Hu Mei'er and the arrogance of the heavenly mountains in the immortal realm couldn't help but sigh, knowing that they will no longer be able to defeat Xingtian from now on, even if they have acquired a strong foundation through various means, this is only [-]% of the tenth round of the sea is still impossible for them. Gap to cross.

"Okay, worthy of being the first warrior of my Wu clan!"

Emperor Wu was very happy, patted Xing Tian on the shoulder, and laughed out loud.

Emperor Qingxuan also said, "Meng'er, how is your cultivation?"

Princess Qingxuan's name is Yang Meng, and sighed softly: "That chaotic energy is too domineering, and many of the methods my sister prepared for me are useless. to make."

After speaking, there was a tremor behind the little princess. The nine seas of rounds guarded a miniature pond like stars and the moon, and it seemed to be only half the size of Xingtian's tenth round of seas.

Emperor Qingxuan showed a smile, nodded slightly and said: "It's good to be able to condense, Menger's good fortune is extraordinary this time, and the future is hopeful."

This time, not only those geniuses, but even many great emperors cast an envious look, condensing the prototype of the tenth round of the sea, which greatly improves the foundation of the foundation, and the future achievements will indeed far exceed the emperors.

Xingtian and Princess Qingxuan both revealed their achievements, and the Yaochi Palace Master did not hide it, and said generously: "Wubei, how is your progress?"

"It was a fluke that condensed two and a half percent."

Wu Beginning's words were neat and tidy. With a shock from behind, nine silver-white seas of wheels reflected the sky, and the tenth sea of ​​wheels in the center was a bit bigger than Xingtian's, which made everyone amazed for a while.

The Yaochi Palace Master looked at it for a while, but there was no surprised expression. He just sighed: "It's a pity that it can't reach [-]%, otherwise, you will get a small magical power, which is infinitely mysterious."

Wu Shi frowned, and looked sideways at Zi Yan, who was coquettish with Zhang Tian. If this little girl hadn't been pestering him for several days, it would have been possible to condense a [-]% round sea.

However, when he thought of the miserable appearance of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, he was relieved again. This little witch is a evil star, whoever gets the bad luck, compared to King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, his fate is already calculated.

Seemingly sensing Wu Beginning's gaze, Zhang Tian raised his head and glanced at him lightly, which was meaningful, then looked at Ruthless Man again, and said with a chuckle, "Since everyone has revealed it, Nan Nan, you should also show the results."

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to Ruthless Man, with tension and anticipation in their eyes, as well as the excitement of witnessing the birth of a legend.

Under everyone's attention, the ruthless man smiled slightly, and the void behind him exploded, and a sea of ​​rounds appeared.

"This is……"

Looking at the tenth round of the sea at the very center, everyone couldn't help showing a look of astonishment. , , .

Chapter 622 Pingxin Ming Emperor Sees Emperor Zun

"I was lucky enough to condense [-]% of the tenth round of the sea."

In all the trembling eyes, the ruthless opened his mouth lightly, and his words startled thousands of waves!

Forty percent of the tenth round of the sea!

This is a very terrifying achievement. Just as Palace Master Yaochi just said, [-]% is a limit. If [-]% can be condensed, it will represent Lunhai Xiaocheng, and a small supernatural power will be obtained, and [-]% will represent Lunhai. Dacheng, you can get a great supernatural power.

And like Zi Yan, the round sea is complete, and it has obtained a kind of detached evolution. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is reborn.

Now Ruthless Man has reached the tenth round of Hai Xiaocheng, and even more than [-]%. It seems that it is only [-]% more than Wubei. In fact, the gap is very terrifying. Just like Zhundi and the Great Emperor, although one step The difference is actually thousands of miles away.

Wu Shi's pupils shrank, looking at Ruthless Man's golden tenth round of the sea, he couldn't help sighing, showing admiration, he was convinced of his defeat this time.


At this moment, Venerable Ananda, who was blasted away, broke through the void and flew back, his body emitting bursts of thunder-like roars, and his breath was extremely fierce.

"This is, Venerable Ananda activated the power of the relic."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Yaochi Palace Master. This relic was not built by Venerable Ananda, but belonged to the ancient Buddha, which allowed him to exert the power of an immortal in an instant.


All the great emperors felt a suffocating pressure under this pressure, as if even their thoughts were frozen, they all showed a look of astonishment, and they all retreated backwards.

Venerable Ananda's eyes were full of dark gold, and it seemed that he could no longer control this majestic power.

"Amitabha, Buddhists should not be humiliated!"

The moment the sound of these words fell, Venerable Ananda rushed back, his body seemed to have turned into a thousand zhang, the Buddha's light behind him was dazzling, and even a Buddha country vaguely appeared, which slammed into Zhang Tian with unrivaled might.

Seeing Venerable Ananda's actions, everyone was taken aback, and immediately retreated at a faster speed, while focusing on the battlefield nervously.

This power is too terrifying, beyond the unparalleled level, the ordinary emperor will be wiped out as long as he wipes it a little.

But they also don't think Zhang Tian will lose, because Zhang Tian still has a hole card, that is the immortal order paper of Emperor Burial.

As long as this immortal order paper is used, even if the quasi-immortal emperor takes action in person, he is sure to survive.


At this critical moment, a cold, majestic, and stern voice suddenly exploded from the void, as if the entire space was shaking.

Between Zhang Tian and Venerable Ananda, a huge black hole manifested. The other end of the black hole is connected to the endless hell. It is not a fantasy, but a real hell. Yell.

A woman stepped out of the black hole. This kind of power that shattered the space made her like a peerless god who was killed from the ancient times.

But seeing her cold expression, like Tianshan ice lotus, wearing a black dress and a phoenix crown, although she didn't show it immediately, she exuded this imperial prestige that was countless times stronger than Emperor Qingxuan.Tutufei Novel Network

If it is said that the emperor Qingxuan's imperial power is the power brought by the power of life and death of the people of an ancient country, then this woman is equivalent to the power of life and death of hundreds of millions of ancient countries, and the two are like the difference between heaven and earth!

"The realm of the dead is not a place where you can spread wild in the pure land of your Buddhist country."

The woman in the black dress spoke coldly, raised her hand and transformed into an imperial seal and pressed it down. Venerable Ananda's figure suddenly stopped, as if being bombarded by the [-] sacred mountains, the phantom of the Buddhist kingdom behind him exploded, and his body It exploded countless blood columns, flew out tragically, and fell to the ground.

"Pingxin Ming Emperor."

I don't know which great emperor whispered softly, which caused an uproar, and everyone's eyes looking at the woman couldn't help showing awe.

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