Soul Six and Soul Seven took the lead in answering the promise, raised their hand and waved, and led the army of the Soul Palace into the coalition army.

At this time, the [-] coalition forces had already been frightened by Yuxin, and all the Dragon Bone God Emperor and the sixteen great sages had all fallen, and they had no fighting spirit. Some semi-sages are still fighting to turn the tide.

Yu Xin stood in the air, the ribbons of her hair fell, and the three-foot black silk fluttered in the wind.

"Blood God Law!"

When the voice fell, Yu Xin's palm instantly turned bloody, and the powerful wave stunned the void, and countless blood qi seemed to be inspired, like Baichuan Huihai rushing towards her hand.

Behind her, the white ghost became more and more solid, and she took a big mouth and absorbed all the blood.

This scene is very terrifying, as if Yuxin is raising an evil spirit, using the blood essence of tens of thousands of powerful warriors to make the best quality. Once the evil spirit is freed from its shackles, it will surely cause cholera to the world and shake Qiongxiao.

"Humph! How dare you resist."

Seeing that several half-sacred companies formed a battle to save the overall situation, Yu Xin couldn't help snorting coldly, her mighty pressure fell, and she directly slaughtered the half-sacred half-sages into slag. Ghosts go.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Yu Xin did the same, and slaughtered several half-sages who were stubbornly resisting. For her, she could live to death just by relying on her power, and she didn't need to shoot herself at all.


Yuxin suppressed several times in succession, and finally no one dared to take the initiative to organize a counterattack, and they all rushed like a lost dog.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The soul palace killer showed this bloodthirsty light in his eyes, desperately waving his sword to hunt, killing one more person, one more person's treasure.

Like the elite disciples in these ancient sect holy places, all of them are very rich, even the soul hall will not be easily provoked, and now this kind of opportunity can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime.

Seeing that the overall situation below was settled, Yuxin turned her eyes away and looked towards the south.

The powerful spiritual consciousness of plants and trees unfolded and spread straight to the south, and soon felt the strong smell of blood and the boundless sword energy.

The southern battlefield had already become the Shura Hell at this time.

And all this is caused by only one person and a sword.

That person, whose whole body was wrapped in black robes, looked slender and graceful, and should be a woman's body.

The sword was ordinary, with a black body and dim light. It didn't look like a high-end sword.

That is such an ordinary sword, but in the hands of the female killer, it is like the most terrifying blade in the world, constantly reaping life.




The remnant cavalry cracks the armor, blood stains the sky!

The most frightening thing is that this female killer didn't even use any type of sword move, and just cut down with one sword.


Hell Shura!

The [-] coalition army led by Mu Chen Sword Sanctuary was actually killed by such a person!

I saw one person and one sword, seven in and seven out, and no one was invincible.Lele Literature

Especially those holy realm elders of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, all of them showed stunned expressions, even those who have cultivated swords all their lives have never seen such a terrifying sword intent.

Naturally, without anger.

"Blood Sword Venerable, there are such hidden masters in the Soul Palace, no wonder they can cover the sky with one hand in the Southern Wilderness."

Mu Chen Jiansheng's face was gloomy, thinking of the name that the black-robed killer revealed himself, and his heart was a little dignified.

He has been observing all this time, observing the movement, traces, and sword intent of the black-robed killer's sword. He wants to analyze this person's true strength through these.

But after watching it for a long time, he didn't have the slightest clue. Those moves were natural, and there was no sign of man-made.

It's just a move, and even the sword intent is hidden but not revealed, turning a thousand times a thousand times, this moment is the gold type, the next moment it becomes the earth type, and the next moment it becomes the thunder type.

In such a situation, there are only two possibilities. The first is that this person is completely self-taught, learned from heaven and earth, and comprehends the Great Dao of heaven and earth, which is naturally difficult for ordinary people to see through.

The second is that this person combines the strengths of hundreds of schools into one, becoming a master of Taoism, one move and one style, ever-changing, and doing whatever he wants.

Either way, they are terrifying characters.

"Vice Alliance Lord save me!!"

An aristocratic patriarch screamed desperately. The first-generation patriarch of this aristocratic family was a true disciple of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, so he was considered an affiliate of the Five Sacred Sword Sect. This time, in response to the call of the Soul Destruction Alliance, a large number of disciples were dispatched. An elder led the team.

Seeing that the elder was about to get involved in the sword qi range of Venerable Xuejian, Sword Saint Mu Chen finally couldn't sit still, his figure suddenly rose, and a sword intent burst out into the sky.


Sword Saint Mu Chen opened his mouth, his tongue burst into spring thunder, and turned into a wild sword energy and blasted towards the master of the Soul Palace, known as the Blood Sword Venerable.


The sword qi burst out of thin air, and the black sword of Venerable Blood Sword did not stagnate in the slightest. With a random spin, a terrifying sword qi storm swept out, involving dozens of masters, including the aristocratic elder.

"Ah ah ah..."

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