Moreover, this time the Soul Destruction Coalition was formed by the major forces in the Eastern Wilderness, and the ones sent were basically elites, not to mention the Soul Palace.

Yu Xin said calmly: "Do you know their specific deployment?"

The hunchbacked old man said: "In the three-way army, the Dragon Bone God Emperor led the [-]-strong coalition army mainly from the Tianhan Holy Land to attack from the east, and Mu Chen Jiansheng led the [-]-strong coalition army mainly from the Wuyue Jianzong to attack from the south, and the blood demon attacked from the south. The ancestor led the [-]-strong coalition army, mainly the Blood Demon Sect, to attack from the north. Hehe, this information is very easy to obtain, if you want to come to the other side to secure the victory, you don’t even bother to cover it up.”

All the killers were angry when they heard the words, and the killing intent was overwhelming.

Yu Xin said indifferently: "Deputy Hall Master, you lead the other four peak killers except the first peak, a total of [-] people, and cooperate with the Five Prisons God Formation, can you be sure to drag the coalition forces in the north?"

The hunchbacked old man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The young palace master is joking, with [-] against [-], it is better to cooperate with the Five Prisons God Formation, not to mention dragging it down, it is not difficult to defeat the blood demon ancestor. But the other two coalition forces How to deal with it, the Five Prisons Divine Formation can only support one side of the battle at most."

Yuxin continued: "I will personally lead the first peak ten thousand killers to take the initiative to attack the army of the Dragon Bone God Emperor!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone took a deep breath. Although the first peak killer was the most elite, [-] against [-] would be too disparity, not to mention that the Dragon Bone God Emperor is a half-step God Emperor-level terror. strong.

"As for the [-] coalition army led by Sword Saint Mu Chen in the south, how about leaving it to Venerable Xuejian to deal with it?"

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "No problem."

In an instant, the audience was completely silent, everyone was dumbfounded, one person fighting the army alone?

One enemy two thousand? , , .

Chapter 664: The East Wilderness War, Step on the Big Brother

"Young Palace Master, is this a bit too hasty? No matter how strong the Blood Sword Venerable is, how can he resist the [-] elite army? This is not a secular army, but an army composed of masters from all major ancient sects. Not to mention that there is also the existence of the Holy Master, the Sword Saint Mu Chen."

The hunchbacked old man considered his words carefully and gave advice carefully.

Yu Xin waved her hand and said in a low voice, "That's my decision, you just do it."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, but no one dared to object anymore. Yuxin had already shuffled all the old power structures of Wuyudongtian. Now the senior management of Wufeng are basically newly promoted, and naturally no one refuted Yuxin's words.

The ruthless man looked at all of this with a lot of playfulness. He didn't expect this young palace master to be so prestige, which is rare in the general ancient sect holy land.

After the meeting, Ruthless didn't ask much, and went straight to the south. In her opinion, since Yuxin didn't mention the reason, she just didn't want her to know, so why should she go into it.

The war is imminent, and the entire Eastern Wasteland is filled with a strong chill.

This time, the Soul Destruction Alliance is huge, and its scale is comparable to that of a barren war. It affects the minds of countless people. It must be known that even if it is the Soul Palace, few top ancient sect holy places will be destroyed.

Due to the north of the battlefield, the ancestor of the blood demon stood in the center of the army with a solemn expression, and his expression was full of cruelty and killing intent.

Five years ago, his son was killed by a little killer wearing a flower robe on the other side of the Soul Palace, and a series of treasures including the Zhenzong exercise "Blood Nerve" were all plundered.

Although he rushed over in time with the traction of his blood, but before he appeared, an extremely tyrannical force slammed and killed him, seriously injuring him across the void.

This injury lasted for four years.

After that, he mobilized the energy of the entire sect to search for it, and it took him another half a year to learn that the assassin of the other side of the flower robe who assassinated his son was codenamed 'ruthless', but at that time, ruthless had become the young hall master of the East Desolate Soul Hall.

Even if it is him, it is impossible for Hun Qinghou to take the initiative to hand over this person.

Later, in the ancient Daohu war, the little killer of that year actually grew into a generation of giant owls.

However, this man was still too young, and after all, he committed the anger of the public. This time, the soul-destroying coalition was the flood that destroyed him.

The blood demon ancestor flashed a sneer on his face, waved the command flag violently, and shouted: "Attack!"

"Start the formation!--"

Hundreds of formation masters mobilized the formation flags at the same time, and waves of mysterious power swayed.

The power of the formation has the power to turn corruption into a magical power. Therefore, in any battle between monks, if they want to face each other, they must first break the formation.

And breaking through the formation is the best way.

However, the guardian formation of Wuyudongtian is very famous. It was set up by a formation emperor hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is said that the gods and demons can be killed.

All these formation wizards have to do is to find the weak point on the Five Prison God formation, and then concentrate their firepower to attack to break through the formation!

"Boom. Rumble..." Search e-book

The two great formations collided, and there were bursts of earth-shattering roars. The dark clouds covered the sky, as if the whole earth was shaking, which made many warriors who saw this level of battle for the first time dazzled.

"How long will it take to find the flaw?"

After waiting for a while, the blood demon ancestor asked impatiently.

A formation master next to him shook his head and said, "The Five Prisons God Formation is a wonderful formation set up by the formation emperor. How can it be easy to find flaws? It is estimated that it will take at least three days..."

Before the words of the master of the formation were finished, a shocking roar suddenly broke out at the place where the two formations met, and a void abyss was torn apart out of thin air.

The blood demon ancestor ecstatically said: "Is this breaking the formation?"

"No, it's impossible. It should be the other party who took the initiative to remove the barrier. The deputy leader must be careful not to fall into the other party's tricks!" The formation master said very cautiously.

"Haha, in the face of absolute power, all conspiracies are pale. The Soul Palace has reached the end of the road, can it be turned over? Let me rush!"

The blood demon ancestor had a crazy look on his face, and he didn't care about the advice of the master of the formation. After a while, the [-] army was crushed like a mountain torrent and tsunami, and all kinds of magical powers shook the sky, constantly bombarding the void abyss, wanting to take advantage of the situation. The formation is completely destroyed.

"Kill, kill in! It must be a great victory on the east battlefield, and the guardian array of the Soul Palace has been broken. Everyone kills as much as they want, and the treasures they loot are all theirs!!"

The ancestor of the blood demon wanted to inspire people, and his man turned into a blood-colored bat and rushed to the void abyss.

He is not worried about the suppression of the Five Prisons God Array, because the previous meeting has analyzed that the guardian array of the Soul Temple can only support one battlefield at most, and it will definitely be suppressed by the eastern coalition army led by the Dragon Bone God Emperor, where the most offensive is. violent place.


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