"Senior Sister Zhang? It's really you!"

Halfway through the journey, suddenly there were four escaping beams rushing straight towards the ruthless man, and they let out a surprise cry from a distance.

The ruthless man couldn't help but stop and took a look. It turned out to be the four students she rescued from the Demon Emperor ruins more than half a month ago. I remember their names were Fang Lin, Fang Yin, Su Ziyue, and Li Ming. .

The four flew to the front, and Su Ziyue, who was on the far left, immediately rejoiced: "I knew that Senior Sister Zhang was extremely powerful, and that altar definitely won't hurt you!"

Fang Lin saluted slightly and said respectfully, "The altar collapsed that day, I was waiting to escape in a hurry, I wanted to wait outside, but unexpectedly the monsters in the ruins suddenly rioted, so I could only withdraw temporarily, it's great that Senior Sister is fine. already."

The ruthless man said in a low voice, "I have nothing to do, but I just suddenly realized that I didn't return immediately after retreating outside, which made you worry."

Fang Yin patted her slightly raised front and said softly, "So that's the case. No wonder we searched around in the academy after we came back, but couldn't find any news about Senior Sister."

However, Su Ziyue noticed another problem, widened her eyes and said, "Senior sister has already reached the top of the sixth level of the Transcendent Realm, but now she has broken through, could it be..." 04 Novels www.04xs.com

The other three also thought of a possibility, and they all widened their eyes, showing incredible colors.

The ruthless man nodded and said: "Yes, I have broken through to the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm, and this trip is to go to the Holy Academy to promote the core disciple."

Although they had already guessed it, the four of them couldn't help but take a deep breath after hearing the ruthless man himself admit it.

Li Ming murmured: "Senior sister's cultivation speed is really terrifying, it really makes me feel ashamed."

Fang Lin also exclaimed: "I heard from Master that the more powerful a person is in combat, the more profound the background, and the more difficult it is to break through the realm. At the beginning, Senior Sister fought the Blood Demon King with the sixth level of Transcendent Realm, and it can be seen that the background is extremely profound. But I didn't expect to break through the realm like a cloud, and it is truly a peerless genius that is rare in the ages!"

The other three nodded in agreement, and Su Ziyue said excitedly, "Senior sister, let us accompany you to the Holy Academy. It will take a year from the outer courtyard to become the core directly. The name of senior sister will definitely shake the entire academy! I'm afraid all the parties will be vying to win over Senior Sister!"

"That's right, let's witness this moment." Fang Yin also looked at Ruthless Man with expectation.

The ruthless man smiled and said freely: "If you are willing to follow, just follow."

In this way, a group of five people flew towards the magnificent castle-like building of the Shengxue Church in high spirits.

"Huh? Why are so many people gathered outside the Holy Academy today, are there other people who have been promoted to core disciples?" The ruthless man looked at the crowd of people on the inner third floor and the outer third floor in front of the Holy Academy, and couldn't help showing a touch of surprise. .

Su Ziyue shook her head and said, "I have also seen several core student promotion ceremonies, but none of them were so lively. I am afraid that this time a big person has been promoted."

"Ask if you don't know."

The ruthless man strode forward and said to a tall girl in a dark green dress, "Excuse me, what happened? What are everyone doing around here?"

The girl turned around, she was a genius of the fourth level of the Transcendent Realm. Seeing that Ruthless Man was young, she immediately showed a proud expression, and said solemnly: "Don't you know how to scream? You don't even know what's going on inside. Come join in the fun! Let me tell you, today is the arrogance of our martial arts department, Junior Sister Yan Qingxuan... No, it's the day when Senior Sister Yan Qingxuan is promoted to a core student!"

Speaking of this, the girl was still not satisfied, and said with a look of pointing Jiangshan: "Look at the front, all the core students who came to congratulate the Tianzhe Alliance, this card is worthy of the Tianshen Academy except the Zhetian Prince for thousands of years. The most outstanding Tianjiao! It is the pride of our female students! Since you are here, watch the ceremony well, even if you can learn a little bit of fur, it is your good fortune!"

