"Okay, now come with me to find the fountain of youth."

Zi Yan stood up straight, and walked towards the Shenyuan in high spirits, where there was a restriction that divided the Shenyuan into two parts, the inner and outer parts, and the soul could not pass through.

"Go, fuck it!"

Zhu Qian uttered a foul language, strode forward, and the rest of the Heavenly Ancient Relics followed with red eyes.

But it was this divine blood that had just reached the sun, and it was like secular spirits.


Breaking through the barrier, the scene in front of you suddenly opened up, a beautiful scenery, and the rich spiritual energy rushed toward the face like waves.

Everyone looked at it and saw that the inner garden was not very big, only a few hundred feet long and wide, surrounded by lush grass and lush green trees. The brilliance can be felt extraordinary just by looking at it.

At this time, there was a figure approaching slowly by the Shenquan Pool. The image on the back was a young girl with purple hair that was very straight and straight down to her waist, outlining her amazingly slender body.Even if you only look at one back, you know that she must be a beautiful woman.

However, Zi Yan knew that this guy was definitely not a human race, because she was shrouded in a strong Shen Xi, like a purple sun, full of vigor and blood, like an ancient mountain, and it was daunting.

"Sure enough, it's the one from Tianshen Mountain!"

Seeing the girl's back, Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other immemorial relics shuddered violently, and all of a sudden they woke up with expressions of incomparable fear.

"Boss, that is the fountain of youth. It is said that as long as you drink a drop, you can stay young forever and your face will not grow old! Let's go grab it!" Banzhuan shouted loudly, looking eager to try.

"Okay, you go to explore the way first."

Zi Yan was very black-bellied. After speaking, without waiting for the bricks to react, she threw him in with force, targeting the back of the purple-haired girl's head.

"Ah, it's going to be broken, it's going to be broken..."

Brick made a scream like killing chickens and ducks, but under the powerful strength of Zi Yan, she rushed straight to the back of the purple-haired girl's head.

Just when Banzhuan was still a few feet away from the purple-haired girl, a powerful field force came crashing down and slammed into Banzhuan.


There was a loud bang, and the bricks flew back at a faster speed.

"It's broken, it's broken, my body is broken..." Brick yelled, but it was actually very strong, without the slightest damage.

On the contrary, the purple-haired girl was staggered forward by the aftermath of the explosion, and was suddenly pressed by the force of the domain to spit out a mouthful of blood, and her lungs were about to explode!

In the Hall of Void Heaven, Gu Taxian couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when he saw this scene, and smiled bitterly: "This is troublesome, that purple-haired girl is the most beloved daughter of the God King Yuntian, and has always been a tyrant in the king's world. Thinking of her being in this restricted area, I was negligent."

Zhang Tian glanced at him and said in a low voice, "Even if it's a god king, it's not worthy to stand in the way of this emperor's daughter. If you run into it, you can just run over it."

In the words, there is unparalleled domineering. , , .

Chapter 674 The Sword Point of the Emperor Burying the Heavens

Gu Taxian's body was shaken, and he was terrified by the overbearing words in Zhang Tian's words. After all, he was young, and he had never experienced the chaotic world of gods and demons, and he had never experienced the turbulent years when the Emperor Buried Heaven ruled the heavens and fought in the forbidden areas of mountains and seas. .

If the group of old people who opened up the ancient heaven were here, they would only sneer at the mere God King Yuntian and not take it seriously. Even if it is a god emperor, how many are suppressed by the dust, annihilated in the world, not to mention Speaking of the mere god king, it is not worth mentioning at all.

This can’t be blamed on Gu Taxian. After all, the bloodline of the Protoss is too noble and powerful, and it has dominated the universe for hundreds of millions of eras. Except for those who witnessed the destruction of the God Realm and the gods fell to the altar, even if they are in the human race The latecomers of the prosperous age are still full of reverence for the gods.

After settling down, Gu Taxian said: "The Emperor of Heaven does not know, although Tianshen Mountain is a power of the gods, he has always kept his duty and never participated in the disputes between people, demons and foreign races. Yuntian God King is one of the four god kings of Tianshen Mountain. , and has always been friendly to the human race. She said hello to me before and asked me to help take care of her daughter, but this..."

Gu Taxian looked at the purple-haired girl and Zi Yan who were fighting against each other in the picture, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Zhang Tian frowned slightly, glanced at him lightly, and said solemnly: "Gu Taxian, remember one thing, the Protoss is willing to befriend the Human Race, not because the Protoss is kind, but because the Human Race is stronger than the Protoss! Because they Only by being close to the human race can you survive in this universe! You don’t need to be close to the god race because of this.”

Zhang Tian's tone is very heavy. Under his command, the human race has been strong for tens of millions of years, and is number one among the ten thousand races, but in fact, when facing the gods or some powerful ancient races, they still feel inferior.From Zhang Tian's point of view, the tragedy of the human race is nothing more than this.

This is the most regrettable thing in his life as the Lord of Heaven, as the Emperor of the Human Race, and as the Emperor of Burial.

"My subordinate understands."

Gu Taxian lowered his head, and his face was a little red. He was never soft in defending against alien races, but subconsciously placed the Protoss above the Human Race. Now he was awakened by Zhang Tian and felt ashamed.

"Keep watching."

Zhang Tian turned his gaze to the ancient mirror in front of him again, and there was a hint of relief in his eyes. Fortunately, this bad habit did not appear on his daughter.

In the Primordial Divine Garden, the purple-haired girl was powerful after all. Although she was attacked, she quickly stabilized her body. A terrifying killing intent erupted from her body, causing the surrounding void to tremble.

"Lord Witch, let's withdraw. It really annoys this guy. That's a big disaster."

Chi Long stammered, but he was a few tens of feet tall, but he was cowardly in front of this girl-like deity.

She is the daughter of the god king, with the blood of the god king flowing in her body, which is stronger than the blood of the true god.

"What about the daughter of the king of gods, the fountain of immortality is mine, even if the daughter of the emperor of heaven dares to rob me today, I will knock her down!"

Xiao Ziyan said very domineeringly, she still has the world master order given to her by Zhang Tian in her pocket, and she can order the master of the virtual world to do one thing. With this treasure in her body, she is not afraid of any gods. The king's daughter.

"Little devil, you succeeded in angering me."

The purple-haired girl did not look back, but her voice came out coldly, like a ding dong in a clear spring, which was very pleasant to the ear, but revealed a terrifying killing intent, which made people shudder.

Bi Fang, Zhu Qian and other immemorial relics shivered in unison. They who are often in the virtual world of war knew very well how terrifying this queen was when she got angry.

"You are the little devil, little fat man, come out and fight me if you have the guts!"

Zi Yan shouted loudly, and at the same time, her big black eyes rolled straight. She carefully observed the four directions, and her intuition told her that there is a very terrifying field in the Spring of Youth that is guarded and cannot be acted rashly.

"You, dare you say I'm fat?"

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