"Does the young palace master plan to continue killing?"

The girl in red on the fourth peak blinked, and her heart was filled with excitement, fantasizing that she could be so powerful one day.

"Cough, don't worry, the old man has lived for too long, I have seen something like this, and I won't..."

The hunchbacked old man spoke subconsciously, and before he finished speaking, he saw that the little girl next to him who had always respected and trusted him had changed his eyes. It was very strange, and he couldn't help but blushed.

"Peak Master, you said that at the beginning, but in the end, Yang Lin was not killed by the Young Palace Master. Then you said that again, and the second Peak Master died, and then, the third peak's Six Paths The peak master has also been suppressed, and now..."

The little girl didn't finish her sentence, but she obviously didn't quite believe the words of the hunchbacked old man.Weizun Academy www.weizunsyxs.com

On the other side, the situation at the top of the Fifth Peak was also changing. Those disciples who were standing behind the middle-aged peak master chatting and laughing were all frightened at this time, trembling and panicked.

"Feng, Peak Master, when is this time..." Many disciples asked in a panic.

"Damn, if I had known that the master of the young palace was this kind of evil star, I would not have come forward."

The middle-aged peak master secretly scolded, and he regretted it very much in his heart. He thought the same as Liudao's peak master, and thought that the young palace master would stop after destroying the second peak. Who would have thought that this is the reincarnation of the killing god. , there are no taboos!

If it was at the beginning, he would never believe that he would be forced to such a point by a little girl, but now he has to believe that the killing of the young palace master is decisive and cannot be speculated with common sense.

"The Young Hall Master is mighty, all of my Fifth Peak, support the Young Hall Master to take charge of the East Desolate Branch!"

A loud voice came from the top of the fifth peak, from the mouth of the middle-aged peak master.

The disciples who followed the peak master were dumbfounded, the killers at the top of the peaks were dumbfounded, and the hunchbacked old man on the fourth peak sighed faintly.

Although they expected this possibility, they were still very shocked when they heard it with their own ears.

A dignified peak master, he has blatantly softened, and the sanctimonious words from before are like a slap slapped back fiercely, and his face is slapped so hard that his face is swollen.

The next moment, everyone looked at Yu Xin again. They didn't know how the Young Hall Master would decide at this time.

"If you don't die if you take my palm, I'll spare you this time."

Yu Xin said coldly, without a trace of emotion.

The hunchbacked old man breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: "Let me tell you, the young palace master will not continue to be linked, the old man has lived too much..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt an extremely terrifying aura burst out from Yu Xin.

I saw the blood fog in the sky, as if being summoned, turned into a sea of ​​blood, desperately rushing towards Yu Xin, to be precise, rushing towards Yu Xin's outstretched right hand.

But in an instant, Yu Xin was wrapped in a sea of ​​blood, her body was full of blood, and her pitcher became even more red, completely turned into blood.

"This, this is the culmination of "Blood Nerve", the Young Palace Master actually became the first realm of Blood Nerve?"

The hunchbacked old man trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes were full of horror. As far as he knew, even the suzerain of the blood demon sect, a holy king-level powerhouse, had not cultivated his blood body to perfection, but the sight in front of him made him He had to believe.

After all the blood had been sucked up, Yu Xin's aura had already reached its peak, and she suddenly pressed towards the fifth peak.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The void exploded, and a huge blood-colored vortex suddenly appeared above the fifth peak, which was thousands of feet away, exuding terrifying pressure. From a distance, it was not a vortex at all, it was a huge blood-colored palm. !

"You are so cruel! You are so cruel!"

Until this moment, the fifth peak master finally determined that Yu Xin wanted to forgive him, this palm was clearly to take his life.


The explosion sounded, and the entire upper half of the fifth peak was directly caught by the bloody hand, the boulders were flying, and the screams were endless, and everyone could not escape their lives.

"Remember, from today, the rules here are set by me."

Yu Xin's voice was clear and light, spreading all over the place. , , .

Chapter 631 The God of Dao Lake wants to turn into the sea!

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye, and Wuyudongtian basically returned to normal.

This is the branch hall of the Soul Hall in the East Wasteland. It is headed by a hall master and four peak masters, and its strength is comparable to the ordinary ancient sect holy land.

But after Yuxin's iron-blooded suppression, three of the four peak masters died directly, and only the hunchbacked old man of the fourth peak master escaped the murder by staying out of the way.

After the chaos comes Dazhi. After resolving the Second Peak Master, the Sixth Dao Peak Master and others, Yu Xin did not choose to continue the cultivation, but stayed in the central hall aboveboard and issued orders one after another.

The first order was to revoke the Gongde Hall of the second peak and the punishment hall of the third peak. All of them were set up on the first peak. They were filled by the first peak killer who originally belonged to Soul Qinghou. As the head of the punishment hall, she directly controls the entrance of the two halls.

The second order is to seal the fourth peak master as the deputy hall master, relocate to the central hall, and be in charge of daily affairs, such as task release and deployment, etc.

As soon as these two orders came out, people suddenly felt a chilling air, even the humpback peak master of the fourth peak couldn't help but nodded slightly, feeling sincere admiration.

In the previous five prison caves, the power of the major peak masters was enormous. For example, the second peak master was in charge of the merit hall, and the rewards for performing tasks were all given out by the second peak, and the third peak was in charge of the punishment hall, which was equivalent to holding a handle hanging over all of them. The sword above the killer's head.

Even to a certain extent, the major peak masters can restrain Soul Qinghou.

But now there is no such good thing. The important halls of each peak have been abolished. In the future, there will be only the role of killer. Naturally, the power will be greatly reduced, and there will be no means of favoritism.

In this way, the power is concentrated on the first peak, and the peak masters of the remaining four peaks are all vacated.

Yuxin immediately issued a third order, the four peak killers, free to compete for the position of peak master, the survival of the fittest, whoever has the most credit and the strongest strength, can be the peak master.

This order immediately stimulated the fighting spirit of the killers of all peaks. The Soul Palace was originally a place where the weak eat the strong.

Because this is a very realistic place, the stronger your strength and the higher your position, the more resources you can obtain, and the faster your cultivation will improve. Otherwise, you will always be an ant and be enslaved forever.

"The little girl meets the peak master, oh no, it's the deputy hall master."

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