"What? Yan Qingxuan has also been promoted to a core student?" The ruthless man raised his eyebrows, revealing a look of surprise.

Fang Yin, who was behind her, was very unconvinced and said loudly, "No matter how talented Yan Qingxuan is, it took a year and a half to be promoted to a core student. How can she be compared to Senior Sister Zhang!"

Chapter 79 The power of a ruthless punch!

"No matter how talented Yan Qingxuan is, it took a year and a half to be promoted to a core student. How can she be compared to Senior Sister Zhang!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar, and the students surrounding them all turned around and looked at the ruthless people.

Even the green-robed woman looked surprised, and then said angrily, "You stinky girl doesn't know how high the sky is, but Senior Sister Yan Qingxuan is a big celebrity in the Heaven-Covering Alliance. She offended her, and she has no place in your entire academy. !"

Fang Yin was startled, but did not want to admit defeat, and looked at the ruthless man with red eyes.

"Yan Qingxuan is really flamboyant, but when I was a student in the outer courtyard, I was not afraid of her, so what is there to be afraid of today! Go, go and see!"

After speaking, the ruthless man strode forward, directly over the green-robed woman, and looked towards the inner layer.

In front of the Shengxuetang, many core disciples dressed in luxurious purple clothes were chatting and laughing, and they drew a line invisibly to prevent anyone from approaching, and surrounded them, like a woman surrounded by stars, it was Yan Qingxuan.

At this time, Yan Qingxuan was accepting the promotion ceremony, which was presided over by several virtuous elders, solemn and solemn.

She was wearing a long royal blue dress, holy and pure, with a graceful and luxurious temperament, like a goddess walking out of the vast ocean.

Many female students onlookers vaguely regarded her as a spiritual leader, and their eyes were full of fanatical worship.

The male students, on the other hand, respected and wanted to pursue her. All of them had a heart of admiration for her, and they all wanted to be the messengers of flowers, just for the sake of Bomei people.

This unusual emotion was keenly captured by Ruthless, and it became more and more that Yan Qingxuan was not a simple woman.

"Did you see it? This is Senior Sister Yan Qingxuan. She is like a fairy, pure and flawless, and cannot be profaned."

"Senior Sister Yan is different from us. She is a true genius. She was promoted to a core student within a year and a half of admission. In the future, she will become a true student, or even a saint. I'm afraid it is a sure thing."

"From now on, she will be the leader of our female students!"

A group of onlookers were discussing, these people were considered geniuses and evildoers to the outside world, and even the young masters and young ladies of the extraordinary princely family were all convinced by Yan Qing Xuan at this time.

The ruthless man's eyes were fixed on Yan Qingxuan, and he had unknowingly passed the crowd and stepped over the red line drawn by the core students of the Zhetian Alliance.

"Presumptuous, all those watching the ceremony, retreat beyond the red line!"

One of the members of the Sky-Covering Alliance immediately reprimanded!

Ruren's eyes narrowed, and before he could speak, he saw Yan Qingxuan following his reputation and said softly, "It turned out to be Junior Sister Zhang Ruren, today is the big day for me to be promoted to the core student, you are also here to congratulate me. ?"

"What! Is she Zhang Ruren?"

All the core students of the Zhetian League showed surprise and looked up and down at Ruthless. They had long heard of the conflict between Yan Qingxuan and Ruthless, but except for a few people, the rest did not know about Ruthless. appearance.After all, they are all core students, aloof, and ruthless people are like ants in their eyes. 110 eBook www.110txt.com

As soon as the word 'Zhang Ruren' came out, a riot broke out among the students who were watching. Many of these people were students from the outer and inner courtyards, and they were very familiar with the name of Ruthless.

"She is Zhang Ruren, the first person in the outer courtyard? She is so young."

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