
The waters of the North Sea are flooding. This is a sea that has existed for tens of millions of years. Before the glory days of ancient times, there was a vastness of hundreds of millions of miles. Although it did not transform into a spirit, it also had a vague will. resist.

From this, the tit-for-tat between the Lake of Tianhe and the Sea of ​​the North has evolved, and both want to devour each other and fuse the godhead.

Just when Beihai faintly had the upper hand, Zhang Tian, ​​who was stepping on the clouds in the sky, snorted and pointed down.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the whole world seemed to stand still. The sun and the moon were dim, and the heaven and the earth were dim. Only that finger, dazzling and dazzling, ripped apart a galaxy in this dark world and rushed into it. in the North Sea.


The North Sea instantly exploded with huge waves of hundreds of thousands of feet, and the entire sea level was lowered by dozens of feet because of this.

"It doesn't melt at this time, so when will it be."

When the goddess Qianyu heard Zhang Tian's order, she only felt a shock, and quickly exerted her divine power to control the entire Dao Lake and rushed into the North Sea.

Humans have a heart, and if it is broken, it will die.The sea also has a heart and is the source of all waters.If the heart of the sea is lost, even the vast ocean is like a rootless duckweed, unsustainable.

Qianyu is going to devour the heart of the ocean in the North Sea, and then you can completely melt into the North Sea.

She is Beihai, and Beihai is her.

This scene is too spectacular, it is a mighty force of heaven and earth, even the God Lord of Wanhai Dragon Palace feels insignificant in front of this force and dare not make any movement.Nuancai Literature Network

After an unknown amount of time, this churning vision finally returned to calm.

Just when everyone was dazed and ignorant, a seven-colored glow suddenly rose on the sea level, the sea broke open, and turned into the image of the goddess Qianyu. I couldn't help but feel a sense of shock, and a kind of awe that could be seen from a distance but not blasphemous.

"The living beings of the North Sea, I am the goddess Qianyu, the goddess of the North Sea, and I should follow the laws of the gods and protect the Quartet. You can set up my sacrifices and enshrine spiritual things. If you pray sincerely, you will be my people. There are blasphemers, and God abandons them..."

After a few words of divine majesty and brilliance, all the North Sea creatures were shaken.

A god appeared in Beihai, a living god, asking everyone to worship and believe in her!

This kind of thing was very common in the Taikoo years. No matter the world, whether it is big or small, there is a land god every [-] miles, enjoying the incense and worship of the world, but today, the gods have long become legends, and people are no longer afraid to resist.

However, there are not many people who don't open their eyes to fight. Even if the identity of the gods is thrown away, the power radiated by the women in Shenxi can be comparable to that of the emperor, and no one is invincible.

In this way, the identity of the gods has reassured everyone, because there are differences between humans and gods, and everyone does not have to worry about which side the sea god will favor.

"Wanhai Dragon Palace, I wish to honor the God of Thousand Rains."

"Poseidon Academy, I wish to honor the gods of the thousand rains."

"Beihai Alliance, I would like to honor the God of Thousand Rains."

"Sea Whale Clan, I wish to honor the God of Thousand Rains."

One by one, the top powers expressed their opinions, and finally gathered into a huge power of faith, which blessed Qianyu and completely transformed her godhead.

From today onwards, she is the god of thousands of rain, who holds the ocean.

"We Beihai, from now on there are gods in charge."

Many Beihai cultivators were talking and discussing, and their eyes were blank, not knowing whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Thank you Emperor Zun for helping."

Qianyu entertained Zhang Tian and Yuxin in the newly evolved Sea God Palace. The excitement in her expression could not be concealed, and she broke through the godhead. This is an extremely difficult thing for the people of the God Race. This step is said to be turned upside down. Not too much either.

Yuxin took the tea that Qianyu handed over, took a sip, and asked curiously, "Sister Qianyu has become the god of the North Sea, is there any benefit?"

