The ruthless man said in a cold voice, a force of flying immortals erupted from his body, condensed on the blade, and slammed out.


The astonishing sword light slammed into the shadow of the claw fiercely, crushing it in an instant, and Yu Wei continued to blast towards Mrs. Dongming, cutting her into two halves.

"Little brat, I want you to die!!"

The sound of rushing thunder exploded in the sky, accompanied by a terrifying aura of the peak of the quasi-God Emperor.

In the underground palace at the bottom of the lake, Zhang Tian paused slightly with his palm holding the wine glass, and a cold look flashed in his eyes. , , .

Chapter 646 The Great Fortune of Being a True God!


Above the Dao Lake, there is an incomparable crisis, and everyone feels the tremor from their hearts.

A powerhouse at the peak of the quasi-God Sovereign who traverses the void will descend here to suppress the ruthless.

In the entire Eastern Wilderness, other than the Eastern Sea ancestors, who else could have this strength.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the ruthless people with pity in their eyes. Although she was absolutely stunning, she could overwhelm the mainland, and even kill the Holy Master, but after all, she did not break through to the holy realm, not even a half-sage. It can never be the opponent of the ancestor of Dongming.

At this moment, unless Zhang Tian comes suddenly, no one will be able to keep the ruthless man, everyone thinks so in their hearts.

Only the ruthless man, with the same expression, grabbed the corpse of the Immortal Queen with one hand, intending to put this treasure away first.

But she didn't expect that just when she just touched the female corpse, the lake surface below suddenly fluctuated, and there was a thunderous roar, and in this roar, a huge vortex was formed, rumbled and turned.

"At this time..."

The ruthless man felt the terrifying suction from the vortex, and his face changed suddenly, and he was about to open the sword domain to resist, but a thousand-zhang-sized blue-blue palm protruded from the vortex, and directly put her and the corpse of the fairy goddess together. caught in.


At the moment when the ruthless man disappeared, a terrifying fist slammed into the position where she was before, directly smashing Daohu into a deep pit of dozens of feet, making everyone take a deep breath.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ancestor of Dongming stood in the air and kept bombarding, but he could only start a little wave, and then returned to normal.

"Ah ah ah!! Little brat, no matter where you escape, this old man will kill you with a thousand cuts!"

The infinite imperial prestige vented, and the shocking audience was deadly silent.

In the temple at the bottom of the lake, the goddess Qianyu took back her life pearl, and said cautiously: "The concubine shot in a hurry, please don't blame the emperor."

Zhang Tian chuckled lightly: "It's okay."

Only then did Qianyu breathe a sigh of relief, and when he heard the clamor of the ancestors of Dongming on the lake, he couldn't help frowning, and said in a low voice: "Emperor, do you want me to solve this guy who doesn't know how to live or die?"

Zhang Tian glanced up and said in a low voice, "No, this emperor's daughter will kill him by herself."

"But that didn't make him live a little longer, it just cheapened him."

Qianyu's tone was not good. Even though she was very submissive in front of Zhang Tian, ​​in her bones, she was still a high-ranking deity. Although she was the lowest deity, she still looked down on ordinary cultivators.

"Don't worry, that day won't be too far away." Zhang Tian drank the wine in the cup with a relaxed tone, as if in his eyes, the ancestor of Dongming was already a dead person.

Putting down the wine glass, Zhang Tian looked towards the extreme distance, raised his hand and grabbed it, and a ripple appeared in the void.

"Ancient Jianmu produces a flower and leaf every three million years, which contains pure wood spirit energy, nourished by water and wood, which is very helpful to you, but if you rely on it too much, it will not be flexible enough, and refining a leaf is just right. "

When the words fell, Zhang Tian gave the flower and leaf to the goddess Qianyu.

"Thank you Emperor for the reward."

Qianyu took the flower and leaf with great excitement, and cherished it very much. Even if this kind of heaven and earth was put in the ancient times, only the powerhouses like fairy kings and god kings could have it. A little god like her did not dare to think about it. .Jiujiushuge

As long as she integrates this building wood flower and leaf, she will have a ten percent grasp of the sea, breaking through the natural godhead, and may even cross two levels of gods, becoming the legendary... true god!

True God, for her in the past, it was as far away as the stars in the sky, but now this great fortune is at her fingertips.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, his eyes looked forward again, and through the layers of void, he saw the ancient building wood standing upright.

In addition to the flowers and leaves picked for Qianyu, there are still three flowers and leaves in full bloom on the top of Jianmu, which are crystal clear.

"open it."

Zhang Tian opened his mouth softly, and the flower of Jianmu, which was thousands of miles away, suddenly bloomed, exuding a dense fairy air, swaying layer by layer, and converging on the top of Jianmu into a Jade Pond Wonderland.

On the other side, the ruthless man teleported several times in the lake channel, and finally used the Shuiyun Emperor Sword to split a way of life and landed on the ruins of the mountain.

Looking around, the ruthless man couldn't help being secretly startled, and murmured: "Yu Xin is right, there really is another world under this lake, the ancient immortal gate ruins. Ye Bufan, you should be here too."

Thinking of that figure, the ruthless man could not help clenching the Shuiyun Emperor Sword. Back then, in the Martial Dao Peak Square, Ye Bufan tore open the abyss of the void and shocked her from the air. This shame can only be washed away by defeating him with her own hands.

"I don't know what Ye Bufan's cultivation has reached now, but it would be a little troublesome to break through to the holy realm."

The ruthless man speculated to himself, and suddenly smelled an aroma that was like elk and musk deer. He only took a slight breath, and the spiritual energy in his dantian became active, adding a hint to the naked eye.

"This is... fairy energy?"

The ruthless man looked shocked, and quickly looked in the direction where the fragrance came from. Although she had never been in contact with immortal qi, this qi was obviously much, many times purer than spiritual qi, just like a small stream compared to the river and the sea. , only the legendary fairy energy can contain such abundant energy.

The reason why the immortals did not come out after the war was because the nine great mountains and seas collapsed and no immortal energy was produced. The immortals walking in the world not only could not absorb immortal energy, but would consume a lot of immortal energy in their bodies.

Now, she actually felt the fairy spirit here.

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