At this time, the position of the emperor's soul was also surrounded by masters from all major forces. The most competitive one was naturally Ling Shuangxue, who was riding a white horse. .

It's just that she was quite measured, not as domineering as Yu Xin and Ye Bufan, so she was deadlocked.

Feeling Yuxin's rushing momentum, Ling Shuangxue couldn't help frowning, a bright white light shot out from the silver spear, 'Boom' separated a blood path, and the white horse rushed towards the soul of the emperor like lightning.

"Blood-cutting Ghost Palm!"

Yuxin pressed the bloody hand from a distance, and a bloody vortex exploded over the emperor's soul. The huge bloody hand broke through the layers of void and rolled towards Ling Shuangxue.


The crackling sound exploded, and the powerful aftermath sent Ling Shuangxue flying out. In terms of power alone, Yuxin, who combined the other side flower and the blood robbing body, was much more terrifying than the Holy Master.

"not good."

Ling Shuangxue gritted her teeth, forcibly removed that power, flew up, and charged forward again.

But in the course of this coming and going, Yu Xin has also rushed to the front, her bloody hand sticking out from the thunder, and brazenly grabbing towards Ling Shuangxue's silver spear.

"You dare to rob this prince's things?"

Ye Bufan's voice blew coldly, and the mighty emperor's might swept across the ten directions. This was not the might of the great emperor, nor the might of the emperor, but the aura of the emperor he was born with.

Regardless of your cultivation level or your situation, as long as you go to that station, you will be like an aloof emperor looking down on the world.

At the bottom of Dao Lake, the goddess Qianyu suddenly restrained her expression, her eyes fixed on the battlefield on the lake, her body was surging with divine power.

If Emperor Zun's daughter is threatened, she will stop Ye Bufan at all costs. , , .

Chapter 642 What is your relationship with Zhang Tian?

"You dare to rob this prince's things?"

The rumbling sound resounded over the entire Dao Lake, accompanied by a terrifying golden fist print, densely covered with Dao lines, covering the sky and the sun, directly wrapping everyone including Yu Xin and Ling Shuangxue.

This fist shattered the sky and the ground, blood was rolling, and it seemed to shake Yu Xin, Ling Shuangxue and the surrounding space into powder.

"So strong!"

Yu Xin and Ling Shuangxue froze in their hearts at the same time. Only when the attack came, did they realize how terrifying the attack was. Ordinary great saints, even if they rubbed a little, would immediately burst.

Almost subconsciously, Yu Xin and Ling Shuangxue stopped fighting at the same time, and turned to attack Ye Bufan together.

A bloody hand, ferocious and terrifying, pierced through the layers of the void and attacked.

A little silver-white spear light exploded in the void, instantly turning into a huge qi of thousands of meters, penetrating the world, and attacking the golden fist mark at the same time as the bloody hand.


I just heard an earth-shattering loud noise, the energy collided, and a destructive force erupted over the Dao Lake, the residual power was mad, and the energy shocked the huge waves of thousands of meters, and every bit of the waves contained terrifying astral energy. , shoot in all directions.

"No, run! Run!"

The warriors who looked around suddenly felt bad and retreated, but it was too late. The speed of the splashing water was extremely fast, and they caught up in an instant. Anyone who was touched by the water waves, regardless of their cultivation base, all burst. , the flesh is flying.

Ye Bufan was also swept upside down by this violent force. With a flash of light on his body, all the impact disappeared without a trace. He just stood in the sky, looking at Yu Xin and Ling Shuangxue from a distance.

"Ye Bufan, you have already taken the Nine Tribulations Sword, don't be greedy enough."

Ling Shuangxue pointed her silver spear diagonally to the ground, and said in a cold tone, but her eyes were a little shocked. She was Ye Bufan's predecessor, and she rose much earlier than Ye Bufan. caught up.

"Insufficient greed? No one can stop what I, Ye Bufan, want."

Ye Bufan stood with his hands behind his back, like an emperor standing tall, looking contemptuous, and stepped forward.




Ye Bufan repeated the word 'small' three times, and with each word, the world in front of him shrank dozens of times, and when the three words fell, the Daohu of hundreds of thousands of feet seemed to be only a square inch.

He stepped out in one step, and actually directly traversed the distance of nearly a thousand meters. It came to Yuxin and Ling Shuangxue like a teleportation, and once again raised his fist and blasted towards Ling Shuangxue.

"What, your Void Dao method has already realized this level."

Ling Shuangxue was extremely shocked. In such a short time, she only had time to raise the silver spear and barely parry in front of her.

The corner of Ye Bufan's mouth evoked a sneering color. With his current knowledge of "Tiandi Fist", he made all-out shots, and it was impossible to stop the emperor's soldiers. Even the emperor's soldiers would be severely injured.

This move is tantamount to praying for a car.

However, just as his golden fist was about to fall, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw that the silver spear, which was originally splendid, suddenly burst into a rushing atmosphere, like the arrival of the invincible emperor who suppressed the heavens and the world.

With just a breath, it directly smashed Ye Bufan's Heavenly Emperor's fist, and Yu Wei rolled back and smashed him fiercely. Although it was resolved with layers of void Taoism, it still caused him to vomit blood and fly upside down, spitting out a blood. column.

"Prince is actually injured!" Yushuwu

"This, how is this possible, the prince is invincible."

"I can't believe that Ling Shuangxue actually injured His Royal Highness."

The students of Tianshen Academy's Zhetian League all widened their eyes. They couldn't believe the scene in front of them. The invincible Prince Zhetian in their hearts was defeated?

Ling Shuangxue also showed a look of astonishment. No one knew her strength better than her. Although she broke through to the holy realm in just three years with the good fortune bestowed by Zhang Tian, ​​her holy body has a stigmata, not a stigmata. Perfect.

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