a touch of ruddy.

This expression, with a touch of charm, made many emperors stunned. They had never seen the majestic Yaochi Palace Master show such an expression. Thinking of the peach-colored news of Yaochi Palace Master and Zhang Tian before, many people's eyes showed it. Ambiguous look.

Palace Master Yaochi soon noticed the abnormality, her face was even more red and blood was dripping, and her heartbeat was a little chaotic.

However, Zhang Tian was still calm and calm, and said casually: "Since the Yaochi Palace Master has already made a decision, why bother to control the price of losing?"

Yaochi Palace Master's exquisite snowy body trembled, his eyes looked at Tongtian Tower, and there was a flash of determination in his eyes, and he said solemnly: "Okay, I promise you!"

She is not the kind of person who will be influenced by a momentary emotion, she quickly regained her composure, and secretly said in her heart: "When I win this bet, Xian Lingzhi and Benming Emperor Soul will all start, and then I will care about you. !"

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, and also raised his eyes to look at Tongtian Tower. For others, the one on the highest level was Wubei, but in his opinion, Zi Yan had already climbed to the top of the tower at this time.


At the top of the Tongtian Tower, Zi Yan's figure appeared, and she immediately looked around curiously.

I saw that the entire top hall was divided into upper and lower sections. The lower section accounted for [-]%, which was very wide, but was empty.

The top section only occupies [-]% of the main hall, and because it is a pyramid, the space is narrower, filled with gray chaotic gas, there is a stone platform in the center, and a black booklet is suspended there, as if made of black-patterned divine gold. , looks very extraordinary.

Zi Yan felt that the top floor was very dangerous, and remembering Zhang Tian's advice, she didn't go up to check, but took a small bench from the storage ring, sat on the side and waited bored.

Fortunately, the years in the Tongtian Tower were short, but after a few days, another figure appeared.

There was a slight vibration in the void, and Wu Shi, wearing a purple-gold imperial robe, appeared in the top hall, as if stepping out of the void, standing with his hands behind his back, calmly.

In the next moment, Wubei's eyes fell on Zi Yan, and he was shocked. Someone was one step ahead of him to reach the top of the Tongtian Tower?This is something that was never expected.

At this time, Zi Yan was dozing on the small bench with her cheeks supported. When she heard the sound, she immediately opened her eyes like a vigilant kitten and looked at Wu Shi.

"There is no beginning in Xia Yaochi Xianyu, and I worship the treasure land."

Looking at each other, Wu Shi gave Zi Yan a distant salute, but he regarded Zi Yan as the tower spirit of the Tongtian Tower.E-book house

Zi Yan coughed lightly, pretended to be old-fashioned and said: "Oh, you are the first to arrive, yes, just wait aside."

After speaking, Zi Yan pointed to a place at the corner of the hall.

Wu started frowning, looking up at the chaotic area on the top floor, and the top supernatural powers in the Netherworld on the stone platform, always feeling that something is not right.

He came all the way here to participate in the trial, in order to condense the tenth Wheel Sea in the chaotic region and obtain the magical powers of the Netherworld. What is the point of letting him wait on the side?

Thinking of this, Wu Beginning said again: "I don't know what the Venerable wants to wait for?"

Zi Yan said: "Don't worry, the benefits are always yours. Let me tell you a story first. There used to be a man named Ning Caichen, who was a scholar. Once he went to Beijing to take the exam..."

In the top hall of Tongtian Tower, Zi Yan talked about "A Chinese Ghost Story" to Wu Shi in a serious manner. Zhang Tian only told her to stop the people walking in front of Ruthless People, but did not say how to stop them.

Zi Yan is a clever ghost, so naturally she won't act recklessly, but intends to use the story Zhang Tian told her before to fool you.

"...But they say that people and ghosts have different paths, Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen can't be together after all, this matter was known by the grandmother of the underworld, and sent several thousand-year-old tree spirits to kill Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian is not good enough. , is not the opponent of these tree spirits, at this extremely critical moment, Xiaoqian's cousin Bai Suzhen came, this Bai Suzhen is not an ordinary person, but a white snake who has been practicing for thousands of years..."

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