"That's right, she is the daughter of Emperor Burial. Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you dare to hurt her, the entire extraterritorial demon world will be wiped out."

Pingxin Ming returned to calm, and said coldly, the word 'burying the emperor' came out, which also gave her great comfort, as if all difficulties no longer existed.

"Humph! My Demon Race, born in response to the evil thoughts of all beings, the Nine Realms will not be destroyed, and the Demon Race will not disappear. Do you think that the Emperor can threaten the deity? But this Demon Venerable has other important tasks today, so I'm too lazy to entangle here... …If there is a next time, we will never be soft-hearted.”

There was a somewhat irritable voice from the other side of Tianyuan, and the magic hand that crossed Tianyuan also slowly shrank back.

"It's your acquaintance."

Pingxin Mingdi said coldly, but he was relieved. This Great Demon Venerable should be one of the owl-headed characters in the extraterrestrial demons, and the pressure on her was very great. That magic hand.

After all, this is not the Netherworld, and without the blessing of the laws of the world, she still has a big gap with the quasi-immortal emperor after all.


At this moment, the void boiled and exploded, and the deceased's life world set off a turbulent wave, and countless strands of spiritual energy turned into huge tides, madly gathering towards the sky above the Tongtian Tower.

Countless cracks appeared out of thin air, intertwined, and rapidly expanded like a black hole. In a blink of an eye, it became hundreds of feet in size. A huge hell oven flew out of it, and the platinum holy fire burned roaringly, swallowing all the rushing aura.

"not good!"

Pingxin Mingdi groaned in his heart.

Sure enough, at the moment when the hell oven appeared, the Tianyuan that was about to close suddenly stopped, and an inexplicable surprise sounded:

"This, this is the magical power of the Primordial Demon God!"

The ancient demon god, who devoured the heavens and the earth, transformed the gods of the sun and the moon into demon slaves, the strongest overlord of the demon clan for hundreds of millions of years, and which demon clan does not covet his magical powers.

"What a burial emperor, who even stripped off the imprint of the ancient demon god's magical powers. This is a big sin, and the devil's way is intolerable. Today, this Demon Venerable will take back the magical powers of Lord Demon God on behalf of hundreds of millions of heavenly demons!"

Along with the violent words, Tianyuan expanded a hundred times again. The huge hand of the demon broke through the layers of void and grabbed it straight towards the hell oven. The countless army of demons behind Tianyuan manifested, holding a sickle, terrifying. 22 Literature Network www.22wenxuew.com

Pingxin Mingdi was shocked and angry, and immediately flew up to stop it, and said loudly: "Be presumptuous, you are not afraid of bearing the wrath of Emperor Burial!"

"After this battle, this Demon Venerable will never enter the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, how can the Emperor Bury Heaven help me?"

The magic hand spread for thousands of miles, like a continuous mountain range, pressing down.


As soon as Pingxin Ming Emperor Fang greeted him, he was directly smashed into the ground by the powerful demonic pressure, and his entire spiritual body almost collapsed.

"Emperor Pingxin, I respect you as the lord of the underworld. If you don't kill you today, get out of the way immediately. What about the daughter of the Emperor Buried? No one can stop this Demon Lord from taking back the immortal power mark of the Primordial Demon God!"

The Demon Venerable behind Tian Yuan shouted excitedly, as long as he retrieved this Divine Ability Mark and merged into himself, he would become the second Primordial Demon God and rule the outer world of Heaven and Demons.

"You are courting death."

Boom, boom, boom!

A tyrannical and domineering voice seems to have come from the ancient times, indifferent and cold, like an aloof emperor, who dominates Cang Ming, with divine might like a prison, descending directly into this space.

Before the sound fell, a huge footprint of the Heavenly Emperor broke through the layers of void.

Just one foot, so the turbulent flow of space, all calmed down.The magic hand that seemed to be able to tear apart the sky before, in front of this footprint, is like a mayfly compared to the ocean, and it is unbearably small.

The laws of heaven were running, and time and space were distorted. It seemed that the demonic hand of the outer demon had been sent there on purpose, and it just landed under the footprints of the emperor and was trampled.


A heart-piercing scream came from behind Tian Yuan, and this big hand made of demonic energy was directly stepped on, and countless demon blood splashed out.

"Heaven is here!"

Pingxin Mingdi was so excited that he swept the four directions and swallowed the world. This is exactly what she remembered as the domineering and unparalleled Emperor Burial, the invincible overlord who supported the universe with one hand and set foot on the heavens and the world!

"No, spare, spare!—"

A terrified voice came from the back of Tianyuan, and a large amount of demonic energy poured out, as if trying to close Tianyuan and cut off the connection with this universe.

The starry sky is flowing, Zhang Tian stepped out of the void like this, countless Taoist gods manifested on the soles of his feet, and behind him were the stars of the heavens circulating.

"Insufficient greed, even Ben Emperor's daughter wants to get involved, just use your life to pay for it."

Zhang Tian opened his mouth lightly, waved his hand casually, and a vast divine might descended from the sky, and a big hand came from the sky. The divine lines on the surface were shining, engraved with countless laws of heaven and gods, like the only light between heaven and earth, dispelling darkness, embracing alone bright.


Under the tear of the hand of God, Tian Yuan was stretched open again, revealing a huge dark creature behind him.

The hand of God moved forward, and continued to grab it forward, directly piercing the heart of the Demon Venerable that day, and squeezed it violently!

The surrounding army of demons all showed incomparable horror, and they retreated violently, but they were already bent.

The Hand of God is the supernatural power of the Dao that Zhang Tian has comprehended. Even if he is beyond this universe, he can directly absorb the power of the Dao and hang down like a curtain that covers the sky.

Everything is in silence. , , .

Chapter 638 The future Lord of Heaven will kneel for her?

"My subordinates pay tribute to the Emperor!"

Emperor Pingxin knelt on the ground and said respectfully, his eyes were full of surprise and excitement. He was able to destroy an army of extraterritorial demons with one hand. I am afraid that such a thing can only be done by the emperor buried in heaven. Got.

"Well, get up."

Zhang Tian said with his back to Emperor Pingxin Ming, his eyes stayed on the Tongtian Tower, and his expression was quite happy.

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