Once Li Wei, it must be completely thorough immediately, and there is no chance for the slightest relaxation.

He found that he seemed to have made a big mistake.


The flame dragon spewed furiously, even with the strength of the third peak, it couldn't support it, it shattered into countless cracks and collapsed at the waist.

Yu Xin's face was expressionless, looking at the Liudao Peak Master flying out of the main hall on the top of the mountain, she suddenly pointed to the ground.

In an instant, the world turned pale, as if it was divided into two halves by a line of blood, and a large puddle of blood burst out from one person's body, and the blood wave was overwhelming.


"Shizier dare!"

"Destroy you!"

The Liudao Peak Master, whose six hearts were one, was now killed by Yuxin on the spot.

"Blood-cutting Ghost Palm!"

Yu Xin murmured softly, like the goddess of death who harvested life, walking in the blood rain, surrounded by thunder, and a bloody hand broke through the layers of void and came crashing down.

The magical powers displayed by the Six Paths Peak Masters, together with the great sages, were invincible, but in front of the huge bloody hands, they were as vulnerable as turkeys, shredded in an instant, fell on them, and directly crushed the two of them.

"The third! The fifth!"

The remaining three soap-robed old men were distraught and looked at Yu Xin with crazy eyes.

"What a young palace master, since you are mad, we will perish with you!"

"Offer the five prisons to kill the gods and suppress her!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and they all showed a look of horror. This Five Prison Killing God Array is just like its name. Once activated, even the gods can be killed. It is the last defense method of the Five Prisons.

This formation is connected to the lifeline of Wuyudongtian. Once activated, it will never die, and it can even self-destruct this dimensional space.

"Liu Dao, you are crazy! How dare you do this!"

On the fourth peak, the hunchbacked old man was trembling with fear, and was desperately knocking on his crutches.

But at this moment, no one can stop the six-path ancestors who have fallen into madness. They have nowhere to go, and they directly sacrificed the whole plate. A huge vortex appeared behind them, exuding a terrifying breath to the extreme.

"Haha, let's all die together!!"

The Liudao Peak Lord shouted madly, urging the killing formation to press against Yuxin. In the face of this power, the God Emperor will also change color.

"You, do you really think that this emperor does not exist?"

Zhang Tian, ​​who had been watching silently, finally showed his figure and stood behind Yu Xin, as if he was a giant of ten thousand feet. The divine light shone, and the emperor's might was soaring to the sky, causing the five prison caves to roar. , , .

Chapter 630 That adult has already arrived!

"You, do you really think that this emperor does not exist?"

The sound seemed to descend from the Nine Heavens, rolling and vibrating like divine thunder, and the void was directly blown into a black hole along the way.

"Then, that adult has already arrived!"

"Oh my God, the Young Palace Master is really related to that lord."

"Forgive your life, adults spare your life, seniors spare your life, Young Hall Master spare your life..."

Crying, running, and begging for mercy intertwined, resounding throughout the five prison caves. At this moment, it was completely chaotic.

The remaining three of the six peak masters were all dumbfounded, and the terrifying scene three years ago appeared in front of them again.

All the anger, all the ferocity, disappeared in an instant in front of this figure, and all that was left was full of fear and awe.

"Senior, I, we..."

The six-path peak master spoke tremblingly, before he finished speaking, the mighty emperor’s might had already swept through like a gust of wind and rain, and in an instant the blood mist filled the sky, and the three old men who had reached the peak of the semi-sage had no power to resist under this might. , was directly torn into powder, and the body was completely destroyed.

The Five Prisons Killing God Array lost control, floated in the void, and was swallowed by the vortex, turning into a huge black hole with a diameter of several hundred feet. The terrifying energy continued to breed, and the entire Five Prisons Cave began to distort slightly. This is to self-destruct. The posture of the dimensional space.


Zhang Tian pressed down on the whirlpool, as if the hand of God was hanging down, grabbed the whirlpool directly, annihilated, and everything disappeared, as if this terrifying force that was enough to kill gods and emperors never existed at all,

"Okay, it's dangerous..."

The middle-aged Peak Master of Fifth Peak breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that he had walked through the gate of hell, and a strong awe immediately emerged in his heart.

Under the strength of Fang Cai, he didn't even have the ability to escape from the five prison caves, but the other party could suppress him at will. This kind of power gap is like a mayfly compared to the ocean, and it's not worth mentioning at all.

After doing all this, the sky-reaching giant behind Yu Xin was disappearing as a little bit of aura. It came in a hurry and went away mysteriously.

"Young Palace Master!"

"Young Palace Master!"

All the killers of the Soul Palace screamed at this moment, cheering for their young master. This is an era when the weak eat the weak and the strong are respected. Yuxin used her iron-blooded power to prove that she has the strength to take over all this. .

Yuxin just stood against the wind, indifferent to the worshippers from all directions.

After a while, he turned to look at the fifth peak.

This action alone caused an uproar, and all the killers of Fifth Peak seemed to have fallen into an ice abyss, causing infinite fear in their hearts.

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