Zhang Tian felt the atmosphere of this sword and sword shadow, and couldn't help showing an intriguing smile. , , .

Chapter 625 Killing in the Soul Palace

Killing intent was intertwined in the air, and the two killers who were responsible for giving orders to Yu Xin felt a suffocating oppression, but they remained unshakable and stood firmly behind Yu Xin.

"Let's go."

Yu Xin turned a blind eye to those hostility and murderous intentions, and walked in the sky like this, stepping into the first peak, but did not enter the Hall of Five Prisons, but found a wooden house halfway up the mountain, tidied up a little, and lived there. go in.

This scene made many people feel astonished, not knowing what to do, and some original plans were postponed because of this.

The night passed like that.

The next day, the killers of the other peaks were surprised to find that the wooden house where Yuxin lived had changed a lot. There were two more flowerbeds around. It was a very common spiritual flower, which could exhale aura and increase the concentration of aura around.

"She is repairing this wooden house, does she plan to live there forever?"

"Hehe, she's smart and doesn't dare to really take charge of affairs, but it would be fantastic to want to stay out of it like this."

"There is no place to practice with peace of mind in the Soul Palace."

The killers at the top of the peaks are talking a lot. They are very sensitive to the dangerous atmosphere, and they know that something big will happen soon.

On the second peak, a ruthless middle-aged man looked at the scene of the wooden house, snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the main hall.

He didn't wrap his body like an ordinary killer, but exposed his head. It was a gloomy face like a knife and an axe. His eyes were full of ruthlessness, and he strode into the hall.

"Hello, Big Brother."

"See Senior Brother."

The killers along the way stopped and saluted respectfully when they saw the disciple, and some even shivered with fear.

Geyin is a powerful man named Yang Lin. He is the No. [-] Platinum Killer of this East Desolate Branch Hall, and is also the eldest disciple of the Second Peak Peak Master. Not many are not afraid of him.

Walking deep into the hall, Yang Lin stood still in front of a bronze gate and said solemnly, "Master, that ruthless wooden house on the mountainside lives in, and it seems that he doesn't want to compete for the position of the hall master."


A sneer came from behind the bronze gate, and then an old voice rang out: "Do you really think so?"

Yang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, "The disciple doesn't know much about this young palace master, but if she really does not compete with the world, she will not accept the entrustment of the palace master. In the disciple's opinion, she wants to keep a low profile and wait for the main palace. There will be an official appointment to act again."

"Your analysis is very good. This child has a deep scheming. Now the situation is unclear. She wants to hide her clumsiness. How can this old man tolerate her? Do you know what to do?" The second peak master's voice suddenly became sharp.

"Disciple understands that this is going to take someone to test it out. Shaofeng Master's revenge must be avenged!"

Yang Lin folded his fists, strode to the back, and shouted: "Come on, follow me to the first peak!"

The second peak master was sitting in the secret room, the breath on his body was like a prison, and he had already reached the holy realm, but his face was covered with black energy, and sometimes a grimace appeared, which was very scary.

He was already thin to dry wood, looked at the first peak with his dry eyes, and whispered softly: "Killing hands, ruthless, no one is protecting you now, the old man will crush you to ashes. "

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Black shadows flashed across the second peak, turning into dozens of shocking rainbows and rushing towards the first peak, immediately attracting the attention of the entire Wuyudongtian.

"Yang Lin has a tyrannical personality, and he couldn't help but take action!"

"Heartless is the Young Hall Master after all. This should be just a test. If the opponent is difficult to parry, then the real powerful killer move will follow."

"That's right, although it's just a test, you can also try out the depth of this little palace master."

On the third peak, six old men in black soap robes sat together, watching the movement outside through a bronze mirror, sometimes sneering.

Although Yuxin has been the Soul Hall Killer for several years, and the Young Hall Master for more than half a year, there are still not many people who really know her, but one thing is certain, that is, Yu Xin is not very old. Details can be calculated.

Because of this, several major peak masters did not take Yuxin into their eyes, and wondered how a little girl could be the opponent of the second peak master who had experienced the wind and frost.

On the fourth peak, in front of the hall stood a stove with a height of several dozen meters. A hunchbacked old man leaned on crutches and looked up at Yang Lin and others. The wrinkles on his face were like old tree bark.

Next to it, a little girl in a red dress came up, looked at it curiously, and said, "Peak Master, this time the matter is big, will that Young Hall Master Sister be suppressed?"

"It won't be a big deal, at least not this time. The second peak master is very clever, and Yang Lin is also a thoughtful person. He won't tear his face from the beginning. You are young and don't understand. I have seen this kind of thing a lot. , it's just a test."

The hunchbacked old man said old-fashionedly, looking exactly as I expected.

On the fifth peak, a rather dashing middle-aged man held a folding fan, fanned it slightly, and said with a chuckle: "Yang Lin is aggressive, I don't know how our Young Hall Master will decide?"

A young man in white next to him thoughtfully said: "Although it is rumored that the young palace master killer is not very old, it can be seen from her actions several times that this person has a decisive and ruthless style, and she will not swallow her anger this time."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, then his eyes flashed, and he said in amazement: "This Yang Lin is so cruel, he even brought the third peak's punishment hall disciple, if the young palace master really makes a move, I am afraid it is the granting of people. Take the handle!"

"Hun Six, Soul Seven, get out of here you two!"

Yang Lin flew with a group of killers, shouting fiercely, and the mighty killing intent swept the entire space.

The faces of the two killers who were guarding outside the wooden house immediately changed their expressions. They were Soul Six and Soul Seven, and they were also the personal attendants assigned by Hun Qinghou to Yu Xin, and they were the only two subordinates of the Young Hall Master.

The surrounding peak killers all showed their expressions of watching a good show. This Yang Lin was really bad, and he knocked the mountain and shook the tiger as soon as he came up!

"You two have violated the criminal law, so don't follow me to the punishment hall to receive the crime!"

A sullen man stepped out from behind Yang Lin without making any excuses. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a black bone claw and grabbed Soul Six and Soul Seven fiercely.

In the next instant, a blood-colored finger flew from the wooden house like lightning, and greeted the black bone claws.


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