"Then, that sword seems to be the sword of nine calamities, one calamity and one immortal life, the legendary sword of doom."

"That drop of blood, with a fierce breath, exudes immortal power, is the blood of the true immortal!"

"That soul, if there is spiritual wisdom, contains the power to return to the past, could it be the soul of the emperor?"

The Nine Tribulations Sword, the True Immortal Blood, the Emperor's Soul, and countless treasures were all presented in front of everyone's eyes.

At this moment, the Ancient Dao Lake is completely crazy! , , .

Chapter 640 The war in the East Wilderness begins, the emperor of blood!


I don't know who shouted a word, and the audience moved like a storm in an instant, and countless explosions resounded through the world.

"Damn, this treasure was the first thing I saw!"

"Go away! Treasures are obtained by those who are destined!"

"Grab my treasure, can't you find death?"

All kinds of magical powers collided amazingly, and the ripples expanded rapidly like the tides of the sea. In just a moment of contact, there were countless people who were bombed with no bones, and even a half-sage who was chopped into blood by hundreds of sword qi.

This is a supreme battle for future opportunities. Emperor fate and immortal fate are within reach. No matter the level of cultivation, no one is willing to take a half step back.

On the periphery of the battlefield, Yuxin locked a treasure, it was a crimson Ganoderma lucidum, it was several tens of feet high, like a towering tree, this is a fairy lucidum that has grown for thousands of years!For refining medicine, it can become a supreme elixir!

"Boom! Boom!"

With three thousand thunders running, Yuxin was immediately wrapped in a layer of blue thunder, and she entered the station instantly.

The warriors in the front were all blasted away before they could get close, and if the strong wanted to stop her, she raised her hand to take a shot, and the other party immediately exploded and turned into a bloody man.

In just three breaths of time, he actually killed thousands of feet forward, with corpses all over the place, and the people who killed him were heartbroken.

Such an astonishing aura immediately attracted the attention of many people, including Ye Bufan from the Deity Academy, the sword-wielding boy from the Five Mountains Sword Sect, Shan Wudao from the Eastern Sea Holy Land, Gu Xuanbing from the Tianhan Holy Land, and Ling Shuangxue from the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

These well-known leaders in the Eastern Desolation are a little shocked at this moment, I don't know where this young master of the Soul Palace came from.

Just when everyone's eyes met, Yu Xin had already rushed to the vicinity of the huge immortal zhi, raised her hand and flicked, more than a dozen blood mists exploded, and all the people blocking the way in front were blown away.

At the sound of thunder, Yuxin flew to the vicinity of Xianzhi and put it directly into the storage ring.

"Looking for death! This is what my puppet sect values!"

"Hand over Xianzhi immediately, or you will be killed here!"

Countless people had their eyes red, regardless of Yuxin's identity and strength, they rushed forward very bravely.

In particular, the disciple of the puppet sect stepped forward with hundreds of people and sacrificed a golden puppet. This is the treasure left by the ancestors, and it is fully stimulated to have a combat power comparable to that of a holy king.

I saw this golden-armored puppet holding a terrifying giant sword that was more than ten feet long.

Yuxin looked as usual, her cuffs rolled, and the Yin-Yang flame dragon ball flew out like lightning, instantly turning into two black and white mountains. The mountain pattern was engraved with fire dragon patterns.


With a loud bang, the golden-armored puppet was directly crushed, and the flames burned, turning into a raging fire wave, and hundreds of disciples of the puppet sect were also involved.

On the other side, under the terrifying pressure of the top of Mount Tai, the warriors who came to kill all exploded and died, leaving no bones.

After doing all this, Yu Xin glanced at the direction of Ye Bufan and others, and then set her eyes on the drop of true immortal blood.

This thing is so rich in blood that she has only seen it in her life. At this time, the battlefield is killing to the extreme. Hundreds of thousands of monks are crossing the Dao Lake, but the blood energy generated is less than [-]% of this true immortal blood, let alone this drop of blood. It also contains the True Immortal Dao pattern, which is the most precious.

If she obtains this drop of true immortal blood, coupled with the magical medicine such as immortal chia, Yu Xin is sure to refine a blood god pill, which will enable her to break through to the second-order blood body.At that time, even if she does not rely on the power of the other side of the flower, she can have a physique comparable to the Holy Master, and her real combat power can even crush the Holy Master.Tiantian Novelswww.tiantianxs.com


When Yu Xin moved, the sound of thunder immediately shook the audience, and no one could ignore her existence.

At this time, the people of Dongming Holy Land and Tianhan Holy Land were fighting for the true immortal blood with all their strength.

The big figures on the two sides exchanged glances instantly, and stopped fighting. Yuxin's strength was too strong, so they had to be afraid of three points.

Another point is that Dongming Holy Land and Tianhan Holy Land have a lot of friendship, and Soul Palace always belongs to foreign forces. True Immortal Blood and the two can compete. If outsiders want to share a piece of the pie, they will join forces to destroy the enemy.

"The soul hall, this is the treasure that my Tianhan Holy Land values, get out of here!"

"Why do you talk nonsense with her, just shoot it away, if you are shameless, just kill it!"

Shan Wudao of Dongming Holy Land was very domineering, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly shot, his right hand clenched a fist, and attacked Yuxin fiercely, turning into a huge fist, roaring like a dragon, and running towards Yuxin.

When he made a move, the Eastern Sea Holy Land also rallied to attack, and dozens of elite masters were all legendary nine-transformation, even semi-holy-level characters, and went straight to Yuxin.

On the other side, the Tianhan Holy Land did not fall behind, and Gu Xuanbing, the young master of Tianhan who was as famous as Shan Wudao, took the lead.

The two top forces in the Eastern Wilderness and Yu Xin's thin figure suddenly collided.


The loud noise exploded, and countless flesh and blood penetrated the heaven and earth. Shan Wudao and Gu Xuanbing were directly shaken and flew out. Some sacred place elders couldn't even keep up with the defense, and they were directly strangled by Yu Xin's yin and yang flame dragon balls.

This treasure itself is comparable to the emperor level. It was later re-refined by Zhang Tian and integrated into the soul of the Yanlong Demon Emperor. The real power is no longer under the emperor's army, and naturally it is not comparable to these sacred and legendary warriors.

However, this item consumes a lot of money, and Yuxin can't use it frequently, so she just put it away and pointed it out.

Suddenly, the void roared like a boil, cracking open an abyss, and the white-robed ghosts with chains wrapped around their bodies struggled with fangs and claws, making waves of sinister roars.

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