But these days, she was in a good mood, but the exercises she majored in continued to break through like a rocket, as if the bottlenecks that plagued her before did not exist, and her strength increased rapidly.After thinking that these were probably bestowed by Zhang Tian, ​​she couldn't be cruel to Zhang Tian.

At this moment, the Tongtian Tower suddenly burst into bright light, the void on the square was distorted, and all the arrogances were sent out.Euyue Book www.euyue.com

For a time, everyone's eyes were drawn to the past.


Under everyone's attention, a huge shadow flew out first, smashing hard on the ground, splashing countless dust storms.

Everyone stared at it, and they all took a breath of cold air, only to see the monster that fell into the pothole and was covered in blood, and it was a huge ancient Mopeng.

Hunyuan Xiaopeng King of the Pure Land of Buddhism!

"Well, what's going on here?"

Venerable Ananda's wrist holding the rosary shook violently, and while speaking, he took out a golden treasure elixir and shot it at King Hunyuan Xiaopeng.

This treasure pill is about the size of a dragon's eye, with a round body and engraved with many dao patterns. When it flew into the air, the surface spread out like water ripples, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a golden lotus, emitting a strong breath of life.

The more insightful emperors such as Qingxuan Tianzi and Jiuwei Tianhu recognized it and knew that this was the golden lotus elixir unique to the Pure Land of Buddhism, and the morning dew condensed on the golden lotus of the most precious merits was used as a medicinal guide, combined with various rare fairy medicines. It is a very famous elixir.


No one would have thought that just when the Golden Lotus Pellet was about to fall into the deep pit, a huge Taixu ancient dragon suddenly passed through the air, with a dragon's mouth open, swallowing the Golden Lotus Pill unceremoniously, and then again. After flying for a while, she turned into a slim girl, patted her belly, and looked satisfied.

In an instant, everyone was shocked.

"Little witch!"

Among the Tianjiao who came out behind, Hu Meier shouted out first, and recognized Zi Yan at a glance. This girl is still as bold as ever, and even dared to snatch the treasured pill from the Pure Land of the Buddha.

"Is she the little witch?"

For a time, all the great emperors and Tianjiao looked at Zi Yan. I have to say that Zi Yan is very famous in the nine mountains and seas. One is that she defeated King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, and the other is that she condensed Kuanggushuo. Today's tenth round sea, but few people have actually seen her, so they all looked over curiously at this time.

"This treasure pill is delicious, old man, do you still have it?"

Zi Yan, like an innocent little loli, asked the Venerable Ananda cutely.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell down, even the very poor Yaochi Palace Master and the always serious Qingxuan Emperor couldn't help but smile, thinking that this little girl is really a veritable little witch, even the Buddha's Pure Land, etc. The beards of the detached forces also dare to flirt.

"Sir, it's her, who severely injured me, and stayed on the top floor of the Tongtian Tower to prevent me from entering the chaotic area."

The voice of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng came out intermittently from the pit, full of grievances, and seemed to have a bit of a cry. He was considered miserable by Zi Yan.

The boy doesn't cry easily, just because he hasn't reached the sad part! , , .

Chapter 621 Do you dare to touch this emperor's daughter?

In this complaint, there are too many grievances, too much helplessness, too much bitterness, and deep feelings. Many great emperors can't help but be moved. They can't think of what kind of torture they have encountered, so that the dignified Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang said. say this.

Tianzi Qingxuan and the others were moved in their hearts, and they made a lot of associations. The previous top talents reached the top area one after another, and then entered the chaotic area one after another. Only King Hunyuan Xiaopeng stopped moving forward. They were always amazed, but they didn't expect it to be The little witch's ghost, this is a great revenge for breaking people's chances!

When Venerable Ananda heard the words, his face changed immediately, and a terrifying and oppressive aura burst out from him.


After announcing the Buddha's name, Venerable Ananda suddenly took action and formed a huge Buddha's handprint, as if to suppress Zi Yan in one fell swoop.

"You dare to touch this emperor's daughter?"

At this moment, Zhang Tian spoke indifferently, and the vast imperial power swept across the ten directions.

A huge celestial emperor's purple foot stepped through the layers of the void and stepped down ruthlessly, and the Buddha's handprint burst with a bang. surging.

Everyone in the audience is like falling into an ice cave!

Although Zhang Tian's performance was very strong in this way, although Zhang Tian had a record of destroying the demon gods alone, although Zhang Tian even crushed the residual thoughts of the real demon gods, although Zhang Tian's strength was obviously stronger than that of Venerable Ananda.

However, seeing Venerable Ananda being suppressed by Zhang Tian at will, they were still extremely shocked and terrified.

This is Venerable Ananda!

One of the leading figures in the Pure Land of Buddhism today, a big man who plays an important role in the nine mountains and seas, was just suppressed like this?

"Father is mighty, long live father!"

Zi Yan smiled happily, like a civet cat with a scheming dress, she jumped straight up and jumped into Zhang Tian's arms.

Everyone was even more speechless, looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and secretly said that if there is a father, there must be a daughter. This family is simply a lawless master.

Hu Mei'er was stunned for a while at the back, remembering how surprised she was when she saw Zi Yan suppressing the Prince of Heilongshan, she couldn't help but think it was very ridiculous, the little witch's boldness was a hundred times more than this, and now she is telling her that the little witch put Hei Yan She may not be surprised if Longshen Mountain is demolished.

"My warrior Xingtian, what is the result of this training?"

The Wu people have always been arrogant and do not think highly of the Buddhist Pure Land, so the Wu Emperor did not care about Venerable Ananda who was suppressed, but asked Xingtian on his own.

This sentence drew everyone's attention back. This trip to Tongtian Pagoda was led by several major forces such as Buzhou Mountain and Buddhist Pure Land, and the rest basically came to mix.

In this way, the benefits obtained are naturally different, and it is an unprecedented opportunity to enter the chaotic area for cultivation. Although only the arrogance of a few transcendent forces have this treatment, the impact is very far-reaching.

At least the future pattern of the ninth mountain and sea is likely to change because of this, because these arrogances who are backed by the top powers actually have almost the same resources, but the power beyond the limit, but one more point, will always lead One point, no one else can make up for it even with great efforts.Quickly read the book www.kuaiyankanshu.org

Xing Tian said loudly: "That chaotic energy is very difficult to refine, and a certain only condensed the tenth Wheel Sea by [-]%."

The voice fell, and a fierce aura erupted from him. The nine Lunhais that seemed to have emerged from the great wasteland reflected in the void, and the atmosphere was majestic. In the center surrounded by the nine Lunhais, there was also a miniature Lunhai. The size is only one-fifth of the other nine seats, but the spiritual liquid flowing inside is golden, and the energy fluctuations are very terrifying.

Everyone was trembling, and it was really possible to break the limit of heaven. Although this miniature Tenth Round Sea was far from perfect compared to Zi Yan's Ten Round Sea, it couldn't stimulate the unique magical effect of Ten Round Sea, but compared to Zi Yan's tenth round sea. Nine round seas, but I don't know how many times stronger.

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