There was a terrifying scream, and everyone was strangled by the sword energy, and their flesh and blood splashed.

"How dare you not listen to this saint, you are courting death!"

Sword Saint Mu Chen showed his power, the aura of the Holy Master burst out, and the sixth-order wood-type sword spirit flew out, turned into a heaven-penetrating divine sword, and slashed towards the ruthless man.

"This is... a wood-type sword soul?"

The ruthless man's face hidden under the black robe showed a bit of surprise, and immediately felt the terrifying sword intent. If he didn't show his true skills, he would definitely be hard to resist.

With a thought, the ruthless man made a decision in an instant.

At the moment when Sword Saint Mu Chen attacked, he slammed out of the Demon Suppression Tower, releasing a large amount of demonic energy in the tower.

In an instant, with the ruthless being at the center, the entire radius of a hundred miles was enveloped in demonic energy.

"Okay, now you can die in peace."

Under the demonic energy, the ruthless man made a cold voice, the void behind him shook, the hell oven flew out, and the platinum holy flame was burning.

"What, this is?"

Sword Saint Mu Chen saw the hell oven behind the ruthless man, and seemed to think of something, but before he said anything, the ruthless man's sword light had already rushed to him.

Blue and Yellow Springs!

The ninth-order peak Huangquan Sword Soul hangs down from the sky like a sky, evolving a terrifying scene of Huangquan rushing towards the Yinsi Hell, instantly swallowing the Sword Saint Mu Chen, and a jade talisman is smashed by the holy fire of the hell oven.

At the same time, in the Five Mountains Sword Sect, in the ancestral memorial tablet, the divine cage that ignited the Sword Saint Mu Chen was instantly extinguished, causing the whole sect to boil over, and bursts of sad music played.

There was a sound of clanging in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. The entire back mountain was wrapped in a strong sword intent, and finally converged into an illusory sword, exuding an unparalleled killing intent, flying straight in the direction of the fall of the sword saint Mu Chen. go. , , .

Chapter 668 Zhang Tian breaks the sword with only one hand!

On the battlefield in the south, everyone saw Sword Saint Mu Chen attacking Venerable Blood Sword in the Soul Palace with a mighty force. The two of them were enveloped by a thick demonic energy, and no one could see the situation inside.

"Let's go, don't worry, Sword Saint Mu Chen's swordsmanship has already reached the realm of transformation, and it is definitely not comparable to this killer."

"That's right, Sword Saint Mu Chen has been in the East Wasteland for two thousand years, with invincible swordsmanship and a great reputation, how could he fail here."

The elders of the various factions in the coalition were talking loudly, making the appearance of trusting Sword Saint Mu Chen, but in fact there was hesitation in their eyes, especially the disciples of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, who were extremely nervous.

"Ah ah ah..."

Just as everyone was watching the results, a shrill scream suddenly came from the black mist of demonic energy, and it stopped abruptly.

Everyone was stunned, and before they could react, the black mist of demonic energy exploded, and countless blood rains flew out.

In the empty battle center, only the Blood Sword Venerable was alone.

" killed Sword Saint Mu Chen?"

A terrifying atmosphere enveloped the audience, and everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them. The dignified swordsman Mu Chen, the top three terrifying characters in the Eastern Wilderness Kendo, fell like this, and died in the hands of an unknown soul hall killer. .

"Retreat, or die."

The ruthless man made a hoarse voice, truly intimidating the audience with one enemy ten thousand.

"You killed Sword Saint Mu Chen, this is a catastrophe, the Five Mountains Sword Sect will not let you go! It will not let you go!"

An elder of the Five Sacred Sword Sect roared with red eyes. The Five Sacred Sword Sect established its sect with swords. It has never fallen out of the top ten in the Eastern Wilderness for millions of years. It has always been domineering and unparalleled.

"Let's go together and kill her!"

Another Wuyue Jianzong elder went mad. This person has the cultivation base of a holy king and is proficient in ripple sword intent. At this time, he is arrogant, and layers of sword intent spread out. Ripples, fierce and boundless.

"Kill! Kill her here!"

Many holy realm powerhouses agreed, and a powerful momentum rose into the sky.

"Seeking your own way."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man, and it turned into a sword light and rushed towards the elder of the Holy King Realm of the Five Mountains Sword Sect.


A sword slashed, without any fancy, just extremely fast, extremely heavy, wherever it passed, all the voids cracked and roared.


There was no room for parry, the elder was directly killed by the ruthless man, and the "Swallowing Devil Art" was running, and the sword soul was completely sucked out of his body. These ripple sword intents are quite delicate and can be transformed into her Used.

The slaughter resumed, and the ruthless man's sword light became more fierce and mysterious.

If you look closely, you can find that there are occasional wood-type sword intents in the sword stance, and occasionally there are layers of mountains and peaks like ripples, but she is fighting while refining the sword spirits of these two people.

Blood filled the air, and with the fall of the great saint who besieged the ruthless, the fear finally spread and bloomed in the hearts of everyone.

Just when the fighting spirit was about to collapse, an astonishing sword light suddenly illuminated the world, dispelling all the haze, as if all the light in the world had disappeared, leaving only this sword light.

"Is this the Heavenly Sword of the Five Mountains Sword Sect?"

Countless Eastern Desolate Ancient Clan Great Sects were disturbed, and some of the ancestors buried deep in the earth opened their dry eyes and looked into the vast void with a trace of horror in their eyes.

Any major power that can stand for less than a few hundred thousand years must have an earth-shattering trump card, such as the Five Hells God Formation in the Five Hells Cave, and the trump card of the Five Mountains Sword Sect is this Heavenly Sword!E-book bar

The Heavenly Sword is not an entity, but the sword heart of all the swordsmen of the Five Sacred Sword Sect. It can be said to be the sword of faith.After millions of years of devout sacrificial training, it has long been so powerful that it is comparable to the existence of sacrificial spirits.

The last time the Heavenly Sword was born was during the ancient Daohu battle. With just a ray of sword light, it blasted away the quasi-god emperor's peak Dongming ancestor, intimidating the audience.

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