As soon as he appeared, Yinglong's will immediately let out an earth-shattering roar, his arrogance was overwhelming, like a stormy wave, sweeping through one after another, and the entire Primordial Divine Mountain was shaken by it.


Zhang Tian spit out the word, and a vast power of heaven came crashing down, directly shattering the void, smashing the will of Yinglong into slag, and the soul perished!

"This, how is this possible..." Listening to the schoolbag

The Peacock King showed a look of astonishment. This can be the will of an invincible demon emperor, who can traverse the universe in front of him, swallow the world with anger, and bend countless immortal mountains to their waists.


The will was broken, and the heart of the demon emperor also lost its spirituality. It fell from the sky and was taken into Zhang Tian's hands.

Yan Ruyu's eyes were filled with ripples, and she followed the heart of the demon emperor. This was a fortune she had planned for a long time. If she could perfectly turn it into her own dao womb, and rely on her own blood, she would also have great power in the future. There is a high chance of becoming an invincible demon emperor.

"Don't worry, this emperor will not covet something like you."

Seeing to see through Yan Ruyu's thoughts, Zhang Tian laughed dumbly, and handed the heart of the Demon Emperor to Yan Ruyu.

"This...Thank you, senior."

Yan Ruyu took it excitedly, with two blushing blushing on her face.

This is against the heavens. Originally, according to her estimation, it would take years to find a suitable holy weapon, but now there is no need to worry about it.

She looked at Zhang Tianjunyi's face, and for some reason she felt panic in her heart, and quickly lowered her head. Since birth, she has always been arrogant. Under the protection of the Peacock King, even those great emperors have to respect her three points. Let her develop a cold and arrogant character.

But Zhang Tian's appearance today shattered all her pride, made her see the real domineering, and left an indelible impression on her.

The Peacock King has a complicated expression. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, but he has never seen a character like Zhang Tian.

"Zhang Tian, ​​what did you do to Senior Jiang?"

Ye Bufan opened his mouth to question, and it was only then that he figured out everything. Senior Jiang ripped apart the space and sent him away. Obviously, he encountered a major threat, a danger that even he was not sure of dealing with. Combined with Zhang Tian, ​​he chased and killed him. Everything is clear.

Zhang Tian said in a low voice, "Of course he killed him."


Ye Bufan's eyes were red, and although he expected this result, he still felt like five thunders ripped through his ears, as if his whole heart and lungs had been torn out.


Zhang Tian raised his hand to take a photo, Ye Bufan knelt down directly in front of him, trying to straighten up, but he seemed to be pressing down on an ancient sacred mountain, causing his spine to make a crackling sound.

"Don't worry, this emperor won't kill you this time. Jiang Jiankong wants this emperor's daughter to make you a whetstone to help you slay the emperor. My life, I have the daughter of this emperor to take it."


Just as Zhang Tian's last words fell, Ye Bufan's spine was directly crushed, and then his limbs were crushed and fractured, making a shrill cry.

"This is the punishment this emperor gave you, get out."

Zhang Tian raised his hand and flicked, Ye Bufan flew straight out, the void behind his back burst, and he was exiled to which star field.

Although this conversation was brief, it revealed a lot of information, which shocked the Peacock King and Yan Ruyu who were watching.

Yan Ruyu watched Ye Bufan disappear and said excitedly, "Could it be that senior is Senior Zhang Tian who suppressed Venerable Ananda? Now the only invincible emperor in the Ninth Mountains and Seas?"

The Peacock King was thinking of another name, and whispered softly: "Jiang Jiankong, does it mean Jiang Jiankong, the ancestor of the Jiang family, the general of Emperor Ye Tian, ​​and the white-clothed fairy king Jiang Jiankong?"

Chapter 654 Zhang Tian likes double flying?

Hearing his daughter's excited voice, the Peacock King realized that he was too sensitive to the name Jiang Jiankong, and subconsciously ignored the word 'Zhang Tian'. At this time, realizing Zhang Tian's identity, he could not help but take a deep breath. gas.

Now in the ninth mountain and sea, the name of Zhang Tian' is known to everyone, and everyone knows it. Although he has only risen for a few years, his achievements are enough to shine in these millions of years.

Suppressing Shengtian Sect in the Nether Continent, and suppressing the resurrected Shengtian Emperor!

In Tiangu Xiancheng, he fought the eight powerful emperors alone, suppressed them one by one, and captured the souls of the seven natal emperors!

Under the threat of the Immortal Emperor Ancient Clan Lu Family, he captured the Immortal Order Paper that buried the Heavenly Emperor, shocking the audience!

When Styx was born, he entered in the Netherworld boat and came out unscathed!

In the world of the dead, suppress the demon god alone!

In the realm of the devil, tear up the remnants of the real devil!

Under the Tongtian Tower, bombard and kill the avatar of the ancient Buddha in the Pure Land of the Buddha!

Any of these achievements is enough to make people instantly famous, and the ninth mountains and seas are glorious, but now they are all concentrated on one person!

It is also because of these achievements that some people boldly speculate that Zhang Tian may already possess the combat power of the Invincible Emperor.

Why invincible?Overpowering everything and swallowing the world is a sign of an era!

This is a very amazing honor. At present, no one in the ninth mountain and sea can bear this title.

Zhang Tian was in a good mood and said with a smile, "Do you recognize me?"

Yan Ruyu nodded again and again, and said softly with a voice like the sound of that day: "Now in the ninth mountain and sea, who does not know the prestige of Senior Zhang, even the Yaochi Palace..."

Speaking of which, Yan Ruyu suddenly stopped, her face even more ruddy. As the most popular man in the Ninth Mountains and Seas, there is a lot of news about Zhang Tian, ​​and some of them are even more random news. .

Although Yan Ruyu was pure and clean, she was usually not interested in these things, but the maids around her were very active in gossip, which made her overheard a lot.

For example, Zhang was born with a romantic temperament, and countless female emperors fell in love with him, and liked Shuangfei very much. When he was in Tiangu Xiancheng, he had two strong female emperors, the Goddess of War and the Empress Batian.

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