However, the Dao shadows of those powerful cultivators are still somewhat useful, and some insights can be gained from watching them from the sidelines. At this time, many cultivators are sitting cross-legged beside the fountains and watching those Dao shadows seriously.

"Master, where do these images, these ancient images, come from? Could it be that there was an imperial lineage sect here?"

Soul Six followed behind Yu Xin, and couldn't help but ask.

"The Emperor's Sect?"

Yu Xin murmured softly, shook her head, and grabbed a broken ring magic weapon that flew over. This magic weapon was severely broken and had no spirituality, but it can be seen from the Dao pattern above that it was at least ten million yuan. something from years ago.

"I'm afraid there was once a powerful immortal gate here."

Yuxin made an assertion that thousands of years ago, the nine immortals of mountains and seas were still there, and the immortal gate at that time was the real sect of immortals.

At this moment, several dangguang rushed towards this side, revealing the figure, it is the hunchbacked old man who is currently the deputy hall master of

I saw him walking in front of Yuxin and respectfully said: "Report to the young master, everything has been investigated clearly. There is a huge Dao lake underground here, which seems to have been channeled, and now wants to expand and turn into Daohai. And under that lake, there is another site of a powerful sect, and these ancient soldiers and scrolls that spewed out belong to that sect."

"The Dao Lake of the psychic? There is a sect ruins under the lake?"

Soul Six and Soul Seven were both stunned by this news, and they showed ecstasy immediately. All the high-level people in this world will basically know that the existence of Shengyuan World has a very long history, far from being comparable to the ordinary Small Thousand World and Great Thousand World. , even dating back tens of millions of years.

The most natural world of Shengyuan is now in decline, but the sect that existed in the past was extremely powerful. If you can find a sect site in the ancient times, even if you only get a little inheritance, it will be enough to become a powerhouse across the continent. Heaven-defying creation.

The hunchbacked old man continued: "The main body of Dao Lake here is in the central area, it is a hundred thousand zhang in size, and it is still under seal. There are ten Wanzhang Dao Lakes and hundreds of Qianzhang Dao Lakes around. The Holy Land is vying for it, we have to hurry up."

Yuxin said coldly: "Soul Six, Soul Seven, you go to the central area with the deputy hall master to grab a Wanzhangdao Lake first, and I will talk about the rest when I go there."

"As ordered!"

The hunchbacked old man and Soul Six and Soul Seven did not dare to hesitate. After clasping their fists and agreeing to the promise, they immediately took tens of thousands of Soul Hall killers to kill the central area, where the real treasures erupted, and it was also the fiercest competition among the major ancient sects. place.

The Hall of Souls is also considered a top force in Donghuang, and it can even be said to be famous for its fierce reputation.

Yu Xin then retracted her gaze, she pushed the hunchbacked old man and others away, for nothing else, just wanted to send a message to the ruthless man to tell her the situation here.

A Dao Lake God who wants to transform the sea, a Xianmen ruins that have been covered in dust for thousands of years, the opportunities and treasures contained in this are too great, and they will never be under the ancient land of Tianfeng in the Holy Capital. Open, even the ninth mountains and seas, those immortal mountains and sacred mountains will probably have a foot in it.

Ruthless Man is now in Nanling, it would be a pity if he missed it because of the lack of news.

Yuxin recorded the voice on a jade talisman, and with a robe in her hand, the jade talisman turned into a sword shadow and disappeared into Tianjiao. This method of communication is still dangerous, and she can only pray that it will not be intercepted in the middle.

After doing all of this, Yu Xin stepped on the thunder and ran towards the central area.

But she didn't know that when she just left, Zhang Tian appeared in the position where she said she was standing, and pointed to the communication jade talisman, the surface of the jade talisman was suddenly covered with a layer of fluorescence, far It looks like it is transparent, even if the soul swipes it, it cannot be detected.

"Next, it's time to see the mysteries of this place."

There was a smile on the corner of Zhang Tian's mouth, and he did not follow Yu Xin, but flashed his body and fled directly into a Baizhangdao lake.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding warriors wiped their eyes in disbelief. They had also tried to rush directly into the Dao Lake to retrieve the treasure, but without exception, they were all blasted out by the force of prohibition, but this man turned out to be got in?

Several warriors did not believe in evil, and rushed towards Daohu where Zhang Tian escaped.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a series of loud noises, all the warriors who rushed over were blown out, their flesh and blood flew, and they scared everyone who was about to move.

At this time, at the bottom of Daohu Lake, there is a very huge blue temple, the whole body is made of colorful divine jade, and it is splendid.

In this shrine, a beautiful woman wearing a long water blue dress stood quietly, her whole body shrouded in Shen Xi, like a nine-day fairy.

Suddenly, the beautiful woman seemed to sense something, turned around suddenly, and saw Zhang Tian stepping out of the void at a glance.

After seeing the face clearly, the snowy body of the beautiful woman suddenly trembled, and she bowed and said respectfully:

"Goddess Qianyu, kowtow to Emperor Zun again." , . . .

Chapter 633 Zhang Tianci's good fortune, the vast Shinto can still be expected

"Goddess Qianyu, kowtow to the emperor again."

This voice was tactful, showing respect and joy, and after it was finished, a flawless face was raised. It was the goddess Qianyu who was rescued by Zhang Tian during the blood test a few years ago.

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "You are lucky to find the opportunity to transform the sea so quickly."

"If there is no emperor to rescue, and to spread to this blessed land, the little girl will never have such a chance. The goddess can't repay the kindness of the emperor."

Qianyu said gratefully again, her eyes slightly wet.

The gods are not as supreme as the legends of later generations, this is a race, there are strong and weak, the strong has the power to suppress the Nine Realms, but the weak have only the strength of the immortal emperor.

Moreover, the Protoss is a family of Heavenly Pregnancy, with endless life, but they have also lost the path of self-cultivation. It is extremely difficult to break through the Godhead.

The goddess Qianyu belongs to the lowest level of gods. It is naturally powerful in the current Shengyuan Continent, but tens of millions of years ago, it was like an ant, not only exiled to the Shengyuan world, but also by other gods and gods. Fairy slavery.

For those people, Qianyu is just a Dao Lake, unable to break through their own godhead, and unable to transform into the sea for the rest of their lives.

Qianyu was already on the verge of despair, until she met Zhang Tian, ​​which truly changed her destiny. Thousands of years of imprisoned godhead were broken in just three years, all because of Zhang Tian.

To say that this was just Zhang Tian's unintentional move, she would never believe it, so during this period of time, she had been thinking of Zhang Tian in her heart, and now that she finally met, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Zhang Tiandu walked to the seat made of divine jade and sat down, and said with a smile: "When the emperor sent you, he did have a little thought, and deliberately sent you to a place where there is still immortal charm, but you can Breaking through the godhead so quickly is still somewhat beyond the expectations of this emperor, and I think coming here is not an ordinary immortal gate ruins."

The goddess Qianyu hurried forward, filled Zhang Tian with tea in person, took another step back, and said softly: "Don't dare to deceive the emperor, this is definitely not a different immortal sect, I think it is the Daxianmen where the immortal king sits. , Although I don't know what happened to cause the immortal gate to wither, but there is a building tree that has been condensed for thousands of years and no one has picked it.

"Ancient Jianmu? Your luck is indeed good."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and showed a smile. This building tree is also considered to be the top sacred tree of the nine mountains and seas. It is closely related to the innate divine vine. A sect with such treasures can be called Daxianmen even in ancient times. .

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