Hundreds of formation mages looked at each other and were about to activate the formation to break the barrier in front of them, but they did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to open a huge crack.

Whoosh whoosh—

Countless rays of light flew out from the crack, and there were nearly [-] shadows. The head was slender and graceful. At the corner of the black robe, a flower from the other side fluttered in the wind, dancing enchantingly.

"The other shore flower robe? Ancestor, this person is the young master of the Soul Palace, the killer is ruthless, she is not dead!"

A surviving Tianhan Holy Land disciple exclaimed loudly, his body trembling uncontrollably. That day, Yuxin's domineering figure was deeply imprinted in his soul, and he felt fear even just thinking about it. Not to mention seeing it with your own eyes.

"Oh? So good."

A cruel color flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Bone God Emperor, and the infinite imperial power condensed into a terrifying hurricane, which was brutally pressed towards Yu Xin.

"Little devil, just use your blood to pay for my grandson's life!"

The majesty of the emperor swept the audience, and even changed the color of the world. This is almost immortal power, condensed like a substance.

When pressed to the front, all the soul palace killers felt a suffocating oppression, and even their thoughts were frozen, and they couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

Yu Xin was indifferent to the power directed at her. With a finger to the sky, the hurricane of imperial power, which was almost congealed in essence, exploded and swept back in a more violent way.


The tens of thousands of troops in the front row flew back hundreds of feet under this spiritual pressure. Some of those with low cultivation even had their internal organs broken, their bones and muscles were broken, and they let out a scream like a pig.


The power of one finger can reverse the entire battlefield situation.

The audience was deadly silent. Those high-level leaders of various factions who had been oppressed by looking down, all showed panic at this time, looking at Yuxin as if they were looking at gods and demons.

This person actually overshadowed the power of the Dragon Bone God Emperor?

"Everyone, retreat immediately. Otherwise, kill without mercy."

Yu Xin switched to a 'ruthless' state, her voice was indifferent without a trace of temperature, as if these tens of thousands of creatures were like grass in her eyes.

"Arrogant, this emperor wants to see how you come to kill me!"

The Dragon Bone God Emperor laughed angrily, holding the ice dragon scepter tightly, a powerful force surged into the sky.

In an instant, thousands of miles were frozen, stirring up the dark clouds in the anime sky.

This ice dragon scepter is a sacred relic that has been enshrined in the Tianhan Holy Land for nearly a million years. Even if it is him, it can only stimulate [-]% of its power at most. feel apprehensive.

Now, there is a junior as big as his grandson who wants to kill him without mercy, which makes him feel extremely humiliated.

"Then kill it for you."

Yu Xin's voice was light and cloudy, and the moment she exited, the thunder under her feet skyrocketed, and her whole body was wrapped in thunder.

Everyone only felt a blue thunder rainbow swaying in front of them, and the figure was already approaching the Dragon Bone God Emperor at the Central Military Department.

A lustrous and jade-like palm protruded from the sleeve, instantly turned bloody, and pressed fiercely towards the Dragon Bone God Emperor. , , .

Chapter 666 Nine Tribulations Sword Out of God Emperor

"Blood-cutting Ghost Palm!"

A powerful suction radiated from the palm of the hand, like a landslide and tsunami, and there was the power of breaking the sky and breaking the ground between the waves.

"Good come!"

The Dragon Bone God Emperor did not expect that the young master of the Soul Palace would be so arrogant. He immediately shouted, his whole body was full of momentum, and the endless frozen power erupted from him, and the frost layered on the ground.

Even the void was frozen, forming layers of barriers, shining with dazzling colorful light under the refraction of sunlight.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The blood-colored big hand was like a broken bamboo, smashing the ice wall fiercely, and descending on the head of the Dragon Bone God Emperor.


A large plume of blood was torn out of the Dragon Bone God Emperor's body, splashing the audience.

"What? This, how is this possible!"

A look of incomparable astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Bone God Emperor. He actually lost, to a junior.

After retreating for thousands of years, breaking through to the half-step god emperor, he originally planned to be born and swept the Eastern Wilderness, but he suffered such a big defeat!

A feeling of incomparable humiliation rose from the bottom of the Dragon Bone God Emperor's heart, sending out a roar that shook the sky.

"Junior, I want you to die!"

After speaking, the ice dragon scepter was raised high, and the dragon pill embedded at the top emitted an ice blue aura.


A huge ice dragon phantom soared into the sky, thousands of feet in size, covering the sky and covering the sun, infused with infinite spiritual power, lifted the dragon claw that was almost condensed into substance, and grabbed towards Yu Xin fiercely.


The huge dragon claws were pressed down, causing a loud noise. The wind was blowing everywhere, and cracks opened, as if to smash Yuxin and the entire space!

"So strong, this blow is comparable to a quasi-god emperor!"

"The Dragon Bone God Emperor is really moving."

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