After speaking for an unknown number of hours, Zi Yan's head was flexible, and when she thought of what to say, the Buddhas, Ghosts, Demons and Gods, the Three Realms and Six Paths were all pulled in.

"and many more."

Just when Zi Yan said that Fa Hai had put Bai Suzhen in the Lei Feng Pagoda, Wu Zhiyu interrupted.

He stared at Zi Yan and said solemnly: "Your Excellency is not the tower spirit of this Tongtian Tower, who is it, why are you blocking my way?"

It turned out that Wu Shi had been secretly observing Zi Yan during this period of time, and finally determined that Zi Yan should be the same genius as him, but came in ahead of time.

Zi Yan's tone was stagnant, she took out a porcelain bottle with fruit pulp, took a big sip, and then sighed: "It was discovered by you, then I'll tell the truth, your luck is shallow, the volume above If the practice is not related to you, don't go up."

Wu Beginning said coldly, "I defeated you, does this practice have a destiny with me?"

A majestic and heavy aura rose from him. He was clearly not an emperor, but he had the power of an emperor, ruling over the mountains and rivers and swallowing the eight wastes.

Zi Yan also stood up, put away the small bench, and said coolly with a small face: "Beyond one's own strength."


The invisible power collided in the air, burning the void, and the two figures ran towards each other like a rainbow, each punched, and collided in the simplest way.


The earth was terrifying, and the huge aftermath of the collision erupted, sending the two figures flying out, each taking a dozen steps back.

have equal shares!

This result made Wu Shi and Zi Yan stunned. They both looked at their fists in disbelief. , , .

Chapter 614 I'm afraid I'm really going to sleep

This punch turned out to be a tie with the opponent.

Such a result made the two supreme geniuses a little unacceptable, so they stared at each other.

"Who are you?"

Wu Shi suppressed the shock in his heart and said, through this punch, he has fully discovered that Zi Yan is clearly a mortal body, and her cultivation is slightly inferior to him.

This is the most terrifying thing. He is the Empress of the Heavenly Emperor, has a noble bloodline, and specializes in the law of power. He uses his strength to prove the Tao. It stands to reason that there is absolutely no one in the same rank who can compete with him in terms of positive strength. .

But this little loli who looked only six or seven years old in front of her did it. The tiny fist that looked like a pink toot contained an extremely terrifying power.

Zi Yan showed her little white teeth and asked: "Who are you, but there are two times."

"Very well, you are the only one who can force me to do my best so far."

"If you lose this punch, you should also be honored!"

"Beginningless Fist of Heaven Extermination!"

Wu Beginning looked serious. Every time he said a word, his aura became stronger. In the end, the mountain collapsed and the sea cracked, and a golden light burst out from him, accompanied by the hunting fist wind, rolling towards Zi Yan. Come.

Beginningless Fist of Destroying Heaven was exactly the famous stunt of the Heavenly Emperor without Beginning, the power of one punch to suppress the nine great mountains and seas.This is a truly invincible boxing technique. With this boxing technique, Heavenly Emperor Wushi has spent his entire life, and he has never failed once.

"Come here, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

"Sun Peng Fist!"

Zi Yan replied not to be outdone, and the majestic blood hidden in her body was mobilized and poured into her right fist.

For a time, it seemed that a huge Kunpeng passed by, roaring for nine days.


The two fist marks that were several times stronger collided fiercely, and the cracks in the void cracked, as if the world could not bear such a terrifying might.

The aftermath rolled, like a huge wave of thousands of feet, separating the two again.


While flying upside down, Zi Yan's body suddenly froze, and was immediately wrapped by aura, making a huge dragon roar, which turned out to be the body. The huge ancient dragon of thousands of feet filled almost the entire hall, majestic like a Prison, such as the ancient mountain!

"Black Flame Dragon Breath Technique!"

A large mouthful of purple-gold dragon flame spewed out of Zi Yan's mouth, like a hundred thousand volcanoes erupting, pouring directly into Wubei.


There was another explosion, Wu Shi was directly sent flying out, and slammed into the wall of the main hall, but was not seriously injured, and said sharply: "Tai Xu Gulong, so you are the one who defeated Hunyuan Xiaopeng. The King's Demon Clan Emperor Star Little Witch!"

This time, Wu Shi understood everything. Zi Yan was not a nameless person, but had spread among the genius circles of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas. The moment he saw her body, Wu Shi recognized her.

"That's right, it's my little witch. I'm in charge today, and no one wants to take away that roll of exercises before the eldest sister comes up!"

The Taixu ancient dragon that Zi Yan turned into made a humming dragon roar, shaking the void to tremble.

"It is said that you have ten round seas, ancient and modern. I didn't believe it at first, but today I believe it. However, no one can stop the path I want to take without beginning."

After confirming Zi Yan's identity, Wu Shi really got serious, and a force originating from the bloodline was stimulated, containing a terrifying and suffocating coercion.

In a sense, this is not his power, but the power of the Beginningless Heavenly Emperor separated by tens of millions of years, used by him across the river of time.

"Then watch me suppress you, Qinglong Star Picker!"

The gigantic Taixu ancient dragon roared, suddenly raised a giant claw like a divine mountain, and pressed it down towards Wu Beginning. The five dragon fingers, each of which seemed to be inserted into Tianyun Peak, hit the top of Mount Tai. .


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