Zi Yan was as imposing as a rainbow, waving the bricks again and rushing towards the two dark golden beasts, and slapped wildly.



The two dark-gold beasts finally couldn't hold back under such a violent attack. Blood was oozing from their mouths, noses, eyes, and ears, and they let out a roaring roar, but that slab's voice was so loud that it was louder than them. , give them lungs to explode.


In the last blow, Zi Yan used a full six points of strength, and the bricks bloomed on the heads of the two beasts at the same time, smashing the skulls into a pulp, completely silent.

"It's falling apart, I'm going to fall apart..." Brick yelled, a carp flipped over from Zi Yan's hand and wanted to run.

"Honey, where are you going!"

Zi Yan stomped her foot, stepped on the brick directly on the sole of her foot, and slammed it hard, making a more tragic sound of killing pigs.

"Boss, I was wrong, spare my life, I'm going to be crushed..." The bricks were dying, as if they were really dying.

Zi Yan just picked it up and said angrily, "Do you dare to run?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, you will be my boss from now on. The boss is a master of martial arts, peerless..." Brick was very bachelor, and immediately nodded to Zi Yan and flattered.

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other immemorial relics were ashamed for a while, this broken stone is really fine, and they can say such shameless words.

"Hum, hum, it's almost the same. From today, I'll call you Little Stone. Follow me, and it will be of great benefit in the future!" Zi Yan smiled and bent her eyes, and seemed to be very useful to this unspoken flattery. .

"The boss has boundless magic power and vast supernatural powers. As soon as he makes a move, the small stone can follow you and it is a blessing from ten generations of cultivation..." Banzhuan praised for a while, and then suddenly said: "Can the boss hide these two secrets? The golden beast was swallowed by the small stone?"

"Huh?" Zi Yan was originally smiling, but when she heard this, she suddenly raised her eyebrows, showing a suffocating look in her eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, Boss, Little Stone wants these two golden beasts not for himself, but for you, Boss!" Banzhuan quickly changed his words.

"Tell me why." Zi Yan opened her mouth, revealing two sharp little tiger teeth.

Brick suddenly jolted, feeling that this was the biggest crisis in his life, and his strong desire to survive made him hurriedly say: "As long as I devour enough gods, I can evolve into a god-killing stone! That is the most powerful stone in our stone world. The existence of a god can kill even gods, only in this way is it worthy of your status as the boss!" ,, . . .

Chapter 673 The way of this emperor's daughter is unstoppable by the king of gods!

"Hit the god stone?"

Zi Yan's eyes rolled, and she immediately said, "Then you can swallow one and show it to me. If you don't make any progress, I will throw you into the cesspool and smoke you to death."

"Okay, boss!"

The tile was in high spirits, jumping onto a dark-gold behemoth, and the lower part of it slammed into a huge crack, swallowed continuously, and chewed crunchly.

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and the others were speechless for a while, this little witch and Shishi are all freaks, and they are not afraid of heaven and earth.

"Okay, show me your skills."

After eating one, Xiao Shi still wanted to eat the other, but was pulled back by Zi Yan, staring fiercely at it.

Brick said silently: "Boss, this thing is not enough for me to stick between my teeth, how can it be improved significantly, at least I have to swallow [-]."

"Go, go, I don't even have to eat the spoils of the prodigal family, and you won't eat anything in the future."

Zi Yan was very angry, and kicked the bricks out with one foot. She didn't think that hitting the god stone was any great, and it was so edible that it was not worthwhile to keep it.

"Boss, boss, I was wrong. In the future, you can eat meat and leave the bones to me." Banzhuidi ran back, nodded and said.

"It's about the same." Zi Yan nodded, she has always eaten meat, and has no habit of chewing on bones.

"By the way, I haven't asked yet, how did you become a sperm?"

Zi Yan asked casually while setting up a cauldron, intending to stew another dark gold beast.

Banzhuan watched with excitement, and when he heard the question, he quickly said: "Reporting to the boss, I was originally a stubborn stone. One day, two strong men fought in the Shenyuan Garden. The turbulence, splashed some, and just landed on me. Then, slowly, I channeled."

"Is the ancient spring so magical?" Zi Yan asked with her eyes wide open.

"Of course, the Spring of Youth is as famous as the Bitter Spirit Fruit of Longevity. It has the power to penetrate the sky and the earth, and it can help people comprehend the Dao."

Brick grinned, opened and closed, and at the same time looked at the dark golden beast in the cauldron, his saliva was about to flow out.

"It's so amazing, then let's go in quickly, don't be taken away by that little girl's film if it's too late."

Zi Yan was a little anxious, grabbed the dark golden beast in the pot and tore off a big piece and ate it, and at the same time divided some bricks and those ancient relics.

"Everyone eat quickly, and after you finish eating, follow me to grab the fountain of immortality!" Zi Yan waved her little hand and said very domineeringly.

"Follow your orders!" Brick was rude, and threw himself directly onto the large piece of leg meat, swallowing it up.

"Gu dong, gu dong..."

Seeing Zi Yan and Banzhuan eating sour and sour, Chilong, Bi Fang and other ancient relics couldn't help swallowing, looked at each other, and all of them resolutely picked up a piece of meat and ate it.

"What an amazing energy, it is indeed the flesh and blood of the servants mixed with the source of the gods, comparable to the medicine of the gods."

Zhu Qian let out a loud cry, and there was a subtle glow of Shen Xi on his body. After just taking two bites, his qi and blood increased by a large amount, and he had to say that the blood of gods was terrifying.

"Also, rare and strange, the real meat is much better than this."

Zi Yan killed [-]% of the flesh and blood of the servants alone, leaned comfortably on the big bluestone, and looked at the ancient relics with the appearance of a bun.Starting point Chinese www.qdzw.cc

She ate too much, and the heat wave in her body was rolling, rumbling and rumbling, pounding in the flesh and blood, and the essence even escaped from the top of her head, soaring into the sky, and her cultivation level improved a bit.

Bi Fang, Chi Long and other immemorial relics looked at each other and were a little ashamed. Compared with this little witch, they really didn't have a face, and the so-called glorious deeds in the past were not worth mentioning at all.

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