Breaking through the void ripples that are hard to see with the naked eye, the ancestor of the blood demon directly entered the interior of the Five Hells Cave, but the imaginary fairy mountain blessed land does not exist. What catches the eye is a red land, covered with bones and blood stained the sky, as if Ancient Killing Fields.

"This, where is this place?"

The blood demon ancestor said in surprise, a deep sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

The formation master following him changed his face instantly and shouted: "No, we have been dragged into the illusion of the Five Prisons God Formation, fast back, fast back!"

"Want to retire? How easy is it, blood demon, this is where your bones are buried!"

The void made a murky sound, the scarlet earth in front of him suddenly opened, and the hunchbacked old man turned into a black giant with a height of ten thousand feet under the blessing of the god array.


With a loud bang, the blood demon ancestor panicked and avoided, but the confidant elders who followed him were all trampled into flesh and mud. With the blessing of the god array, the momentum of the hunchbacked old man was infinitely approaching the half-step god emperor, unstoppable.

"Haha, the blood demons, I didn't expect you to have today. The disciples of the Soul Palace obeyed the order and killed the coalition army, leaving no one behind!"

The hunchbacked old man shouted very excitedly, and stepped on the blood demon ancestor again, but the dignified sage master squatted in front of him, giving him a very happy feeling. , , .

Chapter 665 Overwhelming the might of the God Emperor!




Killing words can be heard, and the voices of countless soul palace killers sounded in the darkness, there were tens of thousands of them, all of them were blessed by the formation, such as black Shura, raised their scythes, and slaughtered wildly.

A bloody storm broke out.

"No, you actually mobilize the power of the Five Prisons God Formation, this is impossible!"

The blood demon ancestor was stunned and couldn't figure out the current situation. The Soul Palace side actually overwhelmed almost all of its strength on the northern battlefield. Could it be that those two paths were ignored?

Or is it that Soul Palace has been desperate in the face of the general trend, and plans to make a desperate attempt to drag the army all the way to bury it?


The hunchbacked old man stepped on the back of the blood demon ancestor, and he vomited blood and flew upside down, and the sound of a broken spine resounded through the coil.

"Ah, ah, move this guardian formation, mobilize the army, how do you resist the army of the Dragon Bone God Emperor!"

"You are courting death!"

"As long as this Sect Master lasts for a while, you will be doomed!"

The blood demon ancestor roared wildly, glaring angrily at the hunchbacked old man, as if planning to use his might to smother him.

"Hmph, the Dragon Bone Thief has the Young Palace Master to deal with, so you can die here with peace of mind!"

The hunchbacked old man snorted coldly, and continued to step on the big mountain-like footprints towards the blood demon ancestor.

"What? That little beast isn't dead?" The blood demon ancestor roared with a big mouth.

"How dare you speak rudely to the Young Palace Master! Courting death!"

The hunchbacked old man was furious, mobilized the power of the formation to imprison the blood demon ancestor, and stomped on his face.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosions continued, and under the siege of [-] soul palace killers blessed with the halo of the divine formation, the [-]-strong army under the blood demon ancestor was retreating, almost driven to a dead end, but because the formation was closed, there was no way to escape.

A huge sense of despair quickly spread, turning this killing feast into a massacre.

Due east, the army of the Dragon Bone God Emperor is arrayed outside the Wuyu Cave.

Suddenly, a sword rainbow shot straight at the central army.


Jianhong fell into the hands of a majestic-looking old man, and it was a communication sword talisman.

I saw that the old man had a thin face, elegant temperament, bright eyes, eight-character eyebrows, and a body that was nine feet like silver.Mighty and majestic, his appearance is like a god, and his whole body exudes a cold air.

In particular, the scepter he held in his right hand was made of whole body keel, exuding a powerful dragon might, and a real dragon pill was inlaid at the top, which was a top-level heritage treasure of the Tianhan Holy Land. Bingbing Dragon Scepter!

This rod is made from the backbone and inner core of a Frost Dragon Emperor. It has been cultivated in the Dragon Pool of Tianlongyuan for [-] days, and the true spirit of the Dragon Emperor is sealed in it with great mana as an artifact spirit. , the real power is not inferior to the imperial soldiers.

This person is the Dragon Bone God Emperor, an ancestor-level figure in the Tianhan Holy Land, who has retired for nearly a thousand years, and broke through to the half-step God Emperor realm hundreds of years ago. .

If Gu Xuanbing, the young master of the Frost Holy Land that day, was his direct grandson, he would never have done it himself.

But since he made a move, no matter who the enemy is, he will surely die!

There is no doubt about this.

The Dragon Bone God Emperor held the ice dragon scepter, exuding great confidence all over his body, quite the mighty and majestic appearance of Shanting Yuezhi, he caught the sword talisman, protruded his soul and swept it at will, but it changed instantly. complexion.LeTV novel

"Ancestor, what happened?"

An elder from the Heavenly Cold Holy Land asked carefully, and it was the first time he saw the ancestor show such a solemn expression.

"The blood demon guy was ambushed, and all the [-] troops were trapped in the formation. Haha, what a soul hall, we are underestimated!"

With a sneer on the face of the Dragon Bone God Emperor, he smashed the sword talisman into pieces, and said sharply: "The whole army is attacking!"

The power of the God Emperor swept all directions, and everyone was shocked.

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