Later, in the life world of the dead, there were also nine-tailed celestial foxes who took the initiative to give him a hug, and took the opportunity to give the nine-tailed celestial fox and the palace master of Yaochi to Shuangfei. It was also said that the two unparalleled queens of the world were actually the master of Yaochi and the emperor Qingxuan. .

In short, all kinds of lace rumors are flying all over the sky, and everyone has a nose and eyes. Although Yan Ruyu is not convinced, she also knows that there is no wind and no waves. Otherwise, how could other invincible emperors not have these rumors?

Sometimes, after listening to it a lot, Yan Ruyu couldn't help but be curious about this 'Zhang Tian', thinking about what kind of person he is, so that such famous women as the Batian Empress, the Goddess of War, the Yaochi Palace Lord, and the Emperor Qingxuan can be admired. Willing to serve on the pillow seat.

Now that I finally saw the real person, those fantasies accumulated over the years were all superimposed together, and I didn't feel disappointed, but felt that it was such an exiled character who could deserve such honor.

The corners of King Peacock's mouth moved, wanting to ask about Jiang Jiankong, but he still didn't ask, the battle five million years ago was too important, many things are taboo, without that strength, I know more It will only cause trouble.

Zhang Tian looked around and was quite satisfied with the vigorous vitality of Peacock Mountain. He patted Yan Ruyu's head again and said, "This matter is over, this emperor will leave."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tian did not allow others to react, and directly tore the void away.

Yan Ruyu's face was red, she had never been intimate with a man before.But she didn't hate this feeling, she intuitively told her that Zhang Tian liked her from the bottom of his heart and didn't contain some obscenities.Fresh

"Cough cough..."

The Peacock King cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Ruyu, you must not think nonsense. As far as I know, this Zhang Tian is very romantic, and he is the same as Empress Batian, Palace Master Yaochi, Emperor Qingxuan and others. It's related, so don't get caught up in it."

"What did my father say!"

Yan Ruyu stomped her feet and her face became even hotter, but she thought in her heart that Zhang Tian was able to conquer so many amazing empresses, wouldn't that prove his excellence? The ancestors were the same.

Thinking of this, an aura suddenly flashed across Yan Ruyu's mind, making her stunned as if struck by lightning.

"What's wrong?" The Peacock King noticed the abnormality and immediately asked.

Yan Ruyu said in a trembling voice, "Father, do you still remember what Senior Zhang said when he first arrived?"

"Which sentence?"

"That's the sentence, saying that I am more interesting than Yang Xiaozi back then." After Yan Ruyu finished speaking, remembering the scene of Zhang Tian rubbing her hair, her face turned red again.

The Peacock King frowned and said, "Is there any problem with this sentence?"

Yan Ruyu said, "I was thinking, could that boy Yang be referring to... Qingdi Patriarch?"


The Peacock King frowned and asserted, "This is impossible!"

But his heart was a little shaken.

The world knows that the Peacock Mountain is a descendant of Emperor Yang Qing, but the Emperor Qing's surname is Yang, but the Peacock Mountain takes the word "Yan" as his surname, but few people know the reason.

In fact, when Emperor Yang Qing was married, he had not yet risen. At that time, he could only be regarded as an amazing talent, because his true love entered the family of Peacock, which was famous at that time. Last name.

Later, the times changed and the Peacock family declined, but Emperor Yang Qing rose against the trend. He proved himself as a quasi-immortal emperor and left a name on the monument of emperor marks. He became one of the five heavenly emperors in the ancient heaven. One of the few people at the peak of the nine mountains and seas.

However, Emperor Yang Qing was free and easy by nature. Although he became a quasi-immortal emperor, he did not change the surname of his descendants. It was business as usual, so there was a strange phenomenon that Emperor Qing did not take the surname Yang.

If the 'Yang Xiaozi' in Zhang Tian's mouth refers to people from the Qing Emperor's family, it seems that apart from Yang Qing Emperor, there is no other person to be found.

But... how is this possible?

Emperor Yang Qing is already tens of millions of years old, and his contemporaries are almost dead. How old is Zhang Tian?No more than [-] years old at most.

Regardless of age, with the respect of Emperor Yang Qing, who would dare to call him 'Boy Yang' except for the supreme Lord of the Heavenly Court?

Can't figure it out!

The Peacock King and Yan Ruyu looked at each other for a moment, but they couldn't figure it out, and they felt more and more that Zhang Tian was unfathomable.

Yan Ruyu held the Sacred Heart of the Demon Emperor and secretly said in her heart, "Next time we meet, I have to ask him, and also ask him why he treats himself..."

Xia Fei's cheeks didn't dare to think about it any longer. , , .

Chapter 655 Do You Dare to Calculate Bendi's Daughter?

At the bottom of the ancient Dao Lake, Zhang Tian's figure suddenly appeared, and I saw that the fluctuations in the void were extremely violent, the heaven and the earth were cracked, as if the mountains and rivers were about to overturn.

And the source of all this comes from a beautiful figure on the top of the tree.

"Congratulations to Emperor Zun, Miss seems to have made a major breakthrough."

Goddess Qianyu did not know when to appear behind Zhang Tian and said respectfully.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly. As early as more than two years ago, the bud of the fifth flower bloomed in Yuxin's body. Now, after two years of precipitation, Yu Ze, who has caught the flower of Jianmu, has finally stepped out completely. this step.

The fifth other side flower blooms!

On the other side, the flowers bloom in the seven-color sky, and the flowers become immortals for a thousand years.

This kind of wood spirit essence has its own cultivation method, which is very different from the Martial Soul Demonstration Method created by Zhang Tian. Therefore, although this Five Flower Realm is equivalent to the immortal God Emperor Realm of a monk, it does not need to experience the fate of fate. , it can be regarded as a kind of blessing from heaven and earth to strange creatures.

The other's flower is the top wood spirit in the nine major mountains and seas. It only takes a thousand years for the flower to become a fairy, but it has only been a few years since Yuxin got the other's flower. This kind of cultivation speed, even if it is placed in the other's flower family, it can be regarded as an amazing talent. Gorgeous.

Just as Zhang Tian was thinking about it, the energy in the void became more and more rampant, and countless plants and trees gathered aura, forming hundreds of huge aura vortexes in the air.

The vast vegetation aura turned into a tidal sea of ​​spirit, rushing towards Yuxin from those vortices, making her whole body wrapped in the rich wood aura.

This is the perfect fit between "Qingdi Hualingshu" and the other side of the flower.


I don't know how long it took, there was a roar in the void, and the entire ancient immortal gate site trembled, as if it was resonating.

Yuxin's aura also accumulated to the extreme, and it exploded with a bang, and an unparalleled power vented out, sweeping the ten directions!

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