"Fight with her!"

The killer of the second peak screamed wildly, and in the next moment, the huge dragon body of Yanlong had already descended.


With an explosion, the second peak, which was as high as [-] meters, was directly smashed by the waist. The boulders flew, and countless killers rushed out of it. They were quickly burned to ashes by the flames, and the screams resounded through the sky.


The other disciples of the other peaks couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw this scene. Yu Xin's strength shocked them. Even an ordinary great sage couldn't achieve such destructive power.

"Shizier dare!"

The second peak master yelled, and flew out in the air, his body was quite embarrassed. He didn't expect the young hall master to be so cruel, and he didn't expect to have such strength. An ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"Blood-cutting Ghost Palm!"

Yu Xin didn't hesitate at all, stepping on two balls of green thunder on the soles of her feet, and with a flick of her palm, a huge bloody hand stepped out from the void and grabbed the second peak master fiercely.

At this moment, the sky and the earth roared, and the blood of the disciples of the second peak who were killed all boiled, turning into blood mist in all directions, rolling towards the bloody hands, making it skyrocket several times, directly smashing the magical power of the second peak master, killing him. Imprisoned by death.

"Ah, no... I hate it! I hate it!..."

The second peak master screamed frantically, and just halfway through his shouting, the holy body was crushed and destroyed!

The blood mist dissipated, leaving only Yuxin alone, her black robe fluttering, standing on top of the ruins. , , .

Chapter 629 Do You Really Think This Emperor Does Not Exist?

"Meet the Young Palace Master!"

"Meet the Young Palace Master!"

The worship of the remaining killers of the second peak spread all over the world, like a stormy sea, one level higher than the other, sweeping the entire five prison caves.

They have been completely gutted, and it seems that only such a cry can dispel the fear in their hearts.

At this moment, in the entire Donghuang Branch Hall, everyone's eyes were focused on Yu Xin, and the figure of the other side's flower robe was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

"Amazing, the Young Palace Master really still has some means, this is the plan to take the second peak to establish prestige, this matter should end here. The old man has lived for too long, although there are not many such things, but there are still some. "

On the fourth peak, the hunchbacked old man stroked his beard and said.

"Young Palace Master, although your cultivation base is high, the Soul Palace is a place with rules. Even if Soul Qinghou is still there, he would not dare to kill the second Peak Master. You must give everyone an explanation!"

On the third peak, six old men in soap robes spoke at the same time, and the tones were exactly the same, echoing each other, and their power was even higher than the second peak master.But they were afraid that Yu Xin would be held accountable, so they charged Yu Xin first.

"Liu Dao Peak Master said it well. Without rules, a circle cannot be formed. The Young Palace Master has gone too far this time, and he needs to give an explanation."

The middle-aged Peak Master of the Fifth Peak also spoke. He expected that the Young Hall Master's prestige had ended and he would not kill again. At this time, he came out and said a few words. Whether the Young Hall Master listened or not, he could maintain his face and teach the outside world. Look, he is not afraid of the Young Palace Master.

"He... how could they dare to provoke?"

The girl in red on the fourth peak was a little surprised. She couldn't understand that after the Young Palace Master showed such terrifying power, there were still people who took the initiative to provoke him.

"Hehe, don't worry, we won't be able to fight, the young hall master's prestige is over, and if you give face to the third and fifth peaks, this matter will be over. The hall master will kill again and decisively, will he dare to destroy the East Desolate branch hall? I have lived for too long..."

The hunchbacked old man said calmly, but before he finished speaking, he saw the second peak of blood, and a cold voice came out:

"If you want to explain it, I will explain it to you!"

Yu Xin opened her mouth, and under everyone's unbelievable eyes, she stepped towards the third peak, and the thunder sounded again to the treasure chest.

Wuyudongtian was dead silent in an instant.

"Damn, how dare she, how dare..."

"She's actually here. It's impossible to declare war with my third peak."

"Crazy, this person must be crazy."

The six old men in soap robes on the third peak couldn't sit still. At this moment, they even missed Hunqinghou. If Hunqinghou was still there, they would definitely stop it at this time, and now they can no longer seal the sharp knife. scabbard.




The thunder rolled, and Yuxin quickly stepped in front of the third peak. With a lift of her jade palm, the yin and yang flame dragon ball flew out again, turning into a flame dragon hovering over the third peak, and the fiery and furious waves came crashing down, the sky shook, and the earth roared. .

All the soul palace killers showed a look of astonishment, and there was a cold air from the bottom of their hearts, they could only stare blankly at the other side flower robe standing in the air, that was their young master!

"You don't need to suppress, I'll suppress you first!"

"If you want to explain it, I will explain it to you!"

"This is what the young palace master just said. It's too domineering. I haven't seen it in my life, I haven't seen it in my life!"

Under Yuxin's repeated iron-blooded suppression, many killers' concepts finally changed. From the initial shock to the current frenzy, they suddenly discovered that this young palace master is so domineering, that kind of invincible power that overwhelms everything, Make their blood boil. 163 novel network www.163xiaoshuo.com

This is the young palace master in their minds, who is domineering and invincible in the world!

However, for the core killers on the third peak, this time was tantamount to a natural disaster. They were all disciples of the punishment hall. They were usually arrogant.

But at this moment, in the scorching flames, they woke up. The young palace master in front of them was a lamb who didn't know the world, and he was clearly a god of killing without taboos!

There was also the middle-aged Peak Master of the Fifth Peak, who was even paler at this time. He suddenly discovered that this young palace...seems to be indisputable, but in fact, when he really turned his face, he was simply unscrupulous.

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