At the central hall, the red girl pretended to bow to the hunchbacked old man, her face full of joy.

"You stinky girl, what kind of deputy hall master, the old man is just a housekeeper, the young hall master personally controls the power of reward and punishment, and he is the only one, and the rest are servants."

The hunchbacked old man laughed and scolded, but his expression was quite relaxed. He used to be in charge of the Refining Hall on the fourth peak, and he had no great power. Now he has become the deputy hall master, and his power has increased somewhat. The most important thing is that one person is under [-]. Above people, as long as you serve the young palace master well, there will be no other problems.

"The young palace master is a goddess from the sky. She cannot be counted in. I really want to see the appearance of the deputy palace master. It must be beautiful."

The little girl muttered, as if she had become Yu Xin's little fan girl.

The hunchbacked old man said solemnly: "Don't do stupid things, you really offend the young palace master, and the old man can't save you."


The little girl stuck out her clove tongue, looking at Yu Xin's retreat, still very curious. 100 Literature

Just at this moment, a killer walked in and said: "This subordinate sees the deputy hall master, there is something important to report."

After some correct performances, the expression of the hunchbacked old man also became solemn, and he whispered: "There is such a thing, but it is to let the young palace master know."

After speaking, the hunchbacked old man hurried towards the apse, and finally stopped outside a secret room.

After a long time, the door of the secret room slammed open, and Yuxin came out still wearing the other side flower robe, and said coldly: "What is the eruption of the ancient Taoist lake?"

The hunchbacked old man bent lower and said respectfully, "Reporting to the young master, according to the report of the killer who went out, a huge underground lake suddenly appeared in the hinterland of the East Wasteland. Some Taoist springs are also wrapped with ancient soldiers and ancient scrolls, all of which are very ancient, so they are called the ancient Tao Lake."

"There is such a strange Dao Lake, how do the major forces in the Eastern Wilderness react?" Yu Xin's voice was light.

The hunchbacked old man raised his head and said: "This matter has a great impact. It is said that a disciple of the Deity Academy picked up an imperial sword, which is full of ancient heritage and some powerful ancient exercises. There are still people watching the ancient road spray. Quan Ying, who came out, immediately had an epiphany and made a breakthrough. Now all the major forces in the Eastern Wilderness have heard the wind, including the Eastern Sea Holy Land, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and other top forces.

The momentum on Yu Xin's body condensed, and the hunchbacked old man suddenly shook his head and bowed his head respectfully.

"Then let's go and have a look. I will bring the disciples of the Gongde Hall and the Punishment Hall, and let each of the four peaks send [-] killers, under your command." Yu Xin quickly gave an order.

"As ordered!"

The hunchbacked old man promised loudly, and within a short time, more than [-] scary rainbows flew out of the five prison caves and rushed to the hinterland of the East Wilderness.

Before it was near, Yuxin saw a stream of blue springs rising into the sky, and endless waves devoured the earth and continued to spread outward.

"This is... divinity?"

Yu Xin's escape light suddenly stagnates, and her expression is a little hesitant. She actually felt a breath of god from the spouting blue spring, as if the spring water was a god, and a god turned into a lake.

There is even an even more amazing idea: "This God of Dao Lake wants to transform into the sea!"

"The people from the Soul Palace have arrived!"

"It's terrifying, there are so many soul palace killers."

There are hundreds of thousands of monks gathered in this earth, and there was a burst of noise at this time, and their eyes looked at the sky in horror.

Tens of thousands of killers from the Soul Palace came out, and the bloody black robes covered the sky. This scene was too spectacular and terrifying.

These peripheral monks are basically small sects or loose cultivators. They just came here to pick up some small bargains. Yu Xin did not pay attention to it. With a wave of her jade hand, she continued to lead the team towards the inside.

The moment they entered the interior, the earth shook violently, as if it was about to overturn, the surface cracked open one after another, and countless dao springs rose into the sky, catching up with a Dao lake eruption. Under the splendid scene, everyone seems incomparably small.

For the past few days, Zhang Tian has been following Yu Xin, watching her control the whole process of Wuyudongtian with a bloody wrist, and at this time also followed.

In the midst of the gushing grand occasion of Daohu Lake, Zhang Tian couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face, and murmured softly, "It's actually her." ,, .

Chapter 632 Goddess Qianyu, Kowtow to Emperor Zun again

Daohu eruption!

The roar shook the sky, and the world was shaking. From a distance, it was like a million volcanoes erupting at the same time, but instead of magma, what burst out was not a lava, but a colorful circle of blue springs.

"This, this is..."

Soul Six, who was following Yu Xin, couldn't help but let out an exclamation. He saw that there were not only ancient soldiers and scrolls in the Biquan, but also many figures, all dressed as ancient monks, or sitting cross-legged or meditating. It is to learn from each other, or to refine alchemy, refining tools, and so on.

The silhouettes of these people have fluctuations in their cultivation, and there are many characters in the legendary realm, the supreme holy realm, and even the immortal god emperor realm, which is shocking.

"Look, that's the emperor, the ancient emperor!"

Someone exclaimed, but it was a figure in a Daoquan in the distance. There were two people in total, both exuding the terrifying atmosphere of the Great Emperor Realm, and they attacked each other.

Yu Xin frowned slightly, raised her hand and grabbed to a Dao Spring not far away. In the clear spring that was as thick as a bucket, there was a Divine Sword suspended in it, full of ancient charm, at least it was also an imperial soldier.

At this time, three legendary kings in different costumes were also running towards the divine sword, each exerting magical powers, and their expressions were hideous.


A bloody hand pierced the void and suddenly appeared in the sky above Biquan, directly blasting all the three warriors who approached. Vulnerable.

"It's a person from the Soul Palace!"

Many warriors who wanted to participate in the competition took a deep breath when they saw the army of Soul Palace headed by Yuxin, and they retreated.


The bloody hand passed through the clear spring, but it was like a knife breaking the water, and nothing changed.

Yu Xin was not surprised, she waved a backhand and slammed into a figure of a god emperor dozens of feet away, and it also smashed into the air.

"These are all Taoist shadows, but they can be fake."

Yu Xin murmured softly, she had wondered before, how could so many treasures fly out, now it seems that most of them are mirror flowers, only a few are real.

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