Yuxin didn't stop for a moment, she stepped on thunder and came to another lake of thousands of feet. With a flick of her cloud sleeves, another banner fell.

"This Dao Lake also belongs to the Soul Palace."

"This lake, the Soul Palace wants it."

"And here!"

"I want this one too!"

Yuxin's figure roared, and the other shore flowers slowly stretched in the breeze, seeming to become more coquettish. At one time, more than [-] Qianzhangdao Lakes were planted with the banner of the Soul Palace.

Looking around, the blood sails are rolling, like a sea of ​​blood, and Yuxin is independent in it, with a unique style.

"The young master is mighty!"

Many soul hall disciples were beyond excited, shouting loudly, they were killers living in the dark, and it was the first time they were so beautiful, overwhelming the ancient sects of the Eastern Wilderness.

"Damn, this person clearly didn't take our Dongming Holy Land in his eyes!"

A black-clothed man in Dongming Holy Land looked uneasy, holding a black-gold long spear in his hand, as if he was about to shoot, but was stopped by an old man next to him.

"No way, don't be impatient." The old man said slowly.New Lewen Novelswww.lwtxt.net

"However, there are a lot of people in those sects who are close to our Eastern Sea Holy Land. If they don't come out at this time, if the matter is spread out, others will think that our Eastern Sea Holy Land is afraid of their Soul Palace!"

The black-clothed man said angrily, his name is Shan Wudao, and he is just like his name is domineering and unparalleled. He and Ling Shuangxue of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect were once known as the Eastern Wilderness Shuangjiao, and he was the leader of the previous generation in the Eastern Wilderness.

The old man said gloomily: "Hehe, as long as the ancestor is still there, who would dare to underestimate our Eastern Sea Holy Land? But now the ancestor is at the critical moment of 'fighting for the destiny', it is not appropriate to cause trouble, wait until the ancestor is successful in the struggle for destiny, Today's account will eventually be settled."

When Shan Wudao heard this, he could only flick his sleeves and continue to watch from the sidelines.

At this time, the living world of the deceased, Ye Capital City.

The Tongtian Tower standing in the center of the capital shone with light, the ghosts split hundreds of cracks, and countless chaotic energy rushed out of the cracks, ravaging the void, shaking the entire space to the verge of collapse.

"Bang bang bang!"

Inside the tower, it seems that there are countless volcanoes erupting, and the fiery power is brewing and fermenting. It seems that there are powerful avenues falling down, countless rays of light are rising, and golden springs are spewing out on the ground, as if celebrating this power.


Above the Tongtian Tower, an abyss-like crack shattered, and nine vast and boundless seas of wheels evolved, each like an abyss, boundless, spewing powerful spiritual tidal waves, which have already expanded to the extreme, countless spiritual liquids outward overflow.

It is vaguely visible that in the center surrounded by the nine round seas, there is another round sea.

This sea of ​​​​wheels is very different from the other nine seas. It has the appearance of an emperor. Now it is only half a foot of water, and the power it radiates has exceeded the sum of the other nine seas.


The spiritual liquid escaping from the other nine towers seemed to have found a vent, and frantically moved towards the tenth Lunhai Lunhai, expanding it continuously, and finally became the same as the other nine Lunhais.

Ten rounds of sea, perfect and flawless!

"Okay, amazing potential."

Emperor Pingxin appeared on the square from nowhere, looking at the vision in the sky, he couldn't help but sighed, the ten round sea was complete, even in the ancient and early ancient times, it was synonymous with terror.

At that time, although there was no restriction of the laws of heaven, it was relatively easy to condense the ten round sea, but it was still very rare that the ten round sea could reach the perfect state, not to mention the breakthrough by refining the domineering chaotic energy.

Such talent, even she was a little surprised.

At this moment, Emperor Pingxin Ming suddenly changed his face, looked up at the other side of the sky, that was the starry sky outside the universe, and said in shock: "No, the army of demons from outside the realm is here!"


At the moment when Emperor Pingxin's voice fell, an extremely terrifying demonic power came crashing down, as if to overwhelm the entire life world of the dead.

"You are so daring, how dare you to condense the sea of ​​​​outside the territory, when my army of demons does not exist? Today, the devil will take your blood and eat its flesh!!"

As the voice fell, the incomparably huge magic hand protruded from the sky, as if it could crush the world with one finger, and went straight to the ten seas of wheels.

Pingxin Mingdi was shocked and shouted: "Let's be presumptuous, that is the daughter of Emperor Burial!" ,, . .

Chapter 637 Burying the Emperor's Fury!

"Presumptuous, that is the daughter of Emperor Burial!"

This sound was like a thunder on the ground, and it exploded in the entire void, the heaven and the earth condensed, and even the magic hand that transcended the universe and crossed the avenue was also stagnant.

"Bury, bury Heavenly Emperor's daughter?"

There was a trembling voice from the other side of Tianyuan. He was a big man among the extraterrestrial demons. Even the quasi-immortal emperor felt troubled when he heard his name, and regarded him as an equal existence.

But at this moment, he was shaking, and he, who was condensed with fear, even had fear.

All because of the word 'bury the emperor'.

The world only knows that the Emperor Buried the Heavens and killed the gods and the gods, but they do not know that the damage to the Demon Race is ten times greater!

The Primordial Demon God of that year was the unparalleled overlord of the Demon Race that would not last for hundreds of millions of years. He ruled all the extraterrestrial demons, the Demon Venerables of the Ten Directions, and all of them obeyed their orders. His strength and achievements could be regarded as continuing the past and forging ahead, and it was the belief in the Demon Race's heart.

The demon race at that time was unprecedentedly powerful. Under the leadership of the ancient demon gods, they entered the universe in a real sense, killed gods, drove away ancient gods, dominated the nine mountains and seas, and even the peerless god kings were enslaved.

However, such a powerful Primordial Demon God was finally suppressed by the Emperor Burial!

It was the nightmare of the entire Demon Race. Since then, the extraterrestrial demons formed by fear have also added a nightmare that will never go away, that is, the Emperor Buried.

To this day, hearing this name still makes this great Demon Venerable with one hand up to the sky, and the demon body almost collapses.

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