Qianyu smiled and said: "Of course there are benefits. After becoming a Sea God, the range of my divine magic has expanded thousands of times, and the number of believers I can have has also skyrocketed. As long as Fuze places, I can gain a lot of faith, maybe there are more The opportunity to break through the godhead."

In fact, to be precise, it is a routine operation to gather the power of faith to break through the godhead. It is very rare in the history of the gods to break through the power of Qianyu.

Yu Xin was shocked: "Isn't that more powerful than the immortal?"

Qianyu said: "The immortals and the gods follow two different power systems. The immortals concentrate their power on themselves, and they pursue detachment. The way of heaven falls and my body is immortal. The gods are born in response to the way of heaven and coexist with the sky. Therefore, They have the responsibility of cultivating all the people in the world. Of course, there are also some evil gods who wantonly plunder their beliefs, regardless of the people's hardships, they are the scum among the gods!"

When it came to the second half of the sentence, Qianyu showed a very angry look. Back then, she was controlled by an evil god, and all the faith she gained had to be handed over to the evil god, and she couldn't get half of it.

Those people devoutly worshipped her but did not get blessings, and they complained everywhere, causing her to endure a lot of karma, and she is still angry when she thinks about it. , , .

Chapter 657 Let the Emperor continue to sleep!

Yu Xin thought for a while and said, "Isn't the gods the same as the officials of the court, eating the salaries handed in by the common people, and doing some things that benefit the people?"

Qianyu said softly: "It's really similar. In the ancient times, all the little gods were under the jurisdiction of the gods of the gods, and they served as a party according to the appointment of the gods. Part of the received beliefs must be turned over to the gods, and some It needs to be used for the blessing of all living beings, and the remaining little bit can be kept for myself.

These are all secrets that are not passed on, but Yuxin's status is noble, and she has no intention of concealing it, so she said it one by one.

Yu Xin clapped her hands and said with a smile: "That's really the same as an official, except that the money is replaced by faith. What happened to the evil god that Sister Qianyu said before? Does the God Realm care about these people?"

Qianyu was a little angry when she heard this, her face flushed, and she said angrily: "It was when the demons invaded, the realm of the gods was in chaos, and the control over some places naturally declined, and there were some wicked people. The gods became greedy, and they only took faith and did not give blessings, causing great trauma to all living beings, and they were scum who smeared the gods. Fortunately, the ancient heaven was established and these evil gods were severely punished. "

After Qianyu finished speaking, he let out a long sigh, which seemed to be very pleasing.

Yu Xin glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​and then said strangely: "The Emperor Buried to overthrow the gods of the gods and set up another ancient heaven, shouldn't it be the enemy of the gods?"

The relationship between Qianyu and Yuxin became more active, and they were no longer restrained. She shrugged casually and said plainly: "A little god like me has always been oppressed and exploited by the gods, and who will rule the nine mountains and seas has no effect on me at all. Besides, Emperor Buried Heaven is not as exclusive of the Protoss as you think. He just overthrew the rotten God Realm rule. Not to mention, there were many generals of the Protoss under Emperor Burial at that time, and their status after the establishment of the ancient heaven Also very high."

Yuxin suddenly thought of something and asked, "Then Sister Qianyu has received beliefs, can she distribute them all by herself?"

Qianyumei's eyes flashed, and she nodded, "Originally, after the establishment of the ancient Heavenly Court, there was a department dedicated to managing the nine local gods of the mountains and seas, and in order to suppress the power of the Protoss, a large proportion of the belief was charged. But now the ancient Heavenly Court is declining, and It was the same as the chaos in the God Realm back then, so I can keep all these beliefs by myself.”

Qianyu's eyebrows and eyes are curved, and her smile is very sweet. Although she has lived for tens of millions of years, the previous years are like a machine to her. It is not until this time that she has a self, and she does not need to hand in her beliefs. It's the first time in my life, and it's wonderful to think about it.

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