After a lapse of one month, this divine sword that had been in dust for thousands of years was born again!

"Haha, the Five Sacred Mountains Heavenly Sword appeared, you must die!!"

An elder of the Five Sacred Sword Sect let out a frantic laugh, with a strong self-confidence in his eyes. This Heavenly Sword, which has been cultivated by the swordsmen of the Five Sacred Sword Sect of all dynasties, has been invincible for hundreds of thousands of years, and has never fallen.

"What a powerful sword."

Looking at the sword light slashing from the horizon, the ruthless man couldn't help showing a dignified expression, and a very dangerous feeling appeared in his heart.

Her intuition told her that if this sword exerted all its might, it could slay gods and demons!

Unless she uses the golden beginningless bell, she will definitely not be able to defend completely.

At the moment when the ruthless man hesitated, that day the sword was already flying, with the invincible might that swept across the Eight Wastelands, slashing down fiercely.

At this moment, the ruthless man suddenly had a golden light behind him, like a sun rising, shining across the sky, obscuring even the light of the Heavenly Sword.

"Dad is out."

Ruthless was startled, and immediately felt a familiar aura, Zhang Tian was supposed to be helping her, and she immediately felt relieved.


The golden light poured down, and a huge and boundless golden palm protruded from the crack.

The Heavenly Sword, which had fallen like a galaxy before, was as small as an ant in front of this golden palm, and was caught by the golden palm all of a sudden.


A loud bang broke out, and the Heavenly Sword was directly broken, turning into a little bit of aura and disappearing, completely losing its origin. At the same time, the void in a radius of thousands of miles, like a mirror, shattered inch by inch.


The Heavenly Sword was broken, and all the disciples of the Five Sacred Sword Sect spurted out a column of blood, looking sluggish. This Heavenly Sword was condensed from their sword hearts and was closely related to them. The destruction at this time also caused them to suffer heavy losses.

"You, you actually ruined the Heavenly Sword! This is a great sin, and I am the Five Mountains Sword Sect..."

A young Junjie from the Five Mountains Sword Sect gritted his teeth and said.

Before he finished speaking, a golden light flew straight over, as if to destroy him.


An old man who looked like a teacher next to the young Junjie exclaimed loudly, and did everything he could to shoot a sea of ​​runes, trying to fight against the light and save this Tianjiao disciple.


At the moment of contact with the golden light, the old man's arm exploded and turned into blood mist, and his disciple directly turned into a pool of blood mud, and his soul was destroyed.

"Everyone, get out!"

Zhang Tian's voice came out coldly, and the mighty emperor's might swept across the ten directions, like a turbulent wave, the infinite golden light rose up, and was photographed fiercely.

With the invincible power, end this holy war! , , .

Chapter 669 The first person in Donghuang: Zhang Tian!

A mighty Eastern Wilderness War ended quietly like this.

More than half of the [-] coalition troops were killed or injured, and the experts above the Holy Land were almost wiped out. This result made the entire Eastern Wilderness silent.

In particular, the fall of the three giant owls, the Dragon Bone God Emperor, the Mu Chen Sword Saint, and the Blood Demon Ancestor, brought a very heavy blow to the sect behind the three.

However, in the face of such a humiliating defeat, none of the ancient sect holy places wanted to fight back.

Not to mention the domineering young master of the Soul Palace, not to mention the indestructibility of the Five Prison Array, and not even to consider the existence of the Blood Sword Venerable.

Just the last golden hand and a roar containing infinite coercion were enough to make all the forces dispel the idea of ​​revenge.

The power in this roar almost shocked the entire Donghuang, and the power of the Hand Broken Heaven Sword means that he is enough to kill any so-called powerhouse in Donghuang. Who dares not be afraid?

In the final analysis, there is only one reason, that is, the background of Donghuang is too poor!

Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Xihuang, and Nanhuang are the main places where the four human races gather, and the Xihuang has the longest history. Like the Tantai Holy Land and the Yaoguang Holy Land, all the great forces that have been passed down for thousands of years come from Xihuang. The background is also the strongest.

The second is the Southern Wilderness, which was created by the Heavenly Fire Great Emperor five million years ago. The six ancient clans standing on the top of the Southern Wilderness are actually inherited from the Heavenly Fire Great Emperor and have a history of five million years.

Although Zhongzhou is not as good as the Western Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness in terms of overall heritage, it has been unified by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty for millions of years.

And Donghuang is more embarrassing, not only the background is not as good as the previous three, but also torn apart, fighting each other, and has always belonged to the bottom of the existence.

Therefore, although the major forces in the Eastern Wilderness shouted fiercely, they were actually very afraid of the Soul Palace in their hearts. After all, standing behind the Soul Palace was the Soul Clan, one of the six ancient clans in the Southern Wilderness!

They took it for granted that the owner of the big golden hand was the ancestor of the Soul Clan, but they didn't know that now the Southern Wilderness was in deep chaos, and the Soul Clan had even transferred back the Hou Qinghou, so how could they still have the heart to take care of Donghuang's affairs.

All kinds of reasons are superimposed, and the major forces have chosen to remain silent. While making people feel aggrieved, they can't help but give birth to a fighting spirit that is shameful and brave.

Especially the ancestor of Dongming, who is going through the fate of fate, has almost become the hope of the entire Donghuang. If there is an immortal emperor, Donghuang can be a little tougher in front of other wasteland.

In this warm-blooded atmosphere of preparing for the war, several elders of the Deity Academy visited Zhang Tian in the City of Liberty.

This visit can be described as solemn. There are two holy master-level ancestors here, but they dare not ask Zhang Tian, ​​or even dare to stand out. Everything is handed over to Fairy Yunxia and the Inner Court Master. Elder Wu Qingquan.

After all, these two are considered to have some friendship with Zhang Tian, ​​and they are more compatible. As for the others, even the Holy Master can only be regarded as a junior in front of the immortal God-Emperor-level Zhang Tian.

"Enforcement Tianzun is back?"

After listening to Yunxia's narration, Zhang Tian remembered some old things.About three or four years ago, that girl Zi Yan went to the inner courtyard to participate in a relic trial, and he also went, because it was more pleasing to the eye to see the law enforcement Tianzun, so he casually agreed to upgrade the Supreme Holy Body for him.

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