The ruthless man doesn't have any ill will towards the Soul Palace, but thinking that there is nothing left and right, it is not bad to go to the Soul Destruction Alliance for a trial.

"Wait a minute, this is my second sister's communication."

The ruthless man waved his hand towards everyone, and everyone stepped aside wisely.

The ruthless man grabbed the sword talisman and checked it.


After reading the contents of the sword talisman, the ruthless man could not help frowning.

Ji Feixue and others hurriedly asked why.

The ruthless man put away the sword talisman, his face has returned to calm, and said in a low voice: "I am afraid that I will be away for a few days for some private matters. As for this Soul Destruction Alliance, none of you should participate. This is my advice."

After speaking, the ruthless man didn't care about everyone's reaction, he directly drove the sword light and rushed out of the mission hall.

In the Yufeng, the ruthless man took out the sword talisman again, twisted his willow eyebrows, and whispered: "What the hell is the second sister doing, to let me temporarily join the soul hall." , . . .

Chapter 663 The Ruthless Man Has Become a Soul Palace Killer

I don't know how long it took to fly, and he was far away from the Deity Academy. The ruthless man finally stopped in a wood, looked left and right, and said softly: "It should be here."

After waiting quietly for a while, the ruthless man who was closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the southeast.

After a while, two black figures flew over, both wearing the robes of the Soul Palace Killer, unable to see their faces clearly.

The ruthless man didn't speak when he saw the two of them. He directly pointed his sword and slashed out a sword energy. A towering ancient tree that required ten people to surround it exploded, shattered into countless sawdust, and flew out.

The pupils of the two soul palace killers shrank, half kneeled on the ground, and respectfully said: "In the name of the young palace master, I will lead the venerable into the Five Hells Cave."

After speaking, the person on the left stroked the storage ring lightly, took out a Soul Palace Killer Robe and presented it with both hands.

The ruthless man raised his hand to take a shot and grabbed the killer robe in his hand. This black robe itself can be regarded as a strange treasure, which can isolate a certain degree of spiritual detection.

The ruthless man slapped the black robe and put it directly on his body. The whole body was tightly wrapped, and there was a small blood-colored sword tattooed on the corner. He lowered his voice and said, "Let's lead the way."

Yuxin didn't say much detail in the sword talisman, she just asked her to go to this place and temporarily join the Soul Palace to help the Soul Palace get through this big crisis. absolute trust.




Escaped light flew and quickly reached the periphery of Wuyudongtian. There was a ripple in the void, and the three of them drilled in like swimming fish.

"Is this the East Desolate Branch of Soul Palace?"

The ruthless man only felt a bright light in front of his eyes. Not only was it not as gloomy and terrifying as she had imagined, but it was very majestic.

"The Master of the Young Palace is still waiting in the Five Prisons Hall, please come here, Venerable." The two Soul Hall killers urged.

The ruthless man's eyes flashed, but he didn't say a word, and silently followed the two of them to the mountain in the center.

The Hall of Five Prisons is located in the upper peak area of ​​the first peak. It is very tall and majestic, with a height of several hundred feet. Two huge stone lions stand on both sides of the hall. The eyes are inlaid with real lion eyeballs, exuding breathtaking coercion. .

The ruthless man entered the hall, only to find that the hall was full of light, with nine layers of jade stairs, and there was a graceful figure wearing a flower robe on the other side sitting there.

Below the jade steps, the two rows of seats are separated to the left and right, and there are dozens of people sitting, some wearing killer robes, and some showing their faces.

These people seemed to be discussing something, and when they heard the sound of the door, they immediately focused their attention on Ruthless, full of scrutiny.

"We are discussing important matters here. Which peak's killer are you, and who let you in?"

Soul Six immediately scolded him. He is now the head of the Wuyudongtian Criminal Law Hall, and he is in charge of life and death.


The ruthless snorted coldly, containing a trace of sword energy, and directly crushed Soul Six's divine soul power. If she hadn't cared about Yu Xin's request, just this snort would have caused Soul Six to be seriously injured and killed!

"Pfft..." Listening to the schoolbag

Soul Six spurted a line of blood, with a look of horror on his face, and the rest all stood up, murderous.

"All sit down."

Yu Xin, who was in the main seat, spoke coldly, and immediately suppressed all murderous aura, and said calmly: "This person is a hidden pile buried in the East Wasteland at the headquarters, code-named Venerable Blood Sword, with a distinguished status, I specially invited Come to help, you can't be presumptuous."

Yuxin's prestige in Wuyudongtian is very high now, even several times higher than the original Hunqinghou. Although everyone is full of hesitation about this sudden appearance of the 'Blood Sword Venerable', no one dares to bring it up. , can only silently return to the seat and sit down.

"Blood Sword Venerable, you have a special status, please take your seat."

Yu Xin pointed to a new seat on the jade steps and said, this position is above the jade steps, only slightly lower than the main seat.

Only then did the senior members of the Soul Hall know that the newly established seats were for the 'Blood Sword'.

The ruthless man did not refuse, his figure flashed, and he sat directly on the chair, looking at Yu Xin thoughtfully.

"Vice Palace Master, tell me about the situation outside."

Yu Xin said in a low voice, ignoring the strange atmosphere at the scene.

The hunchbacked old man coughed lightly and said slowly: "The Soul Destruction Alliance is aggressive this time. According to statistics, a total of about [-] troops have been assembled, including more than [-]% of the ancient sect Holy Land forces in the Eastern Wilderness. According to the information returned, the Soul Destruction Alliance We plan to divide our troops into three paths and attack three weak spots in Wuyudongtian, they know that we have few people, and this move is ruthless."

Soul Qi said coldly: "With the power of the Five Prisons God Formation, once it is fully stimulated, even the Dragon Bone God Emperor will have to worry about his life, so naturally he can't bear to go into battle rashly. Just with the current fighting power of the Five Prisons Cave Heaven, even if he relies on the defense of the Great Formation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to block the onslaught of the three-way army."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall, everyone's words were full of unease and apprehension, there were [-] soul destroying coalition troops outside, but there were only [-] killers in Wuyudongtian, the difference was huge.

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