The most important thing is that Qianyu can not only melt the frost and dew condensed by this ancient building tree, but also possess the entire ancient building tree. Then there is the end point, and the vast Divine Dao can still be expected.

"Bang bang bang..."

At this moment, a roar came from above.

Qian Yuliu frowned. Zhang Tian, ​​who was afraid of angering him, said quickly, "Please forgive me. This time the movement was very loud, attracting many greedy people, and the goddess went to send them away."

Now that she is about to transform into the sea, her realm is probably equivalent to the quasi-emperor, but if the supernatural power erupts, the ordinary emperor will also be suppressed, and naturally he does not take the warriors above in his eyes.

"Not busy, Bendi's daughter is also there, let them fight for themselves."

Zhang Tian smiled and waved his hand, looked up and looked up, as if through the layers of space, he saw the battle scene in the central area.

At this time, in the center of this Dao Lake, swords were drawn, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.Huaheng Academy

Although the hunchbacked old man had already brought people over at the fastest speed, it was still a step too late. The demon sect and the Deity Academy have been divided up.

Among them, Dongming Holy Land occupies three Dao Lakes, Wu Yue Jianzong occupies two, and the other top forces each occupy one.

The legend of the ancestors of Dongming in the Holy Land of Dongming has already begun to 'fight for destiny', and it is the first force in the Eastern Wilderness.


Feeling the gaze of the hunchbacked old man, an old man in green robe headed by the Wuyue Sword Sect suddenly snorted coldly, his sword energy overflowing.

"Why does your Five Mountains Sword Sect occupy two Wanzhang Dao Lakes? If you are sensible, give up one!"

The hunchbacked old man is also not a good stubborn, and immediately competes with each other.

"Guiluo Laodao, Ran Wu and Liudao didn't come, just because you want to share the pie here? Why don't you leave quickly!"

Another old man of the Five Mountains Sword Sect spoke up, but seeing that he was wearing a gray cloth robe, sitting cross-legged on a boulder, with a wooden sword in front of his knees, he started to reprimand him without even opening his eyes.

"Venerable Withered Sword?"

Seeing this grey clothed man, the hunchbacked old man couldn't help his pupils shrink. These were the top experts on the bright side of Donghuang, and he was no match for him.

"Damn, wait for the Young Palace Master to come, I want you to look good!"

"Why hasn't the Young Palace Master come yet?"

Everyone in the Soul Palace looked anxiously into the distance. If the Young Palace Master didn't come, they could only give up here.

"Don't retreat, court death!"

With his eyes closed, Venerable Withered Sword's temper exploded. At this time, he opened his eyes abruptly, his tongue burst into thunder, and a sword intent burst out from him.

Another old man in Tsing Yi also said negatively: "The Soul Hall belongs to the Southern Wilderness, and it is an evil cultivator who specializes in killers. Why do you want to meddle in the Eastern Wilderness Treasures, Jiuhua Zhenren, Xueyan Old Monster, Ling Shengzi, everyone can Let's destroy these soul temple evil cultivators together!"

This time, it was the Holy Son Ling Shuangxue who came here from the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. She was blessed with great fortune by Zhang Tian, ​​and at this time she had broken through to the holy realm. Everyone in the Hall of Souls glanced, but did not move.

The two half-sages of the Fengyang Ancient Sect and the Blood Demon Sect were gleaming. Elite disciples of these two sects died at the hands of the Soul Palace, and they had formed a lot of grievances. Even the young sect master of the Blood Demon Sect was the other side of the Soul Palace. Killed by the killer, this time only the hunchbacked old man was on the side of the Soul Hall, and he was also motivated to kill.

The status of Dongming Holy Land and Deity Academy was a bit detached. At this time, they were only watching from the sidelines, and had no intention of intervening.


I don't know who gave a low voice, the old man in green clothes, the old man with dry sword, the real person of Jiuhua from the ancient Fengyang sect, and the old monster from the blood demon sect shot at the same time, and they all pressed towards the soul hall.

In an instant, the world changed color, and the void roared! , , .

Chapter 634 The Immortal Emperor wants to kill but can't!


The two sides contacted in an instant, and the various divine channel methods swayed. At the same time as the top powerhouses were fighting, those disciples also fought together. For a time, the blood mist filled the sky, and the shrill screams resounded through the world.

The hunchbacked old man was at most quasi-sage peak cultivation base, how to be the enemy of the three major masters, he was beaten and vomited blood soon, and he was defeated.

"Go, let's go!"

The hunchbacked old man shouted with a ferocious expression, his whole body was covered in blood, but in this situation, he had to retreat.

"Hmph, hurry up, this is not the place where your Soul Palace should come."

Venerable Withered Sword swung his sleeves, as if more than a dozen stegosaurs were roaring, shaking open the terrifying void cracks, causing the hunchbacked old man to be injured even more, and some of the confidant disciples behind him exploded directly, flesh and blood. fly horizontally.

"Where did the Young Palace Master go?"

"If the young palace master is here, who would dare to treat us like this!"

A group of soul hall killers shouted in anger and inexplicable grief, and a look of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the hunchbacked old man.

"What young palace master, no one will come this time, this ancient lake, there is no place for your soul palace to stand!"

The old man in Tsing Yi of the Five Mountains Sword Sect snorted coldly, his sword energy was horizontal, and he instantly killed the killer of the Three Hundred Souls Hall.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At this moment, a startling rainbow rushed to the distance at an extremely fast speed, and bursts of divine thunder exploded, as if the sky and the earth were about to be blown apart, and the rainbow light was even more astonishing murderous.

"It's the Young Hall Master, the Young Hall Master is here!"

Hearing the thunder, all Soul Palace killers showed ecstasy.

Dongming Holy Land, Deity Academy, and Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, these few powers that were standing on the sidelines also changed their faces at this time, and they all looked at the light that was wrapped in thunder.

"This is... the three thousand thunderbolts of the Southern Wild Wind Lei Ancient Sect?"

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