The eruption of the Ancient Dao Lake this time can be said to be a rare chance against the sky in ten thousand years. Almost all the major forces have arrived, but they are restrained from each other, and no characters of the Holy Master level are present.

After all, if those people came, once the war started, it would be an endless situation. Right now, the mainland was undergoing a change unseen in millions of years, and everyone still maintained restraint.

When her eyes swept across the team of Deity Academy, Yu Xin's pupils shrank suddenly.

It was not the elders of the elder group or the elders of the martial arts department that came to the Deity Academy this time, but a team assembled by several student parties, and the flag in the center was the banner of the Sky-Covering Alliance.

This is not the point of her surprise. The key point is that the young man who is surrounded by all the stars in the Deity Academy team has the temperament that I only respect.

"Prince Zhetian Ye Bufan, he actually came back."

Yu Xin murmured softly, as the first saint of the Deity Academy, the spiritual leader in the students' hearts, and even the unparalleled genius who coerced the entire continent decades ago, Ye Bufan's reputation is too great, the cover he created with his own hands. The Tianmeng gathers talents from all over the world, and it is not too much to say that one hand covers the sky.

Although Yuxin hadn't really seen Ye Bufan before, she knew that he was having a holiday with her eldest sister, and she had seen his portrait, so she recognized it at a glance.

At this moment, Ye Bufan also looked at her, and the corner of his mouth raised a faint arc, like a scholar with elegant temperament, and like an emperor who was proud of the past and the present.

A look, captivating!

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the main lake of [-] zhang in the center suddenly trembled violently, as if a wild beast was about to rush out of the water.

"The main lake erupted!"

"This is the greatest good fortune, and you have to grab it if you die!"

"The disciples of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect are ready to fight at all costs..."

The leaders of the major forces all opened their eyes, exuding a violent momentum, Yu Xin also raised her palms, and more than [-] soul palace killers obeyed the order.

Although the ten Wanzhangdao lakes and hundreds of Qianzhangdao lakes had erupted several times before this, spewing out a lot of top-quality treasures, but because the major forces had already divided their sites, it did not cause any competition. Everyone has their own treasures.

However, the main lake in the center has not been assigned, even with the overbearing power of Dongming Holy Land, it would not dare to take it forcibly.

Because everyone knows that the eruption of the central main lake must be a peerless treasure, and there may even be the key to the Dao Emperor.

Treasures of this level cannot be divided, they can only be grabbed!

Under the attention of all the people, ripples suddenly appeared on the calm surface of the [-]-foot-wide Daohu Lake, and then the ripples continued to expand, transforming into shocking waves and sweeping the sky.


The surface of the lake exploded, as if a water dragon rose from the sky and went straight to the sky.

At this moment, a huge impact swept across the audience, and the ground cracked like a spider web with countless huge cracks that quickly spread around.

"Bang bang bang..."

The earth cracked, and the small lakes that were originally divided into places were all opened up, and rushed to the center like a hundred rivers meeting the sea, and all the lakes were connected together in an instant, expanding to nearly [-] feet in size. Extremely.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, they knew that they were about to usher in the greatest fortune they had ever seen in their lives.Love me novel network

But they also know that the competition they will face in the future will be extremely fierce. It takes thousands of days to raise troops and use them for a while. Zongmen has invested countless times in them. Today, they want to use their lives to fight a bloody path for Zongmen. Thinking of this , Everyone trembled violently with excitement.


The earth shook, and the ancient Dao Lake spurted huge waves one after another, as if it was about to roll up the sky and drown the sky.

"Look, something is coming out!"

I don't know who shouted, everyone immediately looked around, and couldn't help but widen their eyes.

I saw that the water waves were tens of thousands of feet high, and under the sunlight, they reflected colorful lights, which were extremely bright.

The most shocking thing was that a towering and ethereal palace group was reflected in the water waves. The palace group stood on the mountains, surrounded by fairy mist, and sometimes cloud beasts flew through the air, the treasure god of medicine that has long since disappeared in the mainland. Trees can be seen everywhere, especially the ancient tree in the middle of the peaks.

This kind of meteorological prosperity can overwhelm any holy place in the mainland!

Although I knew that this was a mirage, it was too realistic, and I could even see the immortal dao marks circulating everywhere, making people unable to help but dream back to the age of the true immortals when the immortals were at their peak and the continent was prosperous.

"Xianmen, this is the ancient fairy door!"

"Jianmu, that is the branch of the innate divine vine, the ancient Jianmu, fold a flower and leaf, can become immortal on the spot!"

"Emperor's Fate and Immortal Fate are right in front of you, you must grab it!"

The old monsters of the major forces were shaking with excitement. Their lives were exhausted, but they saw the hope of continuing their lives from here.

I don't know how long the roar lasted, and the water dragon finally became weak and began to fall like a collapsed sky, and the phantom of the immortal gate in the water also twisted and disappeared.


The water waves returned to the lake, but there were countless treasures left in the void.

Divine weapons, corpses, Taoist shadows, precious medicines, divine pills, scrolls... everything is dazzling.

All of a sudden, colorful, amazing treasures, spread in all directions, startled the sound of inhaling cold air, so many treasures, comparable to any top holy place.

Almost subconsciously, everyone looked at the treasure with the strongest breath.

There is a sword, three feet six inches long, the blade is blue, the sword body is engraved with nine immortal patterns, and the hilt is embroidered with dragons and phoenixes, which is powerful and oppressive.

There was a drop of blood, the size of a fist, as crystal clear as amber, exuding a powerful breath of life, and even undulating slightly like breathing.

There is a group of souls, two feet high, standing in the air like a baby, with astonishing momentum, surrounded by more than a dozen divine soldiers and corpses of ferocious beasts, like an emperor.

These few items, even among the tens of thousands of treasures, stand out from the crowd, and people will find them at a glance.

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