Moreover, although there is not much Chaos Qi in this area, it is very domineering. Even if ten people are together, it is impossible to absorb it within a month, so there is no need to eat alone.

When Zi Yan heard this, she took a step back and said, "Little princess, we are friends, you go up first."

Princess Qingxuan giggled and cupped her hands: "Then I would like to thank sister Ziyan."

After finishing speaking, the little princess turned into a catkin and flew into the chaotic area.Roto88

Zi Yan said: "Okay, you can go in too."

Wu Beginning, Xing Tian, ​​and King Hunyuan Xiaopeng all felt aggrieved. This little witch is so irritating. They are all the arrogance of the nine great mountains and seas. They are not invincible wherever they go. .

But fortune was ahead, they didn't have time to care about Zi Yan, and they all flew to the top floor.

Unexpectedly, just when King Hunyuan Xiaopeng wanted to leave, Zi Yan suddenly took a step forward, a burst of spiritual light rolled, and the Qinglong halberd was held in his hand, and he slashed towards the air.


Almost at the critical moment, King Hunyuan Xiaopeng shrank, barely avoiding the halberd light, and fell back to the ground, already frightened into a cold sweat.

"Little witch, what do you want to do?"

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng roared furiously, just now it was really thrilling, if he hadn't raised a little bit of vigilance, his head would have been chopped off by the Azure Dragon Halberd.


Zi Yan stomped the Qinglong halberd on the ground, "You can't go up!"


King Hunyuan Xiaopeng's eyes spit fire, his liver hurts with anger, this little witch is his nemesis, always against him.

"Because I don't feel good about you." Zi Yan said very sincerely.

"You, you are provoking the Buddha's Pure Land!"

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng shouted sharply, he never liked to bully others, but at this time he had to move out of the Buddhist Pure Land.

But he didn't know that Zi Yan didn't buy his account at all, with a flick of his wrist, the Qinglong halberd swept out, and directly flew upside down the blood of Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang Hong, domineeringly said: "Offend my little witch, the Buddha's Pure Land will not Good job!"

Seeing the scene below, Wu Shi and Xing Tian couldn't help but stunned for a while. Fortunately, they didn't fight with this little witch. They were already considered to be the most domineering figures in the world, but they couldn't do such a arrogant act. It's simply unrestricted.

Shaking their heads, the two cast a sympathetic look at King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, and they no longer cared about it.

"Boom boom-"

It seemed that the sound of a volcanic eruption came from within the body of the three great talents, and the body was trembling, especially Princess Qingxuan, whose face was completely covered with ash, like a zombie.

Fortunately, these three people prepared various means before coming, and they quickly suppressed the fierceness in the Chaos Qi and began to slowly cultivate.

Time passed little by little, and days passed in a blink of an eye.

The aura emanating from the ruthless man became stronger and stronger, almost forming a storm in this area, causing the other three great talents to open their eyes, revealing an incredible color.

It is very difficult to condense the ten round seas. Even in the ancient times, only the top talents can do it. The most amazing of them, Wuyuan, has only condensed one-tenth of them now. I want to spend the remaining few days. Condensing [-]% is impossible.

Could it be that the ruthless man has succeeded? , , .

Chapter 619 Xihe Tianhou shot, the heavens shook

I saw Ruthless being bathed in starlight all over his body, filled with a sense of holiness and flawlessness.

Her dantian was the most radiant, and as a azure blue aura rushed up, the star map of ten thousand swords flew out of her body, rose wildly in the wind, and turned into a size of more than ten feet.

This chaotic area is narrow, and the map of stars and swords is like a sky. The thousands of stars are bright, and countless starlights pour into Ruren's body, causing her body to make bursts of roars.

"No, no, this isn't condensing out of ten round seas, she is trying to break through the legendary eight changes!"

Wubei has the strongest insight, he immediately discovered the clue and couldn't help exclaiming.

Xingtian and Princess Qingxuan also widened their eyes. The legendary eight-change 'star change' was originally an ordinary realm. It could be seen everywhere on the ninth mountain and sea, but the vision of Ruthless Man's breakthrough was too terrifying, as if the ages had passed. The heavens and stars in the sky are all blessing her, and the overlords who 'take the destiny and break the emperor' are far less amazing.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The power of the stars fell, making the starlight on the ruthless man stronger and stronger, and the breath became stronger and stronger, and finally broke through this space and went straight to the sky!

This cloud is the real nine-day cloud, reflecting the nine mountains and seas, and everyone saw an amazing vision.

A woman with an indistinct face, like a peerless empress, arrogant and arrogant, with long hair flowing, under the blue sky and daylight, there are countless stars manifesting to bless her!


In Tianshen Academy, inside Danling Peak, Yu Xin slowly opened her eyes and looked up, as if she saw the sky-filled vision through the layers of the void, she couldn't help showing a touch of joy, and said softly, "This is the eldest sister's. Breath, big sister has broken through again."

Between the words, Yu Xin stood up, dressed in a long aqua blue dress and went down, making her already bulging figure more exquisite and embossed, emphasizing that she was born with an aura like a bell. , a beautiful outline with distinct ups and downs like the mountains and rivers.

She held her peerless beauty slightly, raised her right hand, and the entire space was distorted, and then it continued to shrink, and finally turned into a spiritual light that poured into her palm.

"Yuxin, have you succeeded?"

Seeing Yuxin appearing out of thin air, Yunxia couldn't help asking in surprise.

Yu Xin nodded slightly, raised her palm to look at it, and saw a faint imprint of the mountain peak in the palm of her hand. The Dan Ling Peak, which was built by Dan Huang with all her life, has been transformed into her own magic weapon by her, and from now on she will It is equivalent to having an almost infinite spiritual power storage.

At this time, the vision in the sky was even stronger. Yu Xin looked up and murmured: "Dad and Big Sister, they should be back soon."


The ninth mountain and sea, the city of the three emperors, Lu Xueyan looked at the ruthless man in the sky, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Master, master, who is breaking through the emperor's realm?"

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