"King Ruthless! My brother trembled with fright when he mentioned her name, which shows her cruelty."

"The Ruthless King was repeatedly suppressed by members of the Zhetian Alliance when he was in the outer courtyard. I didn't expect to have a holiday with Senior Sister Yan Qingxuan."

"It is said that this woman is also a genius and evildoer. Within a year of entering school, she directly crossed the inner courtyard and became an elite student."

Qin Haoran showed a cold look. He was the heir of Prince Pingcang, and even among the core students of the Zhetian League, he belonged to the upper class.He still hasn't forgotten the hatred of the ruthless man destroying his plan, which led to the disappearance of Lie Wuji and the psychic ice soul.

For more than half a month, he has been looking for ruthless people, wanting to take revenge, but he did not expect to meet here.

Thinking of this, Qin Haoran strode towards the ruthless man, his eyes were cold, and he suddenly shouted: "I asked you to step back beyond the red line, didn't you hear?"

The ruthless man said in a low voice: "What are you, who gave you the right to block the Holy Academy?"

"Bold, dare to talk back! Today I will teach you the rules!"

While speaking, Qin Haoran threw a punch in the air, and a boundless force shook all directions.

This is the domineering of the Zhetian Alliance. If you disagree with each other, you will die!

The core disciples of the Zhetian Alliance are high above the ground, as if they are watching a play. Even if the ruthless person is killed on the spot, they don't care.

This is the power of the Heavenly Divinity Academy's largest party, the Sky-Covering Alliance!

"If you want to teach me a lesson, I'll pay you back for your insults!" The ruthless man snorted coldly, and the nine great round seas shook, and hundreds of dragons roared out, turning into a terrifying divine fist, shining with golden light, full of the coercion of the king.

"Undefeated Emperor Fist!"

The ruthless man's face was cold and he blasted out the golden divine fist fiercely, instantly shattering Qin Haoran's Pingcang divine fist, and a series of sonic booms exploded with the violent and boundless power, encased in billowing air waves, and slammed directly on Qin Haoran's chest.


A huge explosion resounded throughout the audience. Under this blow, Qin Haoran was instantly blasted out, blood surged, smashing to the ground, and dozens of rock-solid bluestone bricks were directly blown into powder.

The students onlookers kept retreating under the impact of the powerful air wave, their faces were full of horror, what did they see, the dignified core student, Prince Pingcang, was defeated by a ruthless man!

The power of one punch is so terrifying!

Chapter 80 The Emperor's Fist of the Monstrous Flame!

"Zhang Ruren, I want you to die!"

Qin Haoran, who was lying on the ground, arose in anger, his whole body was covered in blood, and he rushed towards the ruthless man again like a madman.

This is his great shame, to be defeated by an ant that he despises in front of countless students, and it is a one-shot defeat, and there is no way to fight back!

If this revenge is not repaid, he will never rise up in the academy!

Even if this scandal spreads back to the Pingcang Kingdom, his brothers will take the opportunity to fall into the trap and pull him down from the throne of the prince.

No one will intercede for him, because King Pingcang doesn't need a wasteful heir!

"The vastness covers the sky!"

Qin Haoran rushed up frantically again, his eyes seemed to shoot monstrous flames, and the void in front of him transformed into a huge red cloud, as if to cover the entire sky and cover the sky!

In an instant, the bluestone bricks on the ground were melted, breaking open large holes, exuding terrifying temperatures, as if the earth had turned into magma in the crater.

The violent heat wave filled the entire Holy Academy. Many students who had not yet broken through to the Transcendent Realm only felt that their True Qi in the round sea was about to be evaporated, and they retreated violently, showing expressions of extreme fear.

"This is King Pingcang's unique skill, the last style of Pingcang Shenquan, which is absolutely terrifying!"

"The vastness covers the sky! With this move, King Pingcang killed [-] troops of alien races in an instant, and the fire burned across the entire grassland!"

"Qin Haoran has used his true skills. He is worthy of being the prince of Prince Pingcang. Zhang Ruren is definitely not an opponent!"

"Although the Ruthless King is powerful, his edge is too strong. If he offends the people of the Zhetian Alliance, he is doomed to perish!"

In the scene, only the elite students in the transcendent realm could barely resist the residual power of this monstrous heat wave. It was hard to imagine the terrifying coercion faced by Zhang Ruren in the center.

However, all of this is without the slightest pressure on the ruthless man.The so-called monstrous flames are many times worse than the fierceness of the Blood Demon King in the Demon Emperor Ruins!

Even such a blood demon king was killed by her forcefully, not to mention Qin Haoran in front of him.

Not to mention, the ruthless man now is far stronger than that time, and it is countless times stronger!


In the raging flames, the ruthless roared like a god and demon. Hundreds of Flood Dragons poured out of her body, swallowing the raging flames in large mouths, and finally turned into a flame emperor with vast divine might, sweeping all directions!

This is the fusion of "Devouring the Devil" and "Undefeated Emperor's Fist", swallowing Qin Haoran's fiery real energy, turning it into his own, giving birth to the Flame King, burning everything, and suppressing the ages.


The Flame Emperor sucked up all the flames, slammed out a punch, and the mighty gods rolled in. The real vastness covered the sky and was invincible.


The divine fist slammed on Qin Haoran and smashed him out again. One arm was directly swallowed by the flames, and blood gushed wildly.




Any word is not enough to describe the scene in front of him. The ruthless person is like a peerless queen, backed by the phantom of the flame emperor, and the divine power is monstrous.

On the contrary, Qin Haoran, the prince of Prince Pingcang, who was revered and worshipped by everyone, was lying on the ground like a dead dog, his blood was blurred, and even his arm was burned.Heyuan Book Bar www.heyuanba.com

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