Ling Shuangxue murmured in surprise, this movement technique is well-known in mainland China, and the "Three Thousand Thunder Illusory Body" based on it is even more of a miraculous art of Fenglei Ancient Sect.

Yu Xin's speed was extremely fast. The moment before, she was still thousands of miles away. In the blink of an eye, she ran to the front and stepped out on an ancient road of thunder. The sound of 'bang' stopped by the hunchbacked old man's side.

The old man in Tsing Yi and the others saw a Soul Palace Killer wearing a flower robe on the other side approaching quickly, and their expressions changed drastically. Before they could react, the figure had already shot.

Without any warning, a jade hand poked out from the black robe, instantly condensed into blood, and blasted out with a palm.


The sky and the earth roared, and an astonishing wave shot straight into the sky, tearing the void to the front of the old man in green robes in an instant.


A miserable howl came from the mouth of the blue-robed old man, and countless blood flowers burst out from his body, and the blood flew across the sky.

This scene was so shocking that no one reacted to it, and the next moment was surging, and everyone looked at the murderer in shock.

I saw this figure, dressed in a black robe, with a flower on the other side embroidered at the corner, lifelike, reflected on the ground, swaying ferociously.

It was this slender-looking female assassin who smashed the top sword cultivator of the Five Mountains Sword Sect with one palm, causing everyone to fall into an ice abyss and have a deep respect for her.

"Young Palace Master!"

"Young Palace Master, you are finally here!"

"Meet the Young Palace Master!"

In contrast, the people in the Soul Palace were extremely excited, scrambling to shout, and their eyes were full of fanaticism.

"Who said that the Soul Palace is not allowed to enter here?"

Yuxin's voice was cold and reverberated everywhere.

Venerable Withered Sword frowned, and before the attack, the blood-derived old monster on the other side shouted like a madman: "The other side of the flower robe, you are the killer who killed the young sect master back then? You dare to steal my blood demon sect. Cheats, accept your fate!!”

Everyone was shocked, and saw that Xue Yanzhen had already rushed up, killing the young master's hatred, and taking the Zhenzong's magic power, all of which were inseparable.

"Blood-cutting Ghost Palm!"

The blood-derived old monster roared, and a pair of skinny palms instantly turned blood-colored, and they pushed out horizontally, like the turbulent Yangtze River, the blood waves turned upside down, and all the blood that escaped here rushed towards him.

Looking from a distance, I can see that this blood-derived old monster has all his hair and beard, his face is deformed, and the blood in the seven orifices is like a pillar, which is the side effect of using "Blood Nerve". "Blood-cutting Ghost Finger", this time he made an exception to cast the ghost palm, which was already beyond the load.

Yu Xin glanced at him lightly, and also raised her jade palm. A fierce blood burst out from her body, and the void behind her was torn apart, revealing a terrifying scene of a ghostly hell, a ghost in a white robe. Shadow, bound by countless chains, desperately broke free.

At this moment, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the wind and clouds rolled back, as if a gust of wind roared past, wanting to lift up the dust of the earth, startling the gods and weeping.

Everyone's eyes can't help but focus on her!

"What... what?"

Seeing this scene, the old monster Xueyan immediately exclaimed. Such a scene is clearly a manifestation of his failure to practice "Blood Nerve". Anyone in the blood demon sect who has such a vision will be ghosted by that ghost without any accident. Devoured and turned into a bloodless corpse that only knew how to kill.

This person, can actually resist the ghost backlash?

The blood-derived old monster panicked, he had a bolder idea, maybe this was the real way to cultivate in "Blood Nerve".

With this thought, the mind of the blood-derived old monster immediately showed a flaw, the blood meridian was retrograde, and a ferocious ghost appeared behind him, also wearing a white robe, but only two feet high, compared to Yu Xin's back. The ten-foot-tall ghosts are very different.

I saw that the ghost's eyes were empty, and two blood springs gushed out of his eyes. The white shadow flashed and rushed directly to the back of the blood-derived old monster, swallowed him in one bite, and chewed it.


Seeing this scene, everyone was so scared that their scalps were numb, it was really terrifying.


Yu Xin's bloody palm swept across, crushing the blood-derived old monster together with the white-robed ghost, turning it into a billowing blood mist and rushing towards the bloody hand, making it even more ferocious.

"Thank you..."

The voice of the blood-born old monster was faintly heard in the void, as if thanking Yuxin for helping him cut through the pain.

"Is this person the daughter of Emperor Zun? Too, too powerful, to be able to resist the will of the ancient blood god."

In the underground shrine, the goddess Qianyu couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The fierce name of the ancient blood god, even she is like thunder, that is a real terrifying existence, self-proclaimed god, wants to turn the sea of ​​blood and overthrow the world, there was a quasi-immortal emperor who wanted to kill but couldn't, is the one who let all the forces of the nine mountains and seas. All felt the presence of trembling.

His spirit was even more mad than the Immortal Emperor, and his blood melted into the nine seas. Anyone who cultivated "Blood Nerve" would inevitably be swallowed by his will and become his blood body.

Such existence, the will is enough to make the gods fear, but it seems to be imprisoned by a powerful force, unable to hurt the woman in the flower robe on the other side.

Who, with such a powerful forbidden law, can imprison the ancient blood god that makes the quasi-immortal emperor helpless?

A very startling guess came out of her mind. , , .

Chapter 635 Could it be that senior is a quasi-immortal emperor?

"Could it be that the iron chains that bind the Blood God's will were done by the Emperor?"

Qianyu's voice trembled slightly, and she naturally saw the iron locks tied to the ghost behind Yuxin's back. Now that she thinks about it, it is very incongruous, as if that layer of chains was not her own, but was put on the back.

Combined with the blood god's will, she couldn't hurt the practitioner, so she had to make such an association.

Zhang Tian nodded very generously, took a sip of his tea, and said in a low voice: "The Blood God is indeed a bit talented. Back then, he wanted to transform into the Nine Great Ocean Realms and then control half of the universe. I don't know how alarmed this matter was. The old monster that has been sleeping for millions of years forced them to join forces to encircle and suppress it. Although the external wind and blood god was finally suppressed, but the blood in the world is not dry, how can he really die."

"What? The ancient blood god hasn't died yet? Isn't his divine soul already..."

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