"Immortal King Corpse?" An old man in Tianhan Holy Land muttered in shock.

"This is the corpse of the Immortal King!" A middle-aged beautiful woman who arrived at Dongming Holy Land later took a deep breath.

Everyone was silent at this moment, although after seeing the Nine Tribulations Sword, the True Immortal Blood, and the Emperor Soul, they had expected that the second eruption of Dingdao Lake would have a treasure, but they never thought that it was actually an immortal corpse.

A corpse of a fairy king!

"True immortal condensed immortal veins, immortal king Yun immortal veins, this is the corpse of an immortal king, defying chance, defying chance!"

The eyes of countless sects are red. At this moment, there is no first-class force, no second-class force, because the temptation is too great, enough to make them forget life and death.

An immortal king-level powerhouse must condense at least one immortal vein in his body, which is equivalent to a miniature immortal stone vein. Extracting the immortal energy contained in it is enough to cultivate ten great emperors, not to mention other Immortal bones and immortal marrow are all treasures, it is simply a treasure mountain, immortal mountain!

This is a great opportunity against the sky, whoever can get it can soar into the sky, not to mention the mere small world of Shengyuan, the heavens and the world can be freely vertical and horizontal.


"It's easy to grab the corpse of the Immortal King, the Dao Dao Emperor!"

"Wealth is at risk, this corpse is about to be settled!"

All the warriors were red-eyed and rushed out instantly.

The strong are like great saints, one step across the sky!

The weak are warriors in the transcendent realm, and they are also sprinting with gritted teeth, ready to go.

The immortal road is difficult, the immortal road is difficult, don't take becoming an immortal for granted!

The immortal road that has not been opened for [-] million years is now blooming in front of the eyes. This is the legendary immortal fate. Whoever can get it can overwhelm the world.

"A bunch of trash, just because you want to grab the corpse of the Immortal King!"

The eyes of the beautiful middle-aged woman in Dongming Holy Land flashed fiercely, and the power of the domain that twisted the void erupted from her body, and her figure was like a ghost and approached the corpse of the fairy queen.

The sleeves floated up, and the strong Saint Yuan energy poured into it, as if it turned into two swords, extremely sharp, and slashed down.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of explosions sounded, and all those who blocked her way were blasted away, their bodies exploded, and their flesh was spattered.

"It's Mrs. Dongming!"

"Mrs. Dongming is here!"

The cruel smell of blood filled the audience, finally making these red-eyed warriors wake up a little. After seeing the appearance of the middle-aged beautiful woman, they were all like falling into an ice cave, and a cool air rose from the soles of their feet.

This woman is the well-known Mrs. Dongming, the mother of Shan Wudao, the young master of the Holy Land of Dongming, and the top ten masters in the entire Donghuang.

Many people have rumored that she already has the combat power of the Holy Master, and because of her magic skills, the fighting method is very fierce and mysterious, who dares to attack her.

At the same time, a tyrannical aura burst out from the blessed land where the Dongming Holy Land is located, rushing straight into the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky were instantly swept away. .I love Sodu www.520sodu.com

"Okay, okay, the fate of fate is approaching, this Immortal King's body is prepared for this old man, swallow this corpse, and the fate of fate can be smashed in one punch!"

The underground palace, which was buried deep underground, exploded with a bang, and the ancestor of Dongming, who had been in retreat for nearly a thousand years, flew out, looking at the direction of the ancient lake, with a touch of persistence in his eyes, his body disappeared in an instant, and he went straight to the lake. .

"Congratulations to the ancestors to leave the customs."

Within the Fengyang Ancient Sect, countless disciples lowered their heads, and only dared to use the corner of their eyes to secretly look at the old figure walking out of the inner hall.

This is the sect master of the Fengyang Ancient Sect three generations ago. He has been closed to death for thousands of years. It is rumored that he has already died.

Because this old ancestor exudes the terrifying aura of a half-step god emperor, his thoughts fly away, and his thoughts are immortal.

"The corpse of the Immortal King, Donghuang actually found such a treasure, the old man has to fight for it. This time, I should be able to see many old friends."

He sighed softly, his body actually regained vitality at a speed visible to the naked eye, the wrinkles on his face disappeared, and he became like a middle-aged man, with a mighty appearance, wearing a blue Taoist robe, raised his feet and fell, and disappeared in an instant.

Tianshen Academy, deep in the heavenly courtyard, the old dean originally closed his eyes as if he were dead, but at this moment, he suddenly opened, and a bright light burst out from his eyes, but it quickly dimmed, shaking his head and sighing: "Old, old, If I can't take that step, even the Immortal King's Treasure will be no match for me."

In the Five Mountains Sword Sect, there were bursts of clanging sounds from the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, resounding throughout the sect. Countless disciples were alarmed and came out to watch, only to see that the entire back mountain was wrapped in a strong sword intent, and finally converged into an illusory handle The divine sword of his , flickered slightly, the sword light stopped, and rushed to Shanggu Dao Lake with a lightning-like wastage.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the entire Eastern Wilderness was boiling, and countless heroes who had been hidden for thousands of years broke through, and the wind and clouds gathered on the ancient road lake.

"Haha, I got it, this Immortal King's corpse is mine. Whoever dares to fight for it will be against Dongming Holy Land!"

Mrs. Dongming grabbed the real immortal corpse with one hand, showing an extremely excited look, and at the same time did not forget to intimidate the audience with her vicious eyes.

There are tens of millions of warriors around, but no one dared to fight for it for a while. First, because Mrs. Dongming's strength is too strong, the Holy Master-level combat power is enough to disdain the audience.

The other is to be afraid of the name of Dongming Holy Land. After all, it is the overlord of the Eastern Desolation, and fair competition is enough. If you want to grab food, I am afraid that no one has the courage.

"Hmph! You know each other."

Mrs. Dongming showed a smug look, and was about to put the corpse of the Immortal King into the storage ring when a cold voice suddenly came from behind: "Hand over the corpse of the Immortal King and spare your life."


Mrs. Dongming looked back with a calm expression, and it was the ruthless man who flew over with a sword. Her hair was flamboyant, her beauty was breathtaking, and she could never regain her youthful aura, which made her feel jealous and hatred. .

"Junior, you are courting death!"

Mrs. Dongming screamed, the originally slender and fair palm suddenly turned pale, and the five nails grew a foot, tearing the void directly and slashing towards the ruthless man's face.

"You are the one looking for death."

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