With a loud bang, the black bone claws burst, and countless turbulent turbulent flow flew.

Under everyone's attention, Yuxin, wearing a flower robe on the other side, walked out of the wooden house.

No one knew, but under the old Kui tree beside him, Zhang Tianzheng watched the farce quietly. , , .

Chapter 626 The Master of the Young Palace is going to go against the sky!

"Young Palace Master, Soul Six and Soul Seven violated the court order, so why don't you want to protect them?"

When Yang Lin saw Yuxin's shot, he seemed very excited.

After finishing speaking, Yang Lin didn't wait for Yuxin to reply, turned his head and instructed the sullen man, "What are you doing, don't hurry up and grab someone!"

The sullen man looked solemn, gritted his teeth and said, "Take someone!"

He is the chief elder of the third peak punishment hall, and it is expected that the first platinum killer of punishment hall and Yang Lin will support him, and the young hall master does not dare to continue to stop him.

As soon as these words came out, the three golden killers standing behind the shady man immediately ran out, bypassing Yuxin, and heading straight for Soul Six and Soul Seven.

They won't really kill them. As long as these two people are seriously injured, it will be enough to make the Young Palace Master lose face. He can't even protect his own personal followers. Who else will obey her?

It would be even more wonderful if the Young Hall Master took action to stop him. With the righteousness on his side, even if the Young Hall Master was stronger, even if he was stronger than Yang Lin, he could still be stronger than the second Peak Master.

Thinking of this, their murderous intentions are even better, one after another magical powers are unfolded, and the Soul Palace is like this.

Yang Lin clasped a steel knife in both hands, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Yu Xin with gloomy eyes.

"Do your own fault, don't live."

An indifferent voice came from under Yu Xin's black cloth mask, and a jade-like finger lifted up and clicked out casually.

Suddenly, a huge blood light rose from Yu Xin's body, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth. Behind her, a vague blood-colored ghost appeared. Generally, they want to return from the world of the dead.


The golden killer rushing in front suddenly froze and let out a shrill roar. The bright red blood energy burst out directly from his body, as if being attacked by an extremely powerful force. Pulled, torn apart.

But in an instant, he has become a blood man, covered in blood, and the blood is sprinkled all over the void.

"This is the blood-cutting ghost finger!"

Everyone present was a little cold. They naturally knew the secret technique of the blood demon sect gate Dingding. It can be said to be extremely domineering. Even more than a thousand cuts, even thinking about it makes the scalp tingle.

Yang Lin's eyes widened. He had heard a lot of things about Yuxin and knew that this was a ruthless character.

The next moment, he couldn't help but feel ecstasy in his heart, his eyes flashed with cold light, he strode forward, and shouted sharply: "Young Palace Master, you dare to violate the rules of the palace!?"

At the same time, in the second peak secret room, the second peak master Ran Wu snorted coldly and closed his eyes again.

On the third peak, the six old men in soap robes showed fierce gleams at the same time, and said in a gloomy tone: "What a little girl, even the people in our torture hall dare to kill!"

On the fourth peak, the little girl in red said excitedly: "Peak Master, I'll just say, the younger sister will definitely not back down easily, Yang Lin and the others have kicked the iron plate this time." Soaring Chinese www. fzzw.net

The hunchbacked old man shook his head and sighed: "Guwazi, what do you know. This move of the young palace master is too reckless. After all, he is a young man who can't hold his breath, and he will suffer a big loss. The old man has lived for too long, I see things like this a lot.”

On the fifth peak, the middle-aged peak master shook his folding fan, smiled slightly, and remained calm.

Yu Xin was not affected by the reactions around her, but was immersed in her own perceptions. "Blood Nerve" was created by the ancient blood gods.

Normally, every time the magical power on "Blood Nerve" is used, there will be a strong tyrannical will that floods into the heart, making people unable to help being manipulated, and finally becoming a killing machine.Because of this, even the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect did not dare to easily perform such secret techniques.

But this has no effect on Yu Xin, who is in a 'ruthless' state. Her calmness is beyond everything.

"The source of blood is moving, and the anger is angry, it doesn't seem to change due to the number of murders..." Yu Xin whispered softly and raised her hand again.

The face of the second Golden Killer who was approaching suddenly changed greatly, and he was about to retreat immediately, but it seemed like he was being strangled by an invisible big hand, and it collapsed and exploded, destroying both body and spirit.

Killed someone again?

The scene of the blood explosion was very shocking. Even the Soul Palace Killer, who has always been known as the Murderer, had rarely seen such a cruel way of death, and could not help but feel some fear.

This scene also changed Yang Lin's expression. It was no longer joy, but a little surprise. He was already at the limit of killing one person indiscriminately by the Young Palace Master.

At this moment, the third golden killer, seeing the two people around him burst into a blood dance, was instantly shocked to the extreme, and was about to run away, but saw Yu Xin's fingers have been pointed at him, and a bloody light shot out.

"Elder, save me! Senior Brother Yang, save me!"

The golden killer was screaming, and before he died, he made a shrill roar, echoing in the void, and with the body that exploded into blood mist, everyone was shocked. It took a long time to react, and a shocking wave broke out.

"She, she actually killed three people in a row!"

"Crazy, crazy, Wuyudongtian, the punishment hall is the rule, the young palace master is going to go against the sky!"

"She's in a lot of trouble this time. She kills her fellow students indiscriminately, and is still a disciple of the punishment hall. Even if the hall master is still there, she can't protect her."

The buzzing discussion came one after another, and Yang Lin's momentum couldn't help but reach the peak. Such a rainy feeling made him feel a little bit of fear.

However, this fear was quickly suppressed by him, and he secretly said in his heart: "Before, the master only asked me to test it out, but I didn't expect this idiot to kill three people in a row. If so, let her kill enough and let her dig her own grave. !"

Thinking of this, Yang Lin looked at Yuxin with a stern gaze, and said loudly: "Yang Moujing, you are the master of the young palace, but you wantonly killed your fellow sect in order to protect your subordinates. Such legality is intolerable, even the young palace master must be suppressed. Come on, take down the Young Palace Master for me!"

The words fell, and the killers of the second and third peaks behind him showed hesitation. This young palace master made it clear that he was a god of killing. Wouldn't he kill him if he rushed up like this? Who dares to rush forward without fear of death?

At this moment, a fierce momentum burst out from the third peak, shaking the void, making the situation pale.

"Murdering fellow sects is a taboo. Even the young palace master will be punished. Disciples of the punishment hall, listen to the old man's order, capture the young palace master and bring it to the punishment hall. If you dare to resist, directly suppress it!"

The old and gloomy voice came from the third peak, echoing the entire five prison cave, making Yang Lin's spirit shocked, and he almost laughed out loud. , , .

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