Gu Xuanbing, who was flying upside down, was shocked and angry. He was about to stabilize his body and fight again. Suddenly, he felt the qi and blood in his body boil, his body trembled, and a large amount of blood was torn out of his blood vessels, and his body instantly became a blood corpse. , Divine Soul flew out and before he could escape, he was also smashed by the bloody light of the bloody ghost finger.

"You... you actually killed the young master, do you want to start a war with the Tianhan Holy Land?"

The masters of the Tianchi Holy Land were collectively shocked and shouted out in rage.

"How about a war?"

Yu Xin replied indifferently, a huge bloody hand pierced through the void and descended with a bang, killing all the masters of the Holy Land with a ferocious look.


Shan Wudao's back gave birth to a cold air. He asked himself to be a ruthless person, but Yuxin was more ruthless than him. Even the young master of the Tianhan Holy Land dared to kill.


Shan Wudao was also decisive, knowing that he was not Yu Xin's opponent, and ordered a retreat directly.

"Did I let you go?"

An astonishing aura burst out from Yuxin, and all the blood in the audience rushed towards her, like the emperor of blood! , , .

Chapter 641 The Natural Emperor Who Can Be Called the Great Emperor of Pangu

"Don't go too far, this treasure is given to you, let's go."

Shan Wudao roared angrily, and the rest of the elders of the Eastern Sea Holy Land also had their eyes on fire. They are the first holy land in the Eastern Wasteland. Wherever they go, they are not in awe, and they have received such treatment.

"It's too late to give up now."

Yu Xin's voice came faintly, accompanied by a violent thunderous power that rang in the void. Under the blood-qi in the sky, her palms completely turned blood-colored, as if a sea of ​​blood was bred.


The void in front of Shan Wudao and the others exploded, and a huge blood-colored vortex appeared. A bloody hand with a size of several thousand feet protruded out of it, covering the sky and the sun, as if the entire battlefield was silent. Taishan came down like a top.

"Block, block me!"

Shan Wudao was really panicked this time. He felt an unprecedented crisis, and even he felt the breath of death, as if the gate of the Netherworld had been opened for him.

"No, I am the favored son of the sky, my grandfather is a quasi-God-Emperor-level powerhouse, my future is bright, how can I die here!!"

Shan Wudao roared desperately, and the necklace hanging around his neck shattered with a 'bang', bursting with infinite blue light, wrapping his body inside.

This is a miniature teleportation talisman, which is invaluable, and because of his extremely noble status, he has this life-saving thing.

"Ah! I hate it so much, you made me miss a big opportunity, and I will kill you in the future!!"

In the blue light, Shan Wudao's body is getting lighter and lighter, but his eyes are fixed on Yu Xin, as if he wants to see her face behind the mask.

However, what shocked him was that the bloody hands in the sky fell straight down, and the five mountain-like fingers pressed down, directly blocking the void, the teleportation circle was activated halfway, and finally the successor was weak and dimmed.

"What, no, it's impossible..."

"I said, it's too late to leave now."

Yu Xin's voice sounded again, the bloody hand grabbed it fiercely, and the hundreds of elite masters in the Eastern Sea Holy Land, together with Shan Wudao, all turned into a bloody rain, which was absorbed by the bloody hand and retracted into the bloody vortex.

The battlefield quieted down in an instant, and everyone looked at Yu Xin with shocked eyes, as if they were looking at a killing god, including the killer of the Soul Palace, and at this time they also felt bone-chilling.

Dongming Holy Land and Tianhan Holy Land have a very prominent position in Donghuang. This time the two young masters were killed at the same time. It is conceivable that a huge wave will be set off. Although the Soul Palace is not afraid, it is only the Donghuang branch. It is impossible to resist.

Ling Shuangxue of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect also looked over with a complicated expression. Shan Wudao, a genius of the same name as her, one of the leaders of the Eastern Wilderness, was killed so easily.

Such domineering!

Unheard of!


Just when everyone was shocked, an astonishing shock broke out in another battlefield, and a violent emperor's power swept the audience.

Everyone, including Yu Xin, looked sideways, but it was the battleground for the 'Nine Tribulations Sword'.

In the center of the battlefield, Ye Bufan, the Crown Prince of Zhetian, was alone, fighting all the masters of the Fengyang Ancient Sect and the Five Mountains Sword Sect. Under the golden fist, everyone was killed with one blow.

Including the heroic sword-wielding youth from the Five Mountains Sword Sect, who seemed to have extraordinary strength, but under Ye Bufan's fist power, he still had no resistance at all, and exploded directly.Ting bag

But for a moment, within a kilometer radius with the Nine Tribulations Sword as the center, only Ye Bufan was standing alone, with a cold and arrogant expression, and his eyes were contemptuous.

"The prince is mighty! The prince is invincible! Cover the sky with one hand!"

"The arrogance of the world in the Eastern Wilderness, I am the only one who covers the crown prince!"

"The Nine Tribulations Sword and other immortal weapons are only worthy of the prince."

The disciples of Tianshen Academy were all boiling, especially the disciples of the Zhetian League, who were so overwhelmed by the ruthless party of gentlemen that they could finally raise their eyebrows.

"Ye Bufan has actually broken through to the Holy Land. The Holy Body contains the power of the Emperor, which is stronger than the Supreme Holy Body. This...this can be a little troublesome."

Yuxin frowned secretly, she knew about the festival between the eldest sister and Ye Bufan. She killed two of Ye Bufan's capable confidants at the martial arts conference before, and her father broke Ye Bufan's fairy sword and exiled him for three years. This is very big hatred.

If the eldest sister returns to Donghuang, it is conceivable that the two will have a fight.

Ye Bufan has a very glorious past. He used his own power to suppress all the geniuses in the Shengyuan Continent, and traveled around the major star fields, and has a wide range of knowledge.But she believes that her eldest sister is by no means inferior to him, and if the two of them are in the same realm, they can even be better than one.

But when Ye Bufan broke through to the holy realm, it was very different. This kind of rank suppression was very terrifying, and it was enough to increase his combat power more than ten times. She still remembered that her father inadvertently commented on Ye Bufan, saying that his physique was very special, On the day of the Completion of the Holy Communion, it may be called the Great Emperor of Pangu, but how can he be the enemy of the eldest sister.

Yu Xin was worried, but the 'ruthless' who controlled her body did not hesitate at all. She took the drop of true immortal blood into the storage ring in a flash, and then stepped on the thunder and went straight to the third treasure, the 'Emperor Soul'. .

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