Chapter 627 The background of the young palace master is bigger than the soul palace

"The Peak Master Liudao has spoken!"

The disciples who followed Yang Lin were all shocked, and the fear in their eyes disappeared without a trace. The six-path peak master was in charge of the third peak execution hall.

Yuxin's brutal killing of the three disciples of the punishment hall obviously made the Liudao Peak Master angry. At this time, she made a clear statement to stand on the side of the second peak. This is also the reason why Yang Lin brought the disciples of the punishment hall over.

Everything is calculated.

Yang Lin thought so, his eyes were even colder, he took a step forward, and said loudly: "The six-path peak master has an order, you can't take down this young palace master!"

Swish swish!

One after another figure flashed out, and many killers rushed towards Yuxin. They believed that the young palace master would not dare to take another shot, because the Liudao Peak Master had already spoken.

At this moment, on the second peak, the second peak master Ran Wu squinted his eyes and nodded in the direction of the third peak. He is also willing to accept the great favor. With the Six Paths Peak Master coming forward, even the main hall can't blame it.

"Jie Jie, he is a kid, not worth mentioning."

On the third peak, six old men in soap robes sat together with a relaxed expression, playing with the applause of the dignified young palace master, giving them an extraordinary pleasure.

"Hey, what did the old man say, the young palace master is too young, this time he will suffer a big loss after all, the Liudao Peak Master has spoken in person, and she is not about to bow her head. The old man has lived for too long, and I have seen this kind of thing a lot. ."

The hunchbacked old man on the fourth peak shook his head, disapproving of Yuxin's previous determination.

The girl in red blinked and seemed to have a different opinion, still staring at the battlefield.

On the fifth peak, the middle-aged peak master holding a folding fan was slightly stunned, then shook his head and said, "Sixth Dao has expressed his position so quickly, this young palace master is unpopular after all."

Yu Xin raised her head and looked at the killers who rushed over, her aura suddenly erupted.

"Sure enough, this "Blood Nerve" doesn't mean that the more people it kills, the more tyrannical it becomes. All the ill will come from the heart. If you don't have the will to kill, even if you kill a million people, it will be like a mustard, and you will not be shocked..."

Yu Xin muttered to herself, her body took a step forward, and in an instant, the blood was surging into the sky, and all the blood that was poured out everywhere was absorbed by the white-clothed ghost, making his body a little more solid, and his body was bound. He took a lot of iron cables and tried his best to break free.

"Blood-cutting palm!"

Yu Xin waved her right hand, and a fierce blood light erupted from her palm, the void roared and trembled, and hurricanes swept across all directions, instantly touching dozens of killers who came running.

"Ah ah ah..."

In the void, the blood mist rolled, and bursts of tragic howls were emitted. The dozens of killers in the front, no matter what their cultivation bases, directly burst into flesh and blood when they touched the bloody palm wind, turning into a rain of blood.

The blood-colored palm wind continues to swing forward, no matter what you do to resist, it will all be absorbed by the blood mist, and then absorbed by the palm wind, and finally turn into a huge bloody hand, towards the Grab it with Yang Lin at the back.

"Do not!!"

Yang Lin's heart was filled with infinite fear, and he hurriedly used the secret technique, but when it was only halfway through, his body was grabbed by a big bloody hand, and all the blood was drained in an instant.

"No, don't kill me, Master save me!!"

This scene was so shocking that the expressions of the killers in the entire Wuyudongtian changed greatly, and the second peak master Ran Wu stood up abruptly with a fierce look.

"Junior is arrogant!" The Liudao Peak Master of the third peak shouted, violent killing intent interweaving the void.

"Peak Master, didn't you say that the Young Hall Master bowed his head? It doesn't look like he was about to bow his head." The girl in red said with wide eyes.Nuancai Literature Network

"This, this, look at it, and you will bow your head immediately. I have lived for too long, old man. I have seen this kind of thing, and I have seen it a lot."

The hunchbacked old man was hesitant, but he still insisted on his own idea. This young palace master has some strength, but how could she resist the second peak master or the sixth peak master?

At the fifth peak, the middle-aged peak master suddenly put away the folding fan, with a solemn expression on his face.

"What is the Master of the Young Hall doing!"

"It's terrible, this is a blatant challenge to the execution hall!"

"Young Palace Master is so strong, Yang Linyuan is not her opponent."

"This... this is just a test, how could it be like this!"

At this moment, a tyrannical spirit on the second peak passed by, but it was the second peak master who planned to save Yang Lin.

Yu Xin's expression was calm, and the jade hand sticking out of the black robe shrank with her fingers.

"Dare you!!"

There was a terrifying roar from the galloping soul, but it couldn't stop it at all, and he could only watch the blood-colored big hand in the void squeeze fiercely.


With a loud bang, Yang Lin's body was directly crushed into pieces, and his flesh and blood raged.

"No, this...this is just a test, this is..."

Yang Lin screamed sternly, and before he could finish speaking, all three souls and seven souls were drained, and both body and spirit were destroyed.

For him, this was just a test, but for Yu Xin, when she made her move, there was no such thing as a test.

There was a dead silence all around, and the entire Wuyu Cave thought that this was a test, just like two fierce tigers would shine their minions on each other before the confrontation. No one could have predicted such serious consequences.

"I want you to die!"

Between the lightning and flint, the soul of the second peak master has already rushed to, and Shengwei is sternly pressing towards Yuxin.

At this moment, the ghost in white behind Yu Xin suddenly opened her eyes, a blood-colored teardrop flowed out from the corner of her eyes, and a more ferocious breath washed out.


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