Zhang Tian originally listened quietly. Seeing that the two women were chatting happily, he was not in a hurry to leave, so he stayed in Beihai Divine Palace.

It wasn't until ten days later that Zhang Tian and Yu Xin decided to leave, and they left in the air under Qian Yu's respectful escort.

"Dad, where are we going?" Yu Xin asked curiously.

"Go to your eldest sister, she is cultivating on the battlefield of gods and demons, and she should be a big success now."

"The battlefield of gods and demons?"

Yu Xin let out an exclamation, and then she felt that her eyes suddenly opened up, appearing out of thin air in the heart of the battlefield of gods and demons.

This mysterious place seems to be the forbidden area of ​​life that existed in Shengyuan Continent since ancient times.

Originally it had been silent for tens of thousands of years, but in the explosion a few years ago, a fairy skeleton flew out, and it seemed to still have spiritual wisdom, which caused a panic, making this restricted area a taboo existence again.




At the moment when Zhang Tian and Yu Xin appeared, the originally quiet mountains of bones burst into an astonishing evil spirit at the same time.

There are even more tyrannical forces brewing, as if to seize Zhang Tian and Yu Xin's soul and body, and return from the world of rebirth.Sweet potato novel network www.fanshu8.com

Zhang Tian put one hand behind his back and held Yuxin with the other. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help frowning, and said coldly, "Let me continue to sleep for this emperor!"


The infinite emperor's power swept across the ten directions, and a terrifying power of the heavens descended, shattering all the dozens of the most noisy and fierce skeleton mountains.

In an instant, the battlefield of the gods and demons returned to silence again, and the air was intertwined with an atmosphere of unease, fear, and tension, deeply shocked by Zhang Tianjue's domineering power.

Only then did Zhang Tian show satisfaction, holding Yu Xin and stepping out, his body disappeared in an instant.

In the Great Void Realm, the ruthless man was suspended in mid-air with his knees crossed, allowing the void-breaking fingers condensed from the laws of the void to penetrate her body.

Whenever her body is damaged, the hell oven behind her will spew a large amount of essence into her body to help her heal her injuries quickly.

This is a very cruel way of cultivation. The pain of piercing the body with the broken fingers is enough to make the emperor pale, but the ruthless man endures it every time he frowns.

In this near-self-mutilation method, the ruthless man's understanding of "Immortal Body" and "Great Void Technique" is all progressing at an astonishing speed.

"I see."

The ruthless man nodded thoughtfully, opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were like chaos, and he saw that there was a piercing finger force rushing towards her eyebrows at an unparalleled speed.


A terrifying aura erupted from the ruthless man, and all the shattering fingers shot from other directions were shattered, and the energy turned into a stream flowing towards her fingertips, and finally converged into a long translucent shuttle. Aiming at the oncoming broken virtual finger, it shot out fiercely.


With a loud bang, the two Qi Jin burst at the same time, and Yu Wei turned into thousands of void needles and rolled towards the ruthless man.

"The body of nothingness."

The ruthless man murmured softly, his body didn't move at all, and all the needles passed through his body, unscathed.


The ruthless man couldn't help but look surprised. The pain and torture for more than ten days was not in vain, and he finally realized the "Great Void Technique" to the realm of [-]%.

In all things, getting started is the most difficult. Once you have reached this level, you only need to practice step by step.

Moreover, this Void Dao method originally created by the white-clothed Immortal King is at least one of the best in the Immortal King method. If you count its secrets, it is not inferior to the Quasi Immortal Emperor method.

With the protection of the "Great Void Technique" in this realm, the ruthless person can already fit into the void at any time, and those void fingers will no longer hurt her.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief and put away the hell oven, only to discover that an arm of the fairy queen's corpse had been smelted by life!

Dantian aura surged, and a terrifying breath of the legendary nine-transformation peak rose into the sky! , , .

Chapter 658 The new method of burial and breaking the sword gate!

"Congratulations, eldest sister, for your cultivation and diligence!"

A beautiful voice suddenly came from behind, and the ruthless man looked back and said in surprise, "Second sister, are you alright?"

Yu Xin nodded and said, "Thanks to my father's help, not only is it okay, but it has been greatly improved."

"That's great!"

The ruthless man let out a long sigh of relief, and a big stone in his heart only fell to the ground.

Zhang Tiandao: "Your "Great Void Technique" has already achieved some achievements. This space is not helpful to you. How about we go out with us?"

The ruthless man walked to the other side of Zhang Tian with a smile, took his arm, and said angrily, "I am trapped here, and I don't want to stay here myself. It would be best for my father to pick me up. With my current background, I can also start preparing to condense the Holy Body."

"Really, congratulations, eldest sister."

Yu Xin is very happy, she knows the deep and profound background of the ruthless people. If this accumulation breaks through to the holy realm, it will definitely be ten times more terrifying than Ye Bufan. .


A void passage was torn open in front of him, and Zhang Tian took Ruthless and Yu Xin back to the small courtyard in the City of Liberty, because Yu Xin had often come back to clean in the past two years, so it didn't look deserted.

The father and daughter happily ate dinner, Zhang Tian said to Ruren Ren: "You have worked hard this time, go and have a good rest first, if you have anything to say tomorrow."

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