However, Ye Bufan's Holy Body is still on top of the ordinary perfect Holy Body. It is very powerful. In a one-on-one situation, she may not be able to hold even three moves, so how can she knock the opponent into the air.

"You, your gun, has been used by others."

Ye Bufan stabilized his body in front of him, looking at the silver spear in Ling Shuangxue's hand, his eyes were full of fear.

He has extensive knowledge and can see at a glance that the aura just now was not emitted by the artifact spirit in the silver spear, but just the breath of a person, the breath left by a person who had used this gun.

And he also saw that the person used it for a very short time, and the breath left behind was also very weak, almost disappearing.

But it was just such a breath that broke his Heavenly Emperor's fist power and even seriously injured himself.

If the person who left the breath was there in person, how terrifying would it be?

The next moment, a figure appeared in his mind.

That person, fluttering in white clothes, with an air of exile, calm and composed.

That man broke his superb immortal sword with just one hand.

That person, exiled him to a foreign land for three full years.

That man is his lifelong enemy!

"What's your relationship with Zhang Tian?"

Ye Bufan almost gritted his teeth and spat out these words.

As soon as the name 'Zhang Tian' came out, the audience was silent for a while. Now this name is popular in the mainland, and no one knows it, no one knows it. Although it has not been seen for several years, it is still talked about by people in the East Wasteland.

Ling Shuangxue was stunned for a moment, and then she figured out why Ye Bufan was sent flying, but she was arrogant and unwilling to take advantage of Zhang Tian's power, so she said lightly, "It was a coincidence that I received some advice from Senior Zhang."

In the temple at the bottom of the lake, the goddess Qianyu pondered: "This woman has a relationship with the emperor, and she must be protected."

"Okay, I didn't want to kill you. Since you accepted Zhang Tian's kindness, then go to die."

Ye Bufan's aura became extremely fierce, and he rushed up again violently, trying to kill Ling Shuangxue in one fell swoop, but Zhang Tian's aura on the silver spear just now was exhausted, and no one could stop him.

"Blood-cutting Ghost Palm!"

At the critical moment, Yu Xin on the side suddenly shot, a huge bloody vortex formed on the top of her head, absorbed all the blood in the audience, and a terrifying bloody hand was protruded, which slammed towards Ye Bufan.

"Then I'll kill you!"

Ye Bufan's aura increased again, and a phantom of the Heavenly Emperor appeared behind him, looking unparalleled, his right fist like a mountain condensed like gold, and slammed it down fiercely.

"It has to be done."

The goddess Qianyu's eyes flashed fiercely, and she spat out a water-blue divine bead and pointed to it.

In an instant, Daohu vibrated violently, and Ye Bufan and the others cracked a vortex with a diameter of thousands of meters out of thin air, emitting a terrifying suction force, directly sucking all the people above. , , .

Chapter 643 The Ancient Immortal Gate Buried for Thousands of Years

Turn around!

Under the tearing of the Daohu vortex, within a radius of thousands of meters centered on Ye Bufan, Yu Xin and others, no matter whether it was a warrior or Chongbao, there was no resistance at all, and they were all attracted.

I saw that the whirlpool was covered with silver-white runes, which contained a strong power of space. Every rune flickered, and one person disappeared out of thin air.

"This is... a teleportation rune, which is equivalent to a miniature teleportation space, but the location and destination of the teleportation are random."

Yu Xin's figure is constantly changing in the vortex. In less than ten breaths, she has been teleported six times. Each teleportation will cause a great load on her body. Was crushed into a pool of blood.


After another teleportation, Yuxin appeared in another place, pondering for a while, the Yin-Yang Flame Dragon Ball flew out from the cuff, rose wildly in the wind, and instantly turned into a Shenyue with a height of several thousand meters, one black and one white guarding her inside. .

The runes flickered again, and the power of time and space came, but in the face of the two huge mountains, they could not be shaken at all, and could only recede like a tide, condensing stronger power.

"It's now!"

Yu Xin's eyes narrowed, her right hand grabbed in the void, and the black and white mountains merged into one, turning into a huge flame dragon, swooping down sharply.


The fierce dragon roar resounded through the earth, directly breaking the water of Daohu Lake below into a big hole, and digging in like a swimming fish.

This drill is like a fish leaping in the sky, and the vision suddenly becomes clear.

As far as the eye can see, it is no longer an endless lake, but a huge ruin. The mountains are continuous, and you can't see it all at a glance. You can only see the broken palace towers standing among the peaks of the mountains. The magic weapons were scattered, and the ground was covered with a layer, which was vaguely visible. There was another layer of ruins buried under the ruins.

It seems that this layer has buried the things of endless years.

Above her is not the sky, but an azure lake, as if studded with bright pearls, reflecting rays of light, making it as bright as day.

The ruins are the ground, the Dao Lake is the top, and the distance between them is tens of thousands of miles, forming this fantastic world.

The only thing that broke this barrier was a tree, an incomparably prosperous divine tree, standing in the mountains, straight into the sky, it was also the only green embellishment in this wasteland world.

"This should be the ancient fairy gate, but after thousands of years, everything is in ruins."

Yuxin looked at it carefully, and immediately noticed that it was very similar to the mirage that appeared over Dao Lake before, except that among the mirages, there was an incomparably prosperous immortal mountain blessed land, and there were only ruins here.



Several harsh screams sounded in the ears, and the ruins on the left and right suddenly exploded, and two iron-armored beasts flew out, fiercely rushing towards Yuxin.

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