Finally, Zhang Tian's voice broke the silence, his face was as calm as ever, neither excited nor surprised, as if everything was under control.

"Hey, what's the mystery on the top floor of the Tongtian Tower!"

Palace Master Yaochi's voice trembled, vaguely looking like he was about to go berserk. More than a month had passed since Wubei reached the top. She did not expect such a result, which made her unacceptable.

"Hehe, it seems that Yaochi Palace is mainly sleeping with the concubine." Pippi Reading Network

The nine-tailed celestial fox's eyes were soft and charming, as if it was a very wonderful thing to be able to drop the Yaochi Palace Master who was like a flower of high mountains into the clouds.


Zhang Tian raised his hand to take a photo, and grabbed the tray. Venerable Ananda's mouth moved, but he finally did not stop it.

After looking at those kinds of immortal medicines a little, Zhang Tian showed satisfaction, and then looked at Palace Master Yaochi and said, "I don't know when you plan to fulfill the gambling contract?"

Palace Master Yaochi regretted it to the extreme at this time, but the words had already been said.

Although this is the case, it is absolutely impossible for Palace Master Yaochi to take the initiative to say such things, so he can only be silent, and then be silent.

"According to my concubine's opinion, it is better to choose a day than to hit the sun, just tonight, what do you think, Daoyou Zhang?"

Jiuwei Tianhu said with a smile, and with Zhang Tian's slight nod, he directly settled the matter.

There is no reincarnation of the sun and the moon in the life of the deceased, but everyone will not stay here all the time. They probably take a little time every day or every few days to check the progress, discuss with each other, and spend the rest of the time in retreat.

Cultivation has no time, and it is not difficult for them to have such a day at the click of a button.

With the dark clouds covering the sky, the Yaochi Palace Master and the Nine-tailed Tianhu were embraced by Zhang Tian and walked into a gorgeous palace together.

Outside the palace, Wang Zhi admired and discussed countless people.Most of them expressed that Zhang Tianfu had a deep relationship. The Yaochi Palace Master and the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox were both considered to be the ninth empresses in the mountains and seas, and the taste of it was beyond imagination.

But one thing is certain, that is, after leaving the world of the dead, this incident will surely spread to the ninth mountains and seas, and Zhang Tian will inevitably be on the cusp of public opinion. I don't know how many great emperors will regard him as an enemy.


Inside the Tongtian Tower, the ruthless figure volleyed into the sky, and when he took the black book into his hand, he felt an incomparably heavy feeling conveyed, as if he was holding a piece of divine gold. Huang Quan's sword soul echoed somewhat.


The four large characters on the cover page came into view, and they were very impactful, making the heart of the ruthless person shake.

This turned out to be a magical power of physique, teaching people to become immortal and immortal.

The ruthless man glanced at it for a while, and was even more surprised. There are four levels of body art. The first level is rebirth from severed limbs, the second level is derived from flesh and blood, the third level is rebirth from a drop of blood, and the fourth level is For immortality.

The last stage of the legendary realm becomes immortal, which can be regarded as an immortal technique, but in fact, it can only be reborn from the first severed limb at most, that is to say, if an arm or leg is broken, it can be regrown, but this process It needs to consume a lot of essence, if only a piece of flesh and blood is left, then there will not be enough essence to recover, and you can only die.

But this "Immortal Body" secret technique is different. Its principle is to enhance your own essence, so that every drop of your blood, and even every cell, contains majestic energy, so that even if there is only one drop of blood left, There is also enough essence to recover.

If the first three levels can only be regarded as the upgrade and strengthening of the immortal transformation, then the last level is completely sublimated to a new height.

Immortal and immortal, the Immortal King is hard to hurt!

If this level can be practiced, even in the realm of true immortals, it will be invincible and invincible! , , .

Chapter 618 You are provoking the Buddha's Pure Land!

"This volume of exercises is at least the quasi-immortal king level, and only the Netherworld has such a generous hand. This type of exercise is used as a trial reward for the Tongtian Tower."

The ruthless man murmured, with a happy expression on his face, this "Immortal Body" secret technique is very useful to her. As long as she can practice the third level of blood rebirth, it will be easy to break through the legendary nine transformation 'immortal transformation'. thing.

The most important thing is that this secret technique can greatly enhance her spiritual power, which can just make up for the shortcoming of her excessive consumption of supernatural powers. In the future, there is no need to be too scruples when using the Shuiyun Emperor Sword and the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Hand.

Putting away the secret scroll, the ruthless man turned his eyes to the surroundings again, and after a careful realization, he said in shock: "It is indeed the legendary Chaos Qi, the energy intensity is almost tens of thousands of times that of the outside world, and I practice here for a day. It can be worth ten years from the outside world!"

Legend has it that this universe was created from chaos. When the world first opened, the universe was filled with the energy of chaos. Although this energy is powerful, it also contains a strong evil spirit, which can easily make people go crazy.

Therefore, the Taoist ancestor who created the heavens and the earth decomposed all the chaotic qi with an innate treasure, the clear qi rises, and the turbid qi sinks. , but the superiority lies in its purity, which can be directly absorbed and refined.

At that time, it was the golden age of this universe. Even ordinary plants and trees, under the nourishment of innate energy, could become earth-shattering powers. This universe also gave birth to terrifying existences.

Later, the innate energy became thinner and thinner, and the cultivation became more and more difficult. The ancient treasures that could be seen everywhere in the golden age could only be picked in restricted areas at the risk of their lives.

Today, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has declined many times, even the immortal essence of the nine mountains and seas has collapsed. The glory of the golden age, and even the glory of the ancient and ancient times, is gone forever.

Now, the ruthless man seems to be standing at the beginning of the world!

After looking around, the ruthless man found a seat in the southeast corner, put out a futon, sat down and began to meditate.

With the operation of the exercise, a few strands of chaotic energy poured into her body along her air pockets, and suddenly the ruthless man changed his face.

too strong!

Just a wisp of Chaos Qi gave the ruthless person a feeling of swallowing millions of spirit stones, and countless fierce energies rampaged in the body, as if to tear her body apart.

"Stainless Immortal Body, suppress!"

The ruthless shouted in his heart, and a holy white light suddenly erupted from the body surface, and there were immortal patterns emerging, and it took a long time to refine the probability of chaos.

"What a domineering energy, this place is not under the jurisdiction of heaven."

The ruthless man saw that the nine round seas in his body had obviously expanded by one point, and he couldn't help but burst into ecstasy while being shocked.At this moment, she finally believed that this was a place outside the law, and the tenth Sea of ​​​​Lin was condensed.

Because she had already passed the Lunhai Realm, the nine Lunhais were finalized, but now they have grown, which means that the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao no longer exist.

After calming down a little, the ruthless man did not continue to practice, but said to the bottom: "Zi Yan, let them come up."

Ruthless people are not as foolish as Zi Yan, and they are very measured. Wu Shi, Xing Tian and others all have top forces behind them, and it is not easy to offend them too ruthlessly.

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