"and many more."

Yuxin stopped the hunchbacked old man who was about to go out, and pondered: "That Mu Chen Sword Saint of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, but is proficient in the Wood Element Sword Soul?"

The hunchbacked old man replied: "This Sword Saint Mu Chen is specialized in the wood-type sword soul. He reached the sixth rank a thousand years ago and is known as 'turning wood into a forest, like dust covering the sky'. Now his realm should be higher. The hall master asked him specifically, but he had other orders."

"No, you all go out first."

Yu Xin waved her hand and drove out the hunchbacked old man, the little girl, and some of the attendants, and sat alone on the main seat to meditate.

With her current strength, the emperor below the gods are nothing but ants. If the Nine Tribulations Sword is used, even the quasi-emperor can be threatened. This time, the Soul Destruction Alliance will naturally not take it to heart.

It's just that the Sword Saint Mu Chen made her a little concerned. Isn't her eldest sister missing a wood-type sword soul? This is an opportunity. The key is how to make the eldest sister and this Sword Saint Mu Chen stand on opposite sides.

After thinking for a long time, Yuxin finally made a decision, took out a communication sword talisman, wrote the content, tore a space crack, and threw it in.

She believed that after the elder sister received the summons, she would definitely do as she did.

On the other hand, Ruthless Man also returned to the Deity Academy, which immediately caused a huge sensation. Countless students came to watch it spontaneously, and their eyes were full of admiration, respect, and even worship.

But he didn't dare to go up, he just looked at it from a distance, it seemed that the ruthless man was a goddess descended to earth, and he didn't dare to get close to tarnish her holiness.

After a while, Ji Feixue, Shi Wuhua, Shangguan Qin and others also rushed over and greeted each other.

"I have seen Senior Sister Zhang."

"Hello, Senior Sister Zhang."

These people are the most hardcore true disciples of the seminary today, or at least middle-level kings, but in front of Ruthless people, their posture is extremely low, which makes the young students around them exclaim.

The ruthless man was a little confused, and said to Ji Feixue: "What are they doing?" ,, . . .

Chapter 662 The last piece of pure land in the continent

Ji Feixue smiled and said, "Senior Sister Zhang is now the hero of the Deity Academy. Everyone welcomes you spontaneously."

Shangguanqin also said with a smile: "Yes, in the battle of the ancient Daohu a month ago, if Senior Sister Zhang hadn't turned the tide, I'm afraid that few of us would be able to stand here today."

As soon as these words came out, everyone thanked them and sighed.

In that battle, the major forces were all red-eyed, and they had no scruples at all. Even the young master-level characters such as Shan Wudao and Gu Xuanbing died, who would show mercy to them, so the ruthless were really saved their lives.

The ruthless man shook his head when he heard the words, waved his hand and said: "It's just a gesture of effort, everyone is too polite. As a student of the Deity Academy, this is also an obligation."

Everyone chatted and laughed and walked all the way to the depths of the academy.

After talking for a while, Ruthless Man said, "I've been in seclusion recently, what's going on in the mainland?"

Shi Wuhua said: "Recently, it is really magnificent. There are four major events happening, one in the North Sea, one in the Southern Wilderness, and two in our Eastern Wasteland."

"Oh? What are these things?" The ruthless asked curiously.

"There are a large number of rebels from sects and families controlled by the corpse demon sect in the Southern Wilderness, and they want to attack the city and sink the ground. It seems that they have the ambition to destroy the Southern Wilderness first and then pacify the world. Now all the ancient tribes and holy places in the Southern Wilderness are desperately resisting. , and ask for help from the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and other forces in the wilderness, I am afraid the war is not far away."

"There is a deity over the North Sea, named Qianyu, who now dominates the entire North Sea, and the major tribes of the Beihai Alliance and the Kraken have erected shrines to worship."

"Hey, if it was the usual way, these Beihai forces would have an extra god on top of them, and they would be complaining a lot, but now in a chaotic world, with such a powerful god guarding, the people of the North Sea don't know how many times they can feel at ease. It is said that there are already a few deserted The forces in the domain plan to migrate to the North Sea, if the Corpse Demon Sect really swept the world, the North Sea may become the last piece of pure land on the mainland."

