The two auras collided in the void. Although the second peak master had broken through to the holy realm, he was still vulnerable in front of the aura of the ghost in white, and was instantly violent.

This is a great sage-level confrontation, and the aftermath swept across the entire Wuyu Cave like a gust of wind, countless mountain peaks exposed cracks, and large tracts of grass, trees, rocks and rocks rolled down.

All the killers, no matter which mountain they are on, all gasped at this moment, horrified.

"Young Palace Master, you are going too far, killing dozens of fellow students and disregarding the rules of the Soul Palace, even Soul Qinghou can't keep you. Elder Zhufeng, the Young Palace Master has been enchanted, please take action together and kill her on the spot. ."

The second peak master spoke, very ruthless, and directly wanted to put Yuxin to death.His mind is also very meticulous, pulling up the entire East Desolate Branch Hall, even if the above is to blame, it is not the law to blame the public.

"Who dares to do it!"

At this moment, Soul Six took a step forward, suddenly pulled out a token, and said loudly: "The hall master left an order before leaving to warn the peak masters, behind the young hall master, it was three years ago. The predecessors of Weilin Wuyudongtian, the soul master will kneel and salute when he sees it. If you touch her hair, the whole soul hall will have a terrible disaster!" ,,..

Chapter 628 The soul master can only kneel in front of that person


As soon as these words came out, it exploded like a thunder in the Nine Heavens, and almost everyone shuddered.

The invasion more than three years ago was the biggest catastrophe since the Five Hells Cave was built, but there was only one intruder.

"It turns out that the master of the young palace is the daughter of that adult, no wonder, no wonder."

On the fourth peak, the hunchbacked old man muttered to himself, and many lingering doubts were cleared up. The second peak master's treasure was compensated to the young hall master.

At that time, he couldn't understand that this kind of offending person was not like the handwriting of Hun Qinghou at all, even if the other party was his heir, he would not be so partial.

But now I know, where Hun Qinghou is favoring the young palace master, he is clearly afraid, with the strength of that adult, one is not worried, and the entire Five Prison Cave Heaven will be destroyed, which is no exaggeration.

"Peak Master, what happened three years ago? Who is the person behind the Young Palace Master?" The girl in red asked curiously. She was picked up by the hunchbacked old man when he went on a mission half a year ago. Seeing her amazing talent, He stayed by his side all the time, and he didn't know about the catastrophe three years ago.

The hunchbacked old man shook his cane and sighed: "The incident three years ago was everyone's nightmare. You only need to know that the man behind the Young Palace Master, just by virtue of his aura, shattered the Wuyudongtian. Halfway, the hall master Hun Qinghou was in front of him and could only crawl on the ground without even the courage to raise his head. Legend has it that he broke through the soul realm with one hand and made the soul master kneel in front of him, even in front of the soul master Killed a half-step god emperor-level Soul Palace Tianzun."

"This, how is this possible..."

The girl in red screamed out, in her opinion, the grandfather of the peak master is already a great figure in the world, and he made a random shot, which scared a prince.And the hall master Soul Qinghou is ten times stronger than the peak master, and he is only worshipped as a land god.

Now the hunchbacked old man actually told her that Hou Qinghou didn't even dare to lift his head in front of the man behind the Young Palace Master?Even the Supreme Soul Master of the Soul Palace has to kneel in front of that person!

What kind of terrifying cultivation is this, is it a real immortal?

The shock of the other peaks was no less than that of the fourth peak. In the originally noisy cave, it was as quiet as time frozen, and they were all stunned by this heavy news.

On the fifth peak, the middle-aged peak master slammed for a while when he heard the words of Soul Six, the folding fan in his hand snapped, and all the disciples behind him fell to their knees, and a large gust of cold air rose from their backs.

"Young Palace Master really has such a background, but Soul Six is ​​still lying." The middle-aged Peak Master was a little uncertain, but there was no longer any contempt in his eyes when he looked at Yu Xin.

On the third peak, the six old men in soap robes looked at each other, and one of them said solemnly, "Elder Brother, do you really believe that the Young Palace Master is related to that lord?"

His voice trembled a little, something that had not been done for so many years.

The leader of the old man in the soap robe pondered: "This matter is a bit tricky. If I knew this, I would not help the old ghost Ran Wu. Now that our third peak has been implicated, we can only take a step by step."

On the second peak, the second peak master roared loudly in the secret room, his face full of unwillingness and anger, but his body was shaking slightly, it was not excitement, but fear.

Soul Six's remarks reminded him of the terrifying scene of Zhang Tianjun's visit to the five prisons. The man who seemed to suppress the nine heavens and ten places with one hand made him feel boundless fear even if he thought about it.

However, this fear was quickly overwhelmed by the revenge of the murder.For three whole years, he has been living in hatred and pain. The death of his only beloved son made him almost collapse. For revenge, he did not hesitate to practice cruel magic, just waiting for this day.

It's impossible to get him to stop.

Because he has already made plans to perish together, and he is not afraid of death, so why is he afraid.

Soul Six revealed Yu Xin's background, but it only made the killing intent in his heart stronger, because he knew that if he missed this opportunity, what awaited him would be the supreme anger of that senior.

"Nonsense, that senior's cultivation level is sky-high, even if he really has children, why would he send him to be a killer? It's clearly you who are talking about it! Come on, let me suppress the Young Palace Master!"

The second peak master is experienced, and he first denied the words of Soul Six, otherwise no one would dare to take action.

Everyone looked at each other, even the killer who was loyal to Ran Wu on the second peak was hesitant at this time and did not dare to shoot.Wanbar Novel Network

Yuxin raised her head slightly and said coldly: "You don't need to suppress it, I will personally go to your second peak and suppress you."

The voice fell, Yu Xin stepped out one step, and a thunderstorm exploded from the bottom of her feet, instantly moving thousands of feet, appeared above the first peak, and went straight to the second peak.

At this moment, the entire Wuyudongtian was completely in an uproar, roaring everywhere!




The sound of thunder in the void resounded endlessly, Yuxin was like a desolate killing god, stepping on the thunder, and every time there was a startling sound, the second peak swayed. crack.

"What does the main hall do?"

"Could it be that the young palace master plans to challenge the second peak alone?"

All the killers were horrified, and the next moment, they saw the result.

"Yin-yang flame dragon ball, kill!"

Yu Xin flicked her cuffs one by one, and the red and black black and white beads flew out like lightning, and instantly merged into one and turned into a huge and boundless flame dragon, which rammed towards the second peak.

"It's the Young Palace Master!"

"What a terrifying magic weapon."

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