Ye Bufan couldn't help but raise doubts. Originally, he would never have such doubts, but the divine might of Zhang Tian's hand to suppress before made him shaken.

"Of course!"

The middle-aged man had a serious expression and said solemnly, "Emperor Ye Tian was one of the nine heavenly emperors who besieged and buried the emperor in those days. With this alone, you can look down on the past and present. You must not fall into the prestige of your ancestors!"


Ye Bufan replied respectfully. Although the middle-aged man didn't say anything, he probably guessed a bit. This man should be the old part of Ye Tiandi, and he was good to him because of his blood.

"You will tell me in detail about the festival with this girl." The middle-aged man spoke again.

Ye Bufan didn't dare to hide it and told everything.

"What? Someone suppressed the ancient soul of Emperor Ye Tian with one hand, how is this possible!"

The middle-aged man looked suspicious, and immediately frowned: "This girl's talent is not weaker than yours, and she can be your whetstone. I will release her later. In the future, you can use this girl as a guide and kill her. Daoist Emperor!"

"Then there is Senior Lao Jiang." Ye Bufan bowed again.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and suddenly, his complexion changed greatly, and he flicked his sleeves, tearing the void and sending Ye Bufan in.

"Do you think this will keep him alive?"

At the moment when Ye Bufan disappeared, the void in the hall rose, and Zhang Tian's figure slowly stepped out.

"Bury... Burial the Emperor?"

The moment he saw Zhang Tian's face clearly, the middle-aged man's face was ashen, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a low voice, "Now that you know this emperor, why don't you show your courtesy?"

The middle-aged man trembled, and finally lowered his head and whispered: "Sin immortal, see Heaven Burial Emperor." , . . .

Chapter 650 Immortal king in white, kill yourself.

"Sin immortal, see Heaven Burial Emperor."

The middle-aged man lowered his head very low, and if he looked closely, he could see that he was trembling slightly.

Just because in front of Zhang Tian, ​​no one can be proud.

Including the Emperor Ye Tian, ​​whom he admired very much, the nine powerful warriors who killed the heavens, Zhang Tian finally broke his spine.

Zhang Tian took two steps forward and said indifferently, "You are smart."

A bit of bitterness flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes, and he said respectfully, "The sin immortal is just a remnant of the soul, which has long been irrelevant to the general situation. The Emperor Buried is the Lord of the Heavenly Court, and the sin immortal must have a heart of awe."

It turned out that this middle-aged man was a remnant of the immortal king in white, who died in a lore battlefield and was suppressed in this burial place.

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "What a sense of awe, if you had this idea back then, it wouldn't be wiped out. Do you know what the consequences will be if you don't bow your head?"

The middle-aged man said with a wry smile: "The Emperor Buried is the only one in the Nine Realms. If he opposes you, he will inevitably die. Thousands of years of history have proved this."

Zhang Tian shook his head and said, "You are wrong."

The middle-aged man was stunned and said in amazement, "Could it be that the Emperor Burial will still be merciful?"

Zhang Tiandao: "You indulge Ye Bufan, knowing that the emperor is coming, you dare to let Ye Bufan go privately, this is already a capital crime. But the incense of your Jiang family is still prosperous in the nine mountains and seas. You know that the emperor will not show mercy. , Could it be that he forgot the laws of the heavenly court, and he committed the crime and punished the Nine Clan?"

The middle-aged man's body shook violently, he knelt down suddenly, and said in horror: "The Emperor of Heaven is merciful, the sin immortal is just a remnant of the soul, and has nothing to do with the Jiang family. I hope the emperor of heaven will raise your hand, don't blame the Jiang family, the sin immortal is willing to die. for sins."

"Don't worry, this emperor won't touch your Jiang family. It's not because of you, but because of another person."

Zhang Tian turned around and turned his back to the middle-aged man, but it was as unattainable as the ancient sacred mountain, even prohibitive.

"Sin immortal...Thank you for the Emperor Burial."

The middle-aged man pressed his head tightly to the ground, and a proud Immortal King who was proud of the ancients and Lingjin broke out in a cold sweat at this moment, and he was relieved at this point.

Because he knew that the words of the Emperor Buried must be practiced!

"You can decide on your own." Zhang Tian said lightly, with a single word to decide the fate of the immortal.

The middle-aged man trembled again, and sighed softly: "I shouldn't have given birth. Since I assisted the Young Master to cast the Holy Body, it can be considered as living up to the old master. Thousands of years of immortal life, after all, nothing..."

Before the words were finished, people were exhausted.

He was originally a remnant soul, and this body was only transformed by divine power. Now that the imprint of life has dissipated, he has also returned to the source and completely disappeared.

"Assist the young master... Back then, Emperor Ye Tian's astonishment couldn't be achieved, and you still haven't given up."

Zhang Tian muttered to himself and couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Tian didn't intend to stay any longer. He took a step forward, his body disappeared in an instant, and he was directly teleported to the sealed space of the ruthless man, intending to take her out.

As a result, seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Tian couldn't help being stunned.

This space was constructed by the middle-aged man who spent millions of years using the Great Void Technique. It contains strong Void Laws. It is not a prison in itself, but a treasure place to comprehend the Void Laws.Twelve Literature Network

It was here that Ye Bufan quickly mastered the "Great Void Technique", a very mysterious void method.

The middle-aged man originally planned to use this space to imprison the ruthless man temporarily, but he didn't expect everything that happened later.

At this time, the ruthless man was going through the test that Ye Bufan went through, but without the control of the middle-aged person, she faced the difficulty of hell when she came up, which was countless times crueler than Ye Bufan's situation.

I saw the roar of the void, and the power of the law condensed into a stone pillar-like finger, transparent and fast like a meteor, and shot at the ruthless man in an instant. This force was powerful and strange, and it directly broke one of her arms.

This method of comprehending the law is more effective than the Tower of Babel, but it is also more cruel, and it will be killed by the law of the void if it is careless.

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