There was a lot of discussion, and there was some envy in the words. During the Primordial Years, there were endless disputes on the earth. No matter whether the human race or the monster race, they must worship the gods for protection.

Now this chaotic world is no less than the ancient times, but the world is no longer protected by gods, and now a powerful god suddenly appears in the North Sea, it is very difficult

"It is better to ask God than to ask yourself. There is nothing to envy about this kind of thing."

The ruthless man waved his hand at will, and then said: "What are the two major events in Donghuang?"

Ji Feixue said: "The first major event is to cross the fate of the ancestors of the East Sea, this is the world's attention, once the tribulation is successful, the status of the entire East Wasteland in the mainland will be greatly improved, and it is even more important in today's troubled times. "

Everyone nodded silently. Although the current state of the world is really dominated by the great ancient sects, if it involves very important matters, each desolate force will consciously hold together.Especially at the moment, the major forces in the Eastern Wilderness still hope to have an immortal emperor to support the scene.

Ji Feixue continued: "The second major event is the Soul Destruction Alliance, which was established not long ago. It is led by the three major forces, the Tianhan Holy Land, the Five Mountains Sword Sect, and the Blood Demon Sect, and most of the Eastern Wilderness forces are involved. It’s huge and rare in ten thousand years, and even our Deity Academy has issued a recruitment mission to join the Soul Destruction Alliance to destroy the East Desolate Soul Hall, and then reward them according to their merits.”

Everyone followed the Ruthless Man and arrived at the Mission Hall not long afterward. The hall was crowded with people, most of them were from the outer court and elite students. When they saw a large group of True Inheritance students walking in, they all showed a look of awe, and they retreated to both sides like a tide. Make way.

"Zhang...Senior Sister Zhang, is there anything I can do for you?"

The deacon disciple behind the counter stammered, his eyes were full of excitement, now for the entire Eastern Wilderness, Ruthless Man is a great person.I love novel network www.5ilrcxs.com

In the battle of the ancient Daohu Lake, the ruthless people continued to suppress the holy king and holy master-level powerhouses, and seized the corpse of the fairy queen. The prestige in the academy was already comparable to that of Ye Bufan, and it was an existence that everyone needed to look up to.Not to mention that he is a little deacon, even if the elders of the mission hall come, they should be treated respectfully.

The ruthless man smiled lightly and did not answer the deacon's words immediately, but glanced at it first.

The mission hall is very large, and there is a spiritual list with a length and width of more than ten feet hanging on the front. Some urgent and important missions are recorded on it. The first one is the recruitment mission of the Soul Destruction Alliance. Only students above the core students are listed. To be accepted, the rewards are very generous.

The ruthless man saw from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even see the task of chasing down the desperate swordsman, let alone a swordsman with a wood-type sword soul.

"Is there any kendo murderer above the legendary realm who has done evil recently?" The ruthless man asked the deacon disciple.

"Senior Sister Zhang is looking for king criminals who are proficient in kendo? There seem to be a few."

The deacon disciple hurriedly searched and presented them to Ruthless, but unfortunately no one possessed the wood-type sword soul, which made her very disappointed.

Ji Feixue observed her words and said, "Didn't Senior Sister Zhang find the quest you want?"

The ruthless man nodded slightly, and immediately smiled: "I didn't have much hope at all, I just came to see it with the attitude of giving it a try."

Shangguanqin took the opportunity to say: "Or else, let's take the recruitment mission of the Soul Destruction Alliance together. This time the alliance is led by the Dragon Bone God Emperor of the Tianhan Holy Land, as well as the Sword Saint Mu Chen and the ancestor of the blood demon. It can be said that it is a sure win. , everyone, go and earn some credit points, and by the way, you can also watch the battle of the half-step god emperor-level powerhouse, wouldn't it be wonderful."

As soon as these words came out, everyone responded and looked at the ruthless man with hope.Ruthless Man's strength is at least at the Holy Master level. With her leading the team, everyone's position in the Soul Destruction Alliance will be guaranteed, and there is no need to worry about being arbitrarily used by other forces.

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