Because she knew that behind her was the Emperor Buried!

The waves flowed, and soon only Zhang Tian and Zi Yan were left in the square.

At this time, Zi Yan seemed to remember something, and said as if taking credit: "Dad, how did I finish this mission?"

Zhang Tian touched her little head and praised: "Well, you did a good job."

Zi Yan was even more excited, smiled like a little fox, spread her hands, and said, "Then what about my reward, Dad can't be partial."

Zhang Tian flicked her bright forehead angrily. This girl has too many thoughts, and there is a chance for a ruthless person. He really can't fool her with ordinary things.

There are indeed a lot of treasures on him, but at least they are at the level of Immortal Kings, but there are none suitable for Zi Yan. The only thing that can be given to her seems to be the bottle of nectar, but the three sisters all share, and he is not good alone. Take it out as a reward for Zi Yan, otherwise this girl will have to make trouble in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Tian suddenly had an idea, and said with a serious look: "Zi Yan, you are now at the peak of the middle-level demon king, and you have accumulated a very deep background. You can try to guide Huiguang, nourish your soul, and strengthen your soul. Entering the realm of high-level demon king."

Zi Yan nodded, her cultivation had not improved for a long time, and she was a little anxious. , , .

Chapter 624 Zhang Tian's Reward for His Baby Daughter

Seeing her taking the bait, Zhang Tian continued: "To achieve this step requires a very amazing soul stone. Dad will send you to the king's realm in the virtual world, where you can get sufficient resources—"

With that said, Zhang Tian flipped his palm, took out a silver token and handed it to Zi Yan, and said solemnly: "This world master order is the reward given to you by your father. You only need to activate this token, you can Summon the master of the virtual world, he has many rare treasures in his hands, which can fulfill one of your wishes."

Zi Yan's eyes lit up, she immediately took the token, looked at it, and said suspiciously, "Is this token really useful?"

Zhang Tian nodded and said: "Of course, the master of the virtual world of war has all the resources of the virtual world, some of which have been occupied, and some that have not yet been discovered. As long as you plan properly, you can break through to the realm of high-level demon kings with it. There is absolutely no problem, this is also a test for you."

Zi Yan squinted her eyes and thought for a while, then she showed joy, hugged Zhang Tian and kissed, and said softly: "Dad is so good, then send me to the virtual world of war."

There was a sly aura in her eyes, obviously planning something.

Zhang Tian didn't care about this, raised his hand to connect the coordinates of the virtual world of the battle world, and threw Zi Yan into it, leaving the rest to Gu Taxian to deal with headaches.

After sending Zi Yan away, Zhang Tian was idle again, looking far into the distance, as if he saw the ruthless man who was cultivating in the chaotic area through the layers of the void. With the progress down, the tenth Lunhai can be completely built in at most three months.

Under the law of reverse time, three months is no more than seven or eight days in the outside world.

However, it was a bit boring to just wait like this. Remembering that he hadn't seen Yu Xin for a long time, Zhang Tian couldn't help but move in his heart.

He used the ice spirit jade ring on Yu Xin's body to set the position, so he directly teleported it to Yu Xin's room at the Deity Academy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped in, she saw Yuxin removing her underwear one by one, revealing her skin that was as smooth as jade.

After nearly two years in the virtual world of war, Yuxin has also become very normal, her body has become more slender and slender, graceful and slender, and the three-foot blue silk without anyone's decoration is split behind the invisible strands, which is even more prominent. The snow white and smoothness of the jade skin is looming, which attracts infinite reverie.

Zhang Tian knew that Yuxin had a thin face. If he exposed his figure, he would make this girl feel ashamed, and maybe even annoy him a few words, so he directly took away all traces, leaned on the corridor, and watched quietly. This beautiful picture of a girl changing clothes is like admiring a delicate picture.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yu Xin suddenly turned around and looked suspiciously at the back of the empty space, her face blushed, she turned around quickly, took out a black robe and put it on on the body.

Then a window was pushed open, and Yuxin jumped out like a fairy, dancing in the night, running into the distance.

"Could it be that this girl found me?"

Where Yuxin's eyes swept before, Zhang Tian showed his figure, muttered a little uncertainly, then looked in the direction where Yuxin disappeared, and ran out, wanting to see what this precious daughter has been busy with recently.

Yuxin's cultivation level reached the level of the Holy King when she ended the Battle of the Pill Dao Tianjiao in Zhongzhou. After two years of accumulation, she has gone a step further, breaking through to the level of the Holy Master, and her aura fluctuated very strongly.

But to be precise, this is not her cultivation, but the cultivation of the other side of the flower, but she can call it at will.

The power that really belongs to Yuxin is the "Blood Nerve" that she cultivated. Last time Zhang Tian used the dragon blood of the Fire Dragon Demon Emperor to create a first-order blood body for her, and now she has reached a first-order advanced blood body. It is equivalent to an ordinary great saint. If you can further break through to the second rank, it will be easy for you to match the strength of the Holy Master.Jiangsu Literature Network

The two of them ran in tandem like this, and it didn't take long for Yuxin to stop on a mound outside the wasteland. Under the shroud of the killer robe of the Soul Palace, she couldn't feel that there was a flower season hidden inside. The girl, only gives a faint sense of oppression.

"My subordinates see the Young Palace Master."

Two men also wearing Soul Palace killer robes ran over from a distance, knelt in front of Yu Xin, and said respectfully.

Yu Xin nodded slightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "What is wrong with the Palace Master looking for me?"

One of them said: "If you go back to the Young Hall Master, there is something wrong with the Nanhuang Main Hall. The Hall Master has been transferred back yesterday. I hope the Young Hall Master can temporarily help to sit in Wuyudongtian."

"I see, let's lead the way." Yu Xin said.

After listening to the conversation, Zhang Tian realized that Yuxin did not cut off the connection with the Soul Palace after returning to Donghuang, and became the Young Palace Master of the Soul Palace. There are too many resources, and the identity on the bright side is not easy to raise, so they rely on the power of the Soul Palace to act.

After all, although "Blood Nerve" is a top-level divine power technique in ancient times, the process of cultivation is a bit strange, and it is not suitable to be exposed to others.

Zhang Tian didn't care about Yu Xin's choice. Seeing them go far, he followed them again.

After flying for another half an hour, Yu Xin and the two subordinates entered the Wuyu Cave, and immediately felt the unusual atmosphere in this Fangdongtian.

"Does everyone know about the fact that I took over Wuyudongtian?" Yuxin's voice was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

Another person bowed and said: "It has not been officially announced, but several peak masters should know about it."

Yu Xin nodded, flew into the sky, stood on the ground, and said in a low voice: "From today onwards, I will take over the Wuyudongtian!"

This sound contained a powerful momentum, like rolling thunder in the entire five prison caves, echoing every mountain peak.

In an instant, thousands of tyrannical spirits stretched out from the top of the five peaks, and they swept towards Yuxin without concealment, all condensing on her.

Some spirits are full of hostility, even icy murderous intentions, floating in the void. If people with a slightly poorer cultivation are under such pressure, I am afraid they will not be able to move.

In the Soul Palace, it pays attention to strength and respect. Yuxin's becoming the Young Palace Master has caused many people's dissatisfaction. It is only because she does not appear often and has the protection of the former Palace Master Soul Qinghou, so no one is going to provoke her. To enter the Five Prisons Cave Heaven, suddenly exceeded the tolerance limit of many people.

Not to mention, between the second peak master and Yu Xin, there is a mortal feud of murder!


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