"Heavenly Emperor rest assured, Miss Ruthless has refined a lot of chaotic energy, with the blessing of the Great Dao, there is no problem in condensing into a perfect ten round sea."

While speaking, Emperor Pingxin stood up, looking at Zhang Tian's posture, he couldn't help but feel a trace of envy from the bottom of his heart, killing the [-]-year-old river, who can make Emperor Burying remember so much is probably the only one. one.

If the Heavenly Burial Emperor did not go into seclusion, with this level of identity, the status of this ruthless lady would be even more noble than those of the quasi-immortal emperors who left their names on the Emperor Mark Stele.

But after today's events, she also vaguely understood in her heart that the Emperor Burying will rule the world again sooner or later, because this universe, these nine mountains and seas, cannot be separated from the protection of the Emperor Burying.

"Well, I have troubled you during this time, the burden of the underworld."

Zhang Tian said with a bit of emotion that there are several guardians of the underworld, and the emperor Pingxin is the one who specializes in internal affairs. Even she was dragged by the enemy and could not be separated from her, which shows how bad the situation is.

Such a leisurely life, I am afraid it will be difficult to maintain it any longer. Fortunately, several daughters have achieved quite a lot and have grown up healthily.

There was a touch of emotion in the eyes of Emperor Pingxin, just as he was about to speak, suddenly the earth trembled violently, and the Tongtian Tower in front of him collapsed!


Ten purple-golden seas of wheels gathered into a disc, covered with mysterious Dao patterns, as if imprinted with the reincarnation of the heavens, and fell down suddenly.

In the endless smoke, a storm split from the middle, swinging out a wide avenue, reflecting the shadow of the ruthless man and stepping out calmly.

The fluctuation of Shi Lunhai's perfection has not completely disappeared, so that her whole body is plated with a layer of purple-gold light, like a shining god, and like a goddess who has been exiled from nine days. Pingxin Hades had the urge to pay homage.

"Dad, I succeeded!"

When he walked to Zhang Tian, ​​the ruthless man had a confident and happy smile on his face.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, touched her hair, and then took advantage of the situation to touch her profile, and said with a smile, "You did a good job."


The ruthless man nodded his head, and the joy in his eyes was even greater, as if Zhang Tian's praise was more valuable than her cultivation of the perfect ten round sea.

At this time, Ruthless Talent noticed the Pingxin Ming Emperor behind Zhang Tian, ​​and hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Junior Ruthen, pay respect to Pingxin Ming Emperor."

With her vision and background, she can take it easy even if she sees the Great Emperor, but the Pingxin Underworld Emperor is different. Above Dian Yama, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and others, naturally they are not comparable to great emperors.

And this time, he was able to get the opportunity to continue to practice in the Tongtian Tower, thanks to the care of Emperor Pingxin.

But he didn't know that the action of the ruthless person startled the emperor Pingxin, and he quickly flicked his right hand to hold the ruthless person's body, and a cold sweat broke out.

The way of etiquette is also one of the three thousand ways, the respect and the inferiority are ordered, if you really accept this ceremony, I am afraid that the kingdom of God in your body will collapse in an instant. 27KK novel www.27kk.net

After all, the girl in front of her is likely to be the future Lord of Heaven. Her luck is extremely noble. No one in the world, except Zhang Tian, ​​can afford to worship her.

Ruthless was a little confused, and looked sideways at Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian laughed dumbly and did not explain, but said lightly: "This is the matter here, and this emperor has to leave. Before leaving, there is one more thing."

When the words fell, Zhang Tian raised his hand and flicked his hand, a flash of light flashed in front of him, and Xiang Yu and Yu Ji appeared out of thin air.

"This is... Pingxin Underworld Emperor?"

Xiang Yu and Yu Ji were both shocked.

"This life has heavy pupils and a domineering atmosphere, and he can be the Great Emperor of Yedu." Zhang Tian pointed at Xiang Yu and said.

Emperor Pingxin nodded immediately and said, "The life of the deceased is just waiting to be revived. After I go back, I will give him the official seal of Emperor Yedu."

Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, then clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your appreciation, I will do my best to guard the life of the dead."

Zhang Tian looked at Yu Ji again and said, "Since you have a predestined relationship to meet, this emperor will also give you a good fortune, enter the realm of heaven and reincarnate in the immortal world, or be a ghost immortal in the underworld, you choose one."

Yu Ji was slightly moved, seemed to think for a moment, and said softly: "Thank you for your care, senior, this concubine has been floating around for too long, like a rootless duckweed, I wish to reincarnate and live another life. If there is a chance in the next life, the concubine will definitely repay The kindness of seniors."

Zhang Tian shot a light of spiritual light into Yu Ji's body and said, "Then enter the reincarnation of heaven, and when you arrive in the immortal world, there will be someone to guide you."

Emperor Pingxin bowed slightly and said: "I will arrange this matter personally, please rest assured."

Zhang Tian took a deep breath and chuckled at the ruthless man: "Everything is done, let's go out."


The ruthless man nodded immediately. She had no memory of this place. After all, this place was the 'underworld' in the mouths of mortal people.

Stepping out of the Nanling Snow Mountain, the ruthless man only felt that he had lived a new life, and he couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

This trip to the life world of the deceased, the harvest was unexpectedly huge. Not only did the cultivation level break through to the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm, she also comprehended the ninth-order Huangquan Sword Soul, and she also obtained a top-level body technique from the Netherworld. immortal".

The most important thing is that, relying on his father's friendship with Emperor Pingxin, he obtained a fortune against the heavens, condensed the perfect ten round sea in one fell swoop, and obtained the strongest background, even if he competed with the ancient creatures, he would not be able to. will be less than half a point.

Such progress is not an exaggeration to say that it is reborn!

When the news of returning to the City Lord's Mansion came out, Nalan Ruoxue immediately came to see him.

In the hall of the city master, the ruthless man sat on the main seat, holding a jade talisman, and asked in doubt: "The biography that the second sister gave me? When did it arrive?"

"Arrived half a day ago." Nalan Ruoxue replied.

The ruthless man checked the contents with his divine soul, his expression became serious, and said, "Second sister said that there is a divine lake in Donghuang, and there is probably an ancient immortal gate ruins under the lake. This is a big chance, I want to immediately Hurry back and leave the matter here to you, General Mu and General Yan."

Nalan Ruoxue nodded and said, "My subordinates obey."

Chapter 639 Nine Tribulations Sword, True Immortal Blood, Emperor Soul!

East Wilderness, Shanggu Dao Lake.

After wrapping most of the Qianzhangdao Lake, Yuxin finally stopped expanding and stood in the sky, sweeping towards the teams of the ancient sect holy places in all directions.

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