Although the name carries the word 'emperor', everyone knows that Emperor Pingxin's cultivation is not limited to the realm of the emperor, because she has been guarding the underworld for tens of millions of years, and is the ruler of the underworld personally appointed by the emperor buried. one.

The Netherworld is in charge of the six realms of reincarnation. As long as you do not transcend the six realms, no matter whether you are the Buddha of the Pure Land of the Buddha State or the Taoist Venerable of the Zixiao Shrine, you will all be under the jurisdiction of the Netherworld Realm. No one in the world should respect you for such power.

"See Emperor Pingxin!"

The first person to pay homage turned out to be the Wudi emperor, who has always looked above the top, which surprised many emperors. I didn't expect that the Wuzu emperor who dared to fight the sky and the earth also had people in awe.

However, the great emperor who really knows the inside story knows that this Wudi only respects Emperor Pingxin, because it is rumored that Emperor Pingxin is related to an ancestor of the Wu clan. If another Hades comes over, he may not have How much respect.

"See Hades—"

Palace Master Yaochi, Emperor Qingxuan and others also bowed slightly to show their respect. It is naturally impossible for the real Emperor Pingxin to come here. It is only a clone, but it is also worthy of their respectful treatment.

Every year, many disciples in the major immortal regions die unexpectedly. Although the Naihe Bridge has been mentioned, the cause and effect are eliminated, but there are also places where they can be favored, which requires a good relationship with the officials of the underworld.

Emperor Pingxin nodded slightly, and said coldly: "Although the life world of the dead is located in the Nine Great Mountain Seas, it is under the jurisdiction of the Netherworld, and it is also a part of the Netherworld. Here, no matter which faction you are from, you all obey the Netherworld. Rules. Now that the matter has been resolved, you should all go back to your place."

"As ordered."

The Wu Emperor was the first to respond, stood up and turned around and said, "Let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he led the Buzhou Mountain Clan to tear the void away.

"Let's go too."

The Yaochi Palace Master said softly, and finally looked at Zhang Tian with a complicated look, and also left in the immortal carriage.

Emperor Qingxuan fell behind and did not leave in a hurry, but smiled at Zhang Tian and said, "Both Miss Zhang have amazing talents, which are really enviable. If you have free time in the future, Daoyou Zhang, I hope you can bring your order with you. When Yuan comes to my Qingxuan ancient country, I will definitely greet you with a sweeping couch."

Although she is a little conceited, she is not arrogant. The ancient country of Qingxuan is far inferior to the pure land of the Buddhist country, and the talent of Princess Qingxuan is not as good as that of Wubei. At this time, it was just right to express goodwill.

"Giggle, that concubine also left first. If Daoyou Zhang misses his concubine, he can come to Tianming Shenshan at any time. The beautiful juniors in the clan can be chosen by Daoyou."

The nine-tailed Tianhu was very measured and waved goodbye to Zhang Tian.

After a while, all the teams from the Immortal Realm Sacred Mountain and the Great Thousand Worlds left one after another, leaving only Emperor Pingxin, Zhang Tian, ​​and his two precious daughters in the square.

At this moment, Emperor Pingxin Ming swept away his high-cold attitude, and half-knelt on the ground in the black dress, and said respectfully: "Emperor Pingxin sees Emperor Zun." , . . .

Chapter 623 Behind her is the Emperor Buried!

Pingxin Mingdi said very cleverly, she is not the kind of person Liu Yi who is blocked from information, she is very clear about the situation of the nine mountains and seas.

She knew that Zhang Tian had been in seclusion for five million years, ignoring any government affairs, and now few people know his true identity, so she did not dare to point it out directly at this time.

Zhang Tian said softly: "What happened here? Was it an accident, or was it man-made?"

The Emperor Pingxin respectfully said: "If you return to the emperor, the life of the dead in the Ninth Mountain Sea area has indeed been targeted by the demons. Over the years, the nine mountains and seas have been turbulent, and the demons have been watching for a long time and are ready to move. This time The sudden attack made the entire Netherworld feel a little overwhelmed, so I entrusted this matter to those in the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, although Emperor Pingxin didn't say much, but it was enough for him.The demons attacked in a big way, this place of life of the dead is just the tip of the iceberg of the battlefield, and the combat power invested by both sides here is not strong.

After knowing these things, he lost interest in asking more. The demons are catalyzed by the negative emotions of all living beings, and they can't kill them all. Such raids are also common, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

Pingxin Ming originally wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Zhang Tian to come out and preside over the overall situation, but seeing his demeanor, he finally swallowed these words and sighed softly.

Since the turmoil in the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, the daily number of undead has increased hundreds of times, putting a huge burden on the Netherworld. This is why we have to divide the Nine Great Worlds of the Dead to relieve the pressure. Ordinary people are fine, but those whose supernatural forces have fallen. is very troublesome.

These people have the martial arts in front of the sky, and they also use various secret techniques to keep their spirits alive after death. They are very resistant to the extradition of ghosts from the underworld, and they even hide under the protection of their own forces. If you keep this up, how can the prestige of the Netherworld be preserved?

In the past, the Emperor Buried Heaven and the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Court were covering it, and the Netherworld had ordered the law to come to them, and naturally they all obeyed, but now the situation is different, and the Netherworld only needs to rely on its own strength, which is a bit difficult to handle.

However, Emperor Pingxin also knew that Emperor Buried Heaven controlled the nine mountains and seas, and said that he was in charge of a lot of confidential affairs, and things like the Netherworld were nothing at all.

After being silent for a while, Emperor Pingxin Ming spoke again: "If the emperor has no other orders, the subordinates will go and seal the gap at the top of the Tongtian Tower."

"and many more."

Zhang Tian raised his hand to stop her, looked sideways at Ruthless Man, and said in a low voice, "This emperor's daughter has not finished her practice yet, let her go in and practice again, until the tenth round sea is condensed, and then It's not too late to seal the gap."

"But if this gap is not sealed for a day, it will be given to those who secretly..."

Emperor Pingxin subconsciously wanted to defend himself, but stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence, bit his red lips, and said, "Since it is for the daughter of Emperor Zun, I will let my subordinates open for some more time, and I will go against it. The method of new time, shorten the time as much as possible."

The so-called reverse time is to compress the time in the tower. One day in the tower may only pass an hour outside.

This is a very dangerous thing, because the Qi of Chaos is very domineering and does a lot of damage to the Tongtian Tower. It used to be Shunshuo time, the damage of the Qi of Chaos can be spread over ten days to bear, and it can still be barely parried, but now However, it is necessary to condense the damage of the Chaos Qi in one day to burst out in one hour. After using this method, this Tongtian Tower is basically useless.

But since Zhang Tian asked, the Pingxin Hades could only reluctantly make such a decision, even though this Tongtian Tower was also a very important treasure to the Netherworld.The whole novel network

Zhang Tian nodded, and with a swipe in the air, a door of light manifested, and the other side of the door was the scene of the chaotic area.

"Nan, you go in, practice with peace of mind, when will the tenth Sea of ​​​​Lunhai be condensed and consummated, and when will you come out."

"Thank you dad."

Ruthless looked very excited. I didn't expect my father to have such power. With a casual sentence, Emperor Pingxin made a major concession. You must know that those forces in the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and Buzhou Mountain took a lot of effort to calm down. Emperor Xinming only gave up the right to use it for one month.

As the ruthless figure disappeared in the gate of light, the Emperor Pingxin also flew up and hit a series of seals, inspiring the potential of the Tongtian Tower, and going against the river of time, so even if the ruthless person cultivated in the tower for a year, The outside world is only a month away.

"There are still important things to do in the Netherworld, so the subordinates will leave first."

After doing all this, Emperor Pingxin saluted Zhang Tian again, then ripped apart the space and left.

Although he lost a Tongtian Pagoda this time, Emperor Pingxin was excited and happy in his heart. It was a great blessing to be able to witness the honorable face of the Emperor Buried at such a close distance.

The most important thing is that she knows that Zhang Tian is still walking in the world, and his power is not inferior to that of the past, and he is not like the rumors from the outside world that he was severely injured by the Nine Great Fighters and went into hiding.

This is a great booster, as long as the Emperor Burial is still there, even if the world is an enemy, she can resist it fearlessly.

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