Ye Bufan obtained the inheritance of the Void Dao from the White-robed Immortal King, but the ruthless man's comprehension of the Void Dao method is also not weak.


The electric light and flint flashed, and the ruthless man slammed heavily on Ye Bufan's shoulder blade, directly blasting the bones, and the flesh and blood flew.


Ye Bufan let out a scream, and the stigmata on his body flickered wildly, as if to repair the injury, but the next attack of the ruthless man has come.

"Bang bang bang..."

Another series of explosions, the Heavenly Emperor Fist against the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Hand, the blasting Yu Wei almost pierced the transmission channel.

Ye Bufan was finally a little shocked, and couldn't help shouting: "Are you crazy? If we fight like this, we will all die."

The ruthless man didn't realize it, and still attacked frantically. In her opinion, this person killed Yu Xin, and he must do everything in his power to kill him, so that he can't live another second.

"Good! Good! I'll see who will save you in a while!"

Ye Bufan's eyes also became sharp, and there were actually Void Seeds floating out of his body, which were the same as the ten Void Seeds he gave to Yan Qingxuan at the beginning, but the number was more, there were hundreds of them. .


Ye Bufan shouted, and all the Void Seeds were shattered, turning into pure Void energy.

Great Void Technique!

This is another top Void supernatural power of the white-clothed fairy king, which exhausts the changes of the void. It is precisely because of this magical power that the white-clothed fairy king is recognized as one of the most difficult people to kill in the nine mountains and seas.

At this time, Ye Bufan showed it, and the void energy rushed towards him like a hundred rivers and seas, completely wrapping him in it.

Whoosh whoosh—

At this moment, Ye Bufan almost completely merged into the void, and the speed was astonishingly fast. The ruthless man's attack came and went straight through, unable to attack his entity.

"Don't run, today you and I will never die!"

Even so, the ruthless man was still struggling to kill, she could see that Ye Bufan was borrowing external force, and the void energy in his body was constantly decreasing, not really invincible.

"Humph! Then you continue to chase, and when you reach your destination, you will die without a corpse!"

Ye Bufan's tone was full of coldness.

All of this seems to be a long time, but in fact it all happened in a few breaths, and the transmission channel soon came to an end, where there was a vast and desolate land.

"Senior Jiang, come and save me!!"

The moment he rushed out of the passage, Ye Bufan roared loudly, and the killing intent behind him followed him, making his chill linger.

"This is... the battlefield of gods and demons?"

When rushing out of the passage, the ruthless man quickly looked around with the corner of his eyes, and immediately took a breath. Isn't this the battlefield of the gods and demons, and it is still deep in the battlefield of the gods and demons, and everything that can be seen is ancient. Dead corpse.

"Little girl, since you're here, you can stay here."

A white bone mountain paved with corpses suddenly burst open, and a white bone palm that is tens of millions of feet in size protrudes out, and brazenly grabs it towards the ruthless man.

This grasping shatters the sky, it seems that the ruthless man and the space will be completely shattered.

The Great Desolate Prisoner!

A big ancient hand pierced through the layers of void and came down, collided with the big white bone hand, and made a roar.

"Emperor Lin Wu's Great Desolate Prisoner?" The First Reading Network

There was a sudden suspicion from the bottom of the White Bone Mountain, which seemed to be a little dreadful. Instead of continuing to attack, he grabbed Ye Bufan with one hand and brought it back to the White Bone Mountain.

"Hand over people!"

The ruthless man marched forward, and took the sword domain to kill directly towards the White Bone Mountain, the killing intent swept the four directions, and even the dead bones buried below shuddered.


In a hall in the White Bone Mountain, Ye Bufan fell heavily to the ground. Before he could deal with his injuries, he immediately said, "Senior Jiang, that woman..."

"Don't worry, I have locked her with the Great Void Technique. Even if she is the Great Emperor, it is absolutely impossible for her to escape."

A middle-aged man walked out from the depths of the hall, wearing a navy blue python robe, with a majestic appearance, he said plainly, and his words contained strong self-confidence.

"Huh...that's fine."

Ye Bufan breathed a sigh of relief and did not question the middle-aged man's words.

Because he is very aware of the terrifying strength of this middle-aged man, even in this battlefield of gods and demons, where there are many strong men, he is still a hegemon.

If it wasn't for some reason that he couldn't get out of the battlefield of gods and demons, let alone the small world of Shengyuan, even those immortal mountains in the ninth mountains and seas would have to respect him by three points.

"I didn't expect that there is a genius who can compete with you in the world of Shengyuan, and also has the inheritance of Emperor Lin Wu. How did you get into this character?"

The middle-aged man stepped forward and fed Ye Bufan an elixir.

This medicinal pill has magical effects, and it quickly healed Ye Bufan's trauma, his face improved a little, and he said in surprise, "Could it be that Senior Jiang is talking about the so-called Martial Ancestor, Emperor Lin Wu?"

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Apart from him, who else has magical powers that can compete with Ye Tiandi's Heavenly Emperor Fist? This girl is also a person with great luck, but this time you have met your nemesis."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man sighed again: "It's a pity that Emperor Burial has changed the laws of heaven, otherwise, if you can cultivate the ancient sacred body like Emperor Ye Tian, ​​the girl will be destroyed at the touch of a finger."

"Is my blood ancestor really that powerful?